工研院產業科技國際策略發展所所長蘇孟宗表示,全球已進入人工智慧(AI)、物聯網(IoT)、雲端(Cloud)、社媒大數據(Social Big Data)所主導的第四次產業革命,數位化已改變所有產業,未來產業核心的商業價值會來自於透過數位平台並整合人工智慧、物聯網、區塊鏈等創新科技,發展創新商業模式,台灣的機會應在於發展「應用與服務」。工研院產業科技國際策略發展所,以「掌握全球產業與科技趨勢,引領台灣產學研國際發展策略的推手」作為願景,致力於發展產業分析手法,包括產業預測、產業群聚、產業關聯分析等,運用客觀的數據、科學的方法、定量的呈現事實,提供政府與業界決策時的參考。
在產業預測方面,工研院運用台灣製造業趨勢預測模型(IEKCQM, Current Quarterly Model),估計2018年台灣製造業產值年成長率將為3.27%,其中以化學工業最為看好,年成長率達5.75%;工研院也運用哈佛管理學院的產業群聚(Cluster Mapping)分析,盤點台灣七大分區、八大智慧應用的優劣勢,協助政府及地方首長打造具特色的智慧城鄉生活圈。此外,工研院運用諾貝爾經濟學獎得主Leontief開創的產業關聯分析(Input-Output Analysis),解構台灣半導體產業與各產業部門間相互依存關係,推算2017年台灣半導體產值24,623億元,可額外創造上下游產業共1.13倍產值與2.31倍的就業機會,可作為政府產業發展政策的參考依據。
The Industrial and Technological Research Institute held the '2018 Industry Key Trend Report and IEK Industry Information Network New Service Presentation Conference' yesterday (8/14), hosted by Su Mengzong, Director of the Industrial Technology International Strategy Development Institute of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, and the Industrial Analysis Team conducted the semiconductor for the second half of the year. Industry trend forecasting, emerging southbound industrial market observations and integration with the publication of new services. We hope to help companies accurately grasp the key industry trends of 2018 through the prediction of industry trends and the sharing of research methods and thinking patterns.
The Industrial and Technological Research Institute held the '2018 Industry Key Trend Report and IEK Industry Information Network New Service Presentation Conference' yesterday (8/14), hosted by Su Mengzong, Director of the Industrial Technology International Strategy Development Institute of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, and the Industrial Analysis Team conducted the semiconductor for the second half of the year. Industry trend forecasting, emerging southbound industrial market observations and integration with the publication of new services. We hope to help companies accurately grasp the key industry trends of 2018 through the prediction of industry trends and the sharing of research methods and thinking patterns.