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e-Manufacturing & DFM Symposium 4/1開放報名

發表於 2007-3-27 14:57:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
5 l1 H2 }: N) F: t4 O   
4 |2 J0 ~( d6 y6 z$ @4 B; T, F
5 E4 a0 N1 Y* g+ c  S5 Q/ }2 R( Z% Z7 o& m
    This is the first e-Manufacturing symposium organized by Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) aiming to forge stronger links between the Academia and the Industry on complementary and collaborative efforts in maintaining the national leading edge competitive advantages and capabililities among the world's manufacturing bases.
3 t& b) ?9 p; L: D
' u/ s% p, d$ b  The Symposium initiates to offer a common arena for academics and professionals of business operators, concept creators, product designers, commondity manufacturers, hardware suppliers, software vendors, independent consultants, network distributors and logistics controllers to exchange fundamental concerns, to discuss immediate outlooks and future trends, and to explore the uncharted territories altogether.
6 Z. \5 K, `9 R& L, y
+ @7 w. y7 i; S3 p" i
發表於 2008-2-18 11:22:29 | 顯示全部樓層

Call for Papers Announcement

e-Manufacturing & DFM Symposium 2008 (AJoint Symposium with AEC/APC-Asia Symposium 2008) hosted by TSIA will be held on November 27-28, 2008 at Ambassador Hotel HsinChu. Please submit your abstract to
" }% B2 E+ g3 Y* P+ p8 l" e
Topics of interests include, but not limited to, the following:  G" z5 J# S, G' m2 D4 v
) L5 W* h/ a* |- Z) U  ^
) E+ D8 \% P$ O; g' c  ?
Applications in high-volume manufacturing
* v/ A& ^& n& |, p3 J5 R! i! S# il
( X  g/ |; R* c9 i/ v8 d" M
Automated Material Handling System& O9 Y% O/ F  s+ m
l$ V- }2 `- p+ c  l" i- ]
Benefits and justification (ROI, CoO, OEE…). z  i7 K: }/ f3 A" \! J0 P" l2 F
l5 Y  a5 D! r( l8 N* y' A
Control Architecture/Engineering/IT Infrastructure
% H. j. I7 ]' U5 v2 Ql
4 ]( t+ I( V( u9 D) y. ^( ]
Data Collection/Quality/Storage/Management
1 {# {: b, x1 f( ?) u* `7 }; R/ kl
8 v4 v2 b4 q  s2 W7 Y$ h# S
Design for Manufacturing/Testing/Yield
/ Q3 i) k  l: l3 Dl
/ Z; p  d) \5 B1 K
e-Diagnostics, e-Manufacturing, and EEC
6 N; r% z% v, W7 c1 W+ ?l
) p# k* N9 u1 R) C/ O
Engineering/Supply/Value Chains
! m" t- o/ V6 r6 o- b1 Fl7 A& g7 e  q# ?2 P
Equipment Communication/Integration2 g8 J8 Y* H7 b" I% W9 d
, d7 l% z! c2 l" U' v9 x
Factory Integration/Operations
& L1 j" H: A! m$ q' }l8 F* P5 a4 l3 E, y: u; U1 r
Factory-Wide Applications and Deployment! q8 e$ ~  B' z3 Z2 r  Y& ~  A2 w6 F
l  [8 g9 s( Q# K/ Q5 S8 H, ?
Fault Detection & Classification
% `% _6 m& V) b* L% M9 X$ sl1 q3 _; A1 X0 A
Future APC/FDC Needs and Requirements8 f- E4 o$ K% N7 p& h% E4 f
l+ \- K" P: V9 Y, y% R* d, p
Integrated/Virtual Metrology$ n8 p& R. D6 w
l% {) Q% `" P, g& t6 G9 M
Manufacturing Execution Systems$ g  }# h' I1 }6 E/ I  h' r
l( Y  P8 H. |* W1 `+ y
Real-Time & Defect/Yield Databases
6 C* ]. w, u4 y# r+ ~1 _/ f# El
& Z8 ?' `, ]+ M
Piggyback and SCADA controllers
% y9 b6 Z! i5 a7 w5 u) e; Ql% R- y3 l; C. \- |6 f5 U5 L8 f" q* K
Predictive/Preventive Maintenance
; e) U0 O( ~. O9 il& v' e2 L, ?/ i. |
Process modeling and model-based control  v' T: b9 }; n3 M5 U
6 D) Y2 G+ S5 _: ^
Real-time data collection and management1 H1 O2 D5 h$ w# ?3 E7 @& n' ~/ d
0 N2 v# h1 V, h5 e( C, _( ~
Real-Time Decision-Making" j+ Q6 B9 r2 h, V' h
5 W2 T3 e/ A" u  e- k
Run-to-Run/Wafer-to-Wafer/Real-Time Control# p+ V+ L# s9 g! w
l7 b0 b8 T. T9 g: O% D) C1 j  `3 Q
Scheduling & Dispatching. y, i5 T: q6 `/ T
: N( |; v* @5 l5 v( \9 v  l0 ^5 q5 p  K
Sensor development and implementation
( j* H" l2 ]( X8 H; sl
7 t4 O. y1 Z* U! q
Sensor integration into existing process tools
/ y+ n" k% `0 F4 `3 ol* G: q" L2 m0 M$ c1 }$ O
Sensor/actuator bus and intelligent sensors
0 ^! s+ S; m2 I$ A; Ul
7 C" z: D% T. o9 `; C
Specification Management
. g* P5 X/ r& v# z$ M2 r# sl
  k% P$ K, c8 i8 W
Standards (Communication, Sensor Bus…); p$ x) P# ^% \* m5 q6 |( `
! q; h; f1 E% g3 B, x
Tool Productivity Data Collection/Analysis2 j$ `4 `* V( y7 v2 `+ b9 U* W
: f. n$ T2 P" K# U: G* y
WIP Management4 x3 S0 T# L1 C$ R5 p7 k
Please consider the following important dates:
% z% Q' \) g- q: K; G2 H            Deadline of abstract submission : July 1, 2008
; c1 e7 N( r0 E  ~% n            Notification of accetpance : August 22, 2008
. ?- K  o# U9 A7 c) U$ k            Final paper due : October 20, 2008" C! i, Z- e8 L. i9 ]: ?8 C$ |- [
            Deadline of early registration : October 20, 2008
6 E. m% y' J* f& }/ f
% V6 T$ L0 \' C6 XIf any question, please contact with Celia Shih  石英堂6 Y7 E) A5 Q0 o9 O. `- c( U
Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association( _5 C3 ^8 l1 q7 ^6 s
台灣半導體產業協會/ s& |3 c, Q# B) g! W
Tel : +886-3-59170928 n' @9 |8 ~0 U
Fax: +886-3-5820056
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