各位VHDL高手們,小弟寫了個6 X 64的記憶體,不過我試用實際的硬體電路來思考,並非使用軟體陣列的方式,如下:6 ^- e7 ^; m/ g* H* {6 u
我設計了一個decoder for column address selection,一個decoder for row address selection,然後使用generate產生64個latch陣列,但是現在我不知道該如何指定我的腳位,懇請各位給點意見,謝謝!* P/ R4 q; k& f
" m) |, A& T2 I- t1 @8 m
LIBRARY ieee;/ ~# k6 M/ @ N0 e' l
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
/ V7 V7 K: U9 C. l7 h# W* L$ O& }USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;" _% b( W U& G1 J
( ?9 G% ?( H6 T4 Q8 s) Q
ENTITY memory_64 IS
6 A% G' o* I I; Z8 K PORT(
+ R, |" ]: i( t/ g: z. N mem_in : IN std_logic_vector ( 5 DOWNTO 0 );
6 K8 I# J: {9 w# F' ]8 d9 {' R mem_out : OUT std_logic_vector ( 5 DOWNTO 0 );) _- r- ]+ k7 {! D
clr_l : IN std_logic; r; {$ G1 b( u; M& U @3 I: ~
mem_addr : IN std_logic_vector ( 5 DOWNTO 0 )0 m! r5 x$ b, R- g
6 p4 Z1 N+ ^* L( ]! U% R- m w! g4 Q2 b. H4 t" [
-- Declarations# L1 J/ g2 t& r Z/ `7 R
; a; r! Z& s1 z3 M9 SEND memory_64 ;; N, f( I3 w& E; r8 w0 O
8 o' h" v6 `; J0 Z/ c0 {3 V
--8 k% ^* ^' A1 n+ |/ } a
ARCHITECTURE arch OF memory_64 IS' S0 ^! O/ U9 W1 v( |- v
-- column decoder
4 p! U8 e. Z- |component mem_coldec
2 d' M d4 x, B% V PORT( - \; \' S6 X. F" \ \; O; V$ }
col_addr : IN std_logic_vector ( 2 DOWNTO 0 );2 S1 X0 B, B$ L) y4 n0 o( @
col_sel : OUT std_logic_vector ( 7 DOWNTO 0 )
# @% U8 J* R C& G, _ ]. [. p" V );
5 b" X* d, b/ d2 yend component;
0 d7 G# [( l: L" w-- row decoder' Z; C. `* c2 P! A4 | Q/ D( ?6 y
component mem_rowdec
2 y; n3 G# h4 G# l PORT(
F# |3 H6 Q0 h5 u row_addr : IN std_logic_vector ( 2 DOWNTO 0 );3 C a1 ^7 \: ^& L
row_sel : OUT std_logic_vector ( 7 DOWNTO 0 )
: v9 s# |. m5 s: p );. ^" {5 y3 T0 k! g2 [
end component;
- H0 e! y7 R) j# F9 k- B-- latch array - F" C& A. Z9 C j
component latch_cell
" ^7 w& B5 f, ] C PORT( 7 t: b s9 ?6 S; d7 g+ c
clr_l : IN std_logic;
* f1 q& v& U `4 p col_sel : IN std_logic;; R4 j# E8 z% z# }7 a4 T
row_sel : IN std_logic;
6 S, L9 d; H g/ Q P* W: h data_in : IN std_logic_vector ( 5 DOWNTO 0 );% Z- ^- s% ]$ n. Q
data_out : OUT std_logic_vector ( 5 DOWNTO 0 )
# H& P- [7 S1 T+ z3 W1 ~4 z );( [9 q- [: b) Q: [3 f
end component;
9 ? y) I% y7 n5 f' p- y! F$ B( \: ] C X: r: w, r2 M
signal smem_out : std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0 );
% z! F) v1 C" y2 \1 G. `" K/ _0 ~signal scol_sel,srow_sel : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );0 N, j" k0 `" c% U% _/ ^. k
BEGIN/ U! y0 M% D: P o; q$ N! _* x* e
u_0 : mem_coldec port map(mem_addr( 5 downto 3 ),scol_sel);( G' g9 L' ^( X% N# i& l! |$ R
u_1 : mem_rowdec port map(mem_addr( 2 downto 0 ),srow_sel); {% s; F P( c
g0 : for i in 0 to 7 generate -- column generate
- z% J* W. y# W8 O% [8 H5 n g1 : for j in 0 to 7 generate -- row generate
+ y$ b4 f+ @/ Q u_2 : latch_cell port map(clr_l,scol_sel(j),srow_sel(i),mem_in,smem_out);* \: r5 c# D; u5 X" @+ h" L2 J
end generate;
! A( L# n- R9 d1 V& y end generate;
9 y2 ?7 T) @. G3 ^# dEND ARCHITECTURE arch; |