NewDesign of ATCXOSuitable for IC+ a$ W- Y: S- U, r+ Z; C% O+ _! n
LIANGXun,HUANGXian-he,FAN Yan-hong,TAN feng,LI Min-qiang
7 r2 v2 l2 {) v# N# o q" \- n(School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China,Chengdu 6 10 0 54 ,China)- E; c0 ?2 r# U2 F" t
Abstract:A new design of A T C X O w h ich is suitable for integrate circuit is presented .A nd th e m ethod to design the com pensator is introduced.T he new type of A T C X O can reduce phase noise and dow nsize these T C X O s w hich is suitable for IC an d m ass-produce.T h is com pensated m ethod is suitable for m obile com m unication, especially in celluar phones.T he experim ental com pensated results indicate that:the oscillator has achieved ±1.5×10- 6 /0℃∼70℃.
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