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First Fully CMOS-Integrated 3D Hall Probe[EPFL/2005]

發表於 2007-6-11 22:34:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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4 Q( w" V/ ]8 d# ]1 `* o1 ]) n9 O* a3 P3 p. _
6 H* \( L# L, t( w% Q' z
ABSTRACT+ i& d4 r* p5 L: T2 G: M4 n
In this paper, we present a new planar fluxgate
% @4 u0 t$ S  e& c. U3 z" w9 Cmagnetometer structure. The sensor has the
+ f9 u0 q# s& S0 r0 N0 g0 P8 Oorthogonal fluxgate configuration which makes the; w8 j  _2 A9 F
detection part independent of the excitation
$ ]. ^+ p* p9 J' O% z* c# H1 Qmechanism. The sensor consists of a ferromagnetic  ]5 r" X7 }0 Z) y) W# _
cylindrical core covering an excitation rod, and
2 H6 u4 s# X4 Z' [7 yplanar coils for signal detection. The fabricated2 }- d! Q3 Z* D$ Y
sensor has a linear range of ±250 μT, a sensitivity6 O: M3 k! i6 `9 P2 A# U" Q
of 4.3 mV/mT, and a perming below 400 nT for! M* G; I# C# P# ~; _; \3 D
200 mA peak sinusoidal excitation current at
, V3 v- W  \' U. K' U" L100 kHz. The effect of demagnetization on the) ~! K+ W# H3 {
sensitivity, linear range, and perming for this
4 h3 p) m0 M$ {# {& Ostructure is demonstrated by varying the length of" o5 W) V- g  V1 K
the ferromagnetic core.) t. A6 y+ R! ?6 b$ n# K4 g8 }- ?
, a7 A, l- l- l, d6 u* f
- ]/ a0 K2 O# S0 ?! N
  {% Q6 _4 s) [In this paper we report on a 32x32 optical imager/ c8 ~7 s+ J! V8 T2 h6 y
based on single photon avalanche diodes integrated in
& Y. r" C# N* G6 X: K5 TCMOS technology. The maximum measured dynamic4 s0 s! K5 A- p" `3 o
range is 120dB and the minimum noise equivalent8 h/ Q' L  y- K- l# X  P% |
intensity is 1.3x10-3lx. The minimum integration time# F: {8 T' H; d
per pixel is 4􀁐s. The output of each pixel is digital,
# \0 [" G6 R0 {# U1 D% {thereby requiring no complex read-out circuitry, no
/ E6 d% d( ]2 a! Aamplification, no sample & hold, and no ADC.
: k* c0 e/ `/ U5 e6 S$ I, S& `# F9 c, `* z( `4 t2 O$ i
" I0 n/ a- b$ }+ M! P
' R% z/ l( V( O5 Z$ r1 h6 Q, U
ABSTRACT7 E, \7 I2 t& e( w  r
We present the first fully CMOS-integrated 3D% t5 Y" _* _" M" M; x- Z
Hall probe. The microsystem is developed for precise& P% d+ `+ J  b
magnetic field measurements in the range from" Q; G( C! D+ H, s
militeslas up to tens of tesla in the frequency range9 x) k; O' R3 a, M/ \
from DC to 30 kHz and a spatial resolution of about
% ^# w" f" d8 U( I* L! ^$ W! c150 μm. Microsystem is realized in a conventional$ Y: d. J. {) X; c
CMOS process without any additional processing step& p4 b- F) `' X
and can be manufactured at very low cost. With the. x0 z. A9 }1 Y+ p2 a9 W
electronics circuit applying the so-called spinningcurrent
7 W+ x; T* {4 o% x1 S5 B( A: I2 Ttechnique to the Hall sensor block, we obtain
% [2 v7 T. h9 Olow noise (a resolution better than 100 μT) and low
4 r0 D. n; K" x5 r. scross talk between the channels (less than 0.2%7 V# {( _2 r- o, |6 w
between the channels up to 2 T). The single chip
0 S1 v" A, \4 L$ i! h8 l2 t2 sconfiguration insures a precision of the orthogonality
, m( u3 P, f# ^1 |. k. W2 pbetween the measurement axes better than 0.5°. A9 J1 v0 Q. n, B! x  S9 u/ G
temperature sensor based on band-gap cell is integrated
$ \" g( l. G0 l& x6 S9 V  Kdirectly on the chip, which allows a good temperature* t1 a7 a. K. u- s1 U5 W
drift compensation of the system.0 o; G1 a+ I% t, v- f5 a

