是的,也是vi *.sum file會看到的。
% @' h) P5 ~2 H7 x( Q
, w. J- r! F5 ^9 {至於這兩個section代表的意思,你可以參考這段話。我是從Dracula Command Reference Guide copy出來的。3 U4 P- ]3 W3 J: u+ C
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 V- s7 g0 C8 `. W' I: D' h
The “All Error Cells” section lists all output error cells specified in an HDRC or DRC spacing8 A1 {0 N2 l9 [9 b/ Z: [1 x
check command, whether or not Dracula creates any error cells.
( ?8 w$ q9 ^: y# d0 R7 |
( l% b7 M+ q; Q; L I* z, _The “Output Cell Summary” section of the error summary file has entries containing the
8 _6 D, j, `' E9 _/ C, vfollowing items:1 s& O* t6 l0 f- e
.Error cell names and corresponding layer numbers generated by HDRC/DRC spacing
7 S0 I+ m! p) ?8 W p2 Bchecks that generate error segments to be sent to the composite plane4 r/ j7 v3 q& a5 G, a- c1 L
.The minimum and maximum X and Y composite plane coordinates of the smallest
! J/ c) H9 M' D* }- V0 t' q/ Lwindow containing the error segments4 Q1 w( p: Y& b& [( e, ~
.The number of error segments output to the error cell. In flat mode, Dracula sends all% K% \5 u1 k# K' t2 V
error segments to error cells. While in hierarchical mode, Dracula outputs some error! G/ K" k( g' c0 e t/ E! s! p! O$ U+ J) u
segments to error cells and some to Hcell error cells, as explained in the “HRDC Output: f8 ~2 R- C$ U
Error Format” section./ ?% ~- K# A* P. {, q5 u
+ H' M, x' k: X$ ` Z# F+ [& C範例:
. j2 A0 z' l' q. f% b*********************************************************/# K* U+ F6 {" [
*/N* DRACULA3 (REV. 4.3 /SUN-4 /GENDATE: 16-AUG-95/07)
$ ~8 O% P. E8 X*** (Copyright 1995, Cadence) ***
, o5 N" M/ ]1 r9 l*/N* EXEC TIME =12:21:30 DATE = 18-AUG-95
2 A% H9 z" `$ J********************************************************4 Z- d& K" Q% j5 D' s
------------------ ALL ERROR CELLS LISTING ----------------
4 X" g+ v0 @! s6 ]$ cD529829 D5610B32 PPCPW28 D5314A30 D5314B30& f- ^0 c/ |' {1 U
D52729 D531330 BAD1FF28 D524A29 D523A29* ?% ]3 u( J1 U% k6 [! \' \. n
D52629 D57133 D52229 D523B29 D524B29
$ o: L5 |; t% r6 w }4 d9 CD52529 D52829 D531A30 D531B30 D532A301 b" F) ^8 u4 L3 ]* N5 S5 x; x
D532A230 D53330 D534A30 D535A30 D536A309 e+ ~/ ?; t; U5 z
D536B30 D536C30 D53930 D55131 D55231
* T" u8 |( b4 Y" YD55331 D55431 D55531 D56132 D561B320 A! i* o. r; B% _/ `7 H
D56232 D56332 D561132 D56732 D56432
, X9 D3 K/ U( x4 w1 h/ k6 bD561232 D56832 D569A32 D569B32 D5610A327 B1 M) D: w4 t8 r4 ]8 c& x
D57233 D573A33 D57433 D57533 D576A336 f# w: J9 R8 R7 z. J
D576833 D58234 D58334 D58434 D58534+ y8 ]% E' Z( v
D59135 D928D35 D593A35 D593B35 D596A35( t) m( Y$ R* G4 T9 i( D& b
D596B35 D599A35 D510135 D510235 D5103A35
1 [& f9 J$ M5 }& B$ O/ aD5103B35 D5103C35 D5103D35 D510535 D510735! i6 B+ c& O9 [
D510835 D5131A36 D5131B36 D5132A36 D5132B35
: H) b0 [ @; W! L* \ dD5132C36 D5133A36 D513336 D5133B36 D133C136$ b: y* n7 Q& |1 h
D133C236 D5134A36 D5134B36 D5134C36 D513536
1 U) X4 `8 V' [ ^1 i0 y% n1 `D5136A36 D5136B36 D513836 D5139A36 D5139B36; T$ u0 a' r& Q) P& @
D1310A36 D1310B36 D5131136 D1312A36 D1312B36
/ s: s2 B+ R& I5 MD131436 D515137 D515237 D515337 D5133C378 w+ x5 d$ g* g0 T3 g* h- w
D514437! k8 B! g0 ]) k Z1 f! d* U' B
BEGIN AT TIME = 06:11:51 DATE = 16-AUG-95
3 I( w; \, ^# s! t, ]) m5 A
% X, a; J- K4 z/ ]" F. C' K4 Y0 ~-------------------- OUTPUT CELL SUMMARY ---------------------- {6 \. T. q2 L% E" ]3 L3 t
CELL-NAME LAYER # -------- WINDOW --------
0 x! c7 ]- |) o9 @1 W4 B5 l+ R(LINE SEGMENTS)9 N8 w5 t6 W! G" {3 K) Q
D5314B30 30 -703.500 -1015.500 865.000 752.00 2
+ p/ l4 \+ w0 `4 u0 U; vD57133 33 -651,000 -1165,000 830.500 -978.50 34( j$ k, J( w5 ]
D523B29 29 -1301.500 -1293.000 1049.500 1143.00 538, u* H) p+ Z2 f2 {2 [
D534A30 30 -938.500 -1309.500 1310.000 907.50 238
$ c% t4 e: n) W! X1 w# b" M wD535A30 30 -1037.500 -1309.550 1310.050 917.00 2801 B2 R) ~' P* n/ p5 q8 g* N
: k, U% ?; \) E: [* k. R3 U1 ?" _2 s1 m- L! h8 a) N
希望這樣可以幫祝你瞭解。0 Y+ w' t( q- Z5 k
1 Y- U: I% \9 Q! |& b) w0 N* ^
Veteran |