5 b# l8 J6 j6 O& e' ]# S
, y* l! e, Q: Z! d7 b
& K) ^6 g* ]3 G9 {9 p- R
Magnetic sensors having submicrometer spatial resolution/ W4 a% P# e  Y4 `- ~$ v
are key elements in several fundamental studies as well4 _; z& o8 y. m/ g& C8 T
as industrial applications.1–4 Hall effect devices are emerging
: v, b- T! Z3 J' f" Xas one of the most suitable solutions.4–9 The ordinary Hall
$ q7 c$ u' G0 r' k0 V: G9 F) [* Aeffect is due to the Lorentz force acting on charge carriers in
9 D( N, ?* B; O2 bmetals, semi-metals, and semiconductors.5 Magnetic materials3 D* r3 g; @# z! g, R' O; L
show additional “Hall phenomena” which are, generally* X4 I+ L8 k# {! J5 I
speaking, generated by spin–orbit interactions: the so-called
5 [) Y: x2 o5 Oextraordinary10–16 and planar Hall effects.17–
  ~, |; H0 b- q  `) k/ F3 b$ N4 G2 L% z0 q

& q6 c2 s# c5 X/ Q2 {& B
' t( X  H' |( K$ xWe developed a LODESR spectrometer based on a miniaturized Hall sensor and a
5 ^) T4 S+ l' `5 v* O! |. fresonant cavity tuned at 14 GHz. We used InSb cross-shaped Hall devices (designed and2 Y8 ?4 |. R1 P
fabricated in collaboration with Asahi Corporation) with active areas down to (7 μm)2. The/ q% P0 _. u! l1 U5 @: Y
Hall sensor is inserted in the cavity within a hole.
8 ?# h8 S& ]2 ^. ^) x5 pCoupling between the microwave power (guided wave) and the cavity is achieved by using
9 ?: {/ ^4 h& }7 Zan iris.We adjusted the iris diameter and the cavity dimension such that the resonant+ U3 G6 U$ r5 M" A
frequency is about 14 GHz. Our final design has a 4.36 mm diameter aperture. The Hall
" w; u' w( {6 s/ k' k$ {% ~device does not significantly change the Q-factor and the resonance frequency of the cavity.8 ?+ N! j, ^  y3 _* P. w2 `
The quality factor Q of the cavity is about 104.$ p9 p8 l+ p: K! t/ |( U" J
4 }  h( G7 G0 Y: Y- c; W1 t3 p8 q

- Q+ K" F! q# J' c6 d8 PAbstract—In this paper, we present a low-power, two-axis fluxgate$ D9 N! d6 k- J: x9 {$ ^" Y
magnetometer. The planar sensor is integrated in a standard6 y& O* K9 |% ^( i1 o) s
CMOS process, which provides metal layers for the coils and2 R  Y" n6 a9 T5 p( ]8 t
electronics for the signal extraction and processing. The ferromagnetic8 X' x& \: v5 c7 T4 O
core is placed diagonally above the four excitation coils
4 Y9 r( F9 Z4 Y7 e% A/ qby a compatible photolithographic post process, performed on
; ^0 ^" ~* `7 p4 g5 D% Va whole wafer. The sensor works using the single-core principle,
$ j% W9 R3 V( B) F) B6 bwith a modulation technique to lower the noise and the offset4 }0 u7 T$ {& |) r% G
at the output. In contrast to traditional fluxgate approaches, the
/ O* i8 r# M7 ~  t9 v+ Zsensor features a high degree of integration and minimal power
; Y& @) X7 |! t  p4 T4 ~1 wconsumption at 2.5 V of supply voltage that makes it suitable' ~! g- M; D* V3 k
for portable applications. A novel digital feedback principle is" E4 K' b7 [9 p5 E# f% b6 f
integrated to linearize the sensor characteristics and to extend the
/ [( ~5 y- C. Y  M0 R" ^; |linear working range.5 E7 p: r$ e% B8 v

- H( W3 S8 ~; s
# H; p: @3 I$ M- n) J
1 n0 c# f+ Y( W/ @A microscopic four-point probe 4PP for resistivity measurements on thin films was designed and
: r) @5 B: e  O8 j8 Q: Zfabricated using the negative photoresist SU-8 as base material. The device consists of four  o0 e; ^0 m. C: ~8 W
microscopic cantilevers, each of them supporting a probe tip at the extremity. The high flexibility of' `4 j" C+ x# D. Q5 w* Z
SU-8 ensures a stable electrical point contact between samples and probe tip with all four electrodes: i; [) @3 J2 x5 P9 z2 I5 H
even on rough surfaces. With the presented surface micromachining process, 4PPs with a  u: y8 y% e& S2 E
probe-to-probe spacing of 10–20 m were fabricated. Resistivity measurements on thin Au, Al, and( k/ e$ K! O% E% _! N" D
Pt films were performed successfully. The measured sheet resistances differ by less than 5% from; Y5 V' S- x, P" s9 q7 f
those obtained by a commercial macroscopic resistivity meter. Due to the low contact forces
8 s7 K, j& M! f9 ~8 j; O' fFcont10−4 N, the 4PP is suitable to be applied also to fragile materials such as conducting
1 ~: ^* T$ z0 _1 O# f+ F2 \# i# _polymers. Here the authors demonstrate the possibility of performing resistivity measurements on
& r1 @% Y4 Q$ ]5 h100-nm-thick pentacene C22H14 films with a sheet resistance Rs106 /. © 2005 American
( F4 r- K. Y9 ^  ~6 {Institute of Physics.
0 b8 Z- K" |# i' I; ]; Z
8 x, K* Y' f- u  ^) ^# V
, p2 p& H. u) l$ `' n

+ _4 U* @) q! a* p1 g: t& u  B: h& W  X5 r
We present here a novel concept to perform NMR spectroscopy: Confining the sample within
4 F4 G% B! _5 X1 J0 |' Nartificial vesicles, which are structured on the surface of a microfabricated planar detection
& k! _6 E3 {1 z& n9 r" Y2 \" scoil. Different vesicle patterns show the improvement of the NMR performance, when$ _" H5 p! @% t' {/ r
structuring the sample in areas of homogenous RF field.5 U  s: Q8 n& @

" H0 W9 h9 D* T) R( z( c! V, O' v: b. }* ~" F& E7 ~# D4 o9 u5 ]

( t4 n+ O% D/ |7 TWe developed an inductive system to measure the surface concentration of superparamagnetic  b) Y% }( M# ]3 [* a5 E  H
microbeads resulting from a bioassay. Our tabletop apparatus, tested with Dynal MyOne™
9 k& |9 ?6 J' _3 z+ S, S# ?2 Fmicrobeads, has a detection limit of about 1000 beads/Hz1/2 i.e., about 21010 Bohr magnetons.
9 s9 ]1 {) q5 z& HThe system can measure surface concentrations from 0.01% to 100% over the 6 mm2 sensitive area: p6 C5 J$ w5 n. Q; h
with an integration time of 1 s. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.: o' @( _5 O2 ~. _

( B1 x9 F( T' _$ _
, O0 Q+ f  A* _7 I% `[ 本帖最後由 mt7344 於 2007-6-11 10:47 PM 編輯 ]


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