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發表於 2013-5-17 14:45:43 | 只看該作者
Principal Product Engineer-----DDR IP* m+ B  {+ E# C$ V! g& ^
客户 One world top EDA company$ R8 Z& w4 m5 i6 W; z  |3 K; Q
地点 Shanghai
) w0 X$ _% ~2 _
8 x0 ?3 N5 {8 B0 b: R1 ^Position Description:
6 r: ?: I9 X" J9 ROur client is looking for an individual to work in design IP team. The group provides configurable DDR memory controller and PHY IP for ASICs. The job will be mainly focused on providing post technical support to customers; however there will be a variety of other engineering tasks that will allow the candidate to expand skills and responsibilities.
4 E4 B* B7 H1 M7 _8 L0 a
: M# K' u7 S* w4 E% y1 hProvide technical support to customers for integration of IP into ASICs including:
- S& `! |4 u# ]) J, ~9 J+ H- x+ ]- Debugging of customers’ simulation or silicon issues.
9 {& \6 w& u0 ^" n- X1 K- Reviewing of customers’ design integration of our IPs.
! T& ~9 J  u( C6 }3 d- Reviewing static timing reports to assist with customers’ timing closure. ! J2 H  r1 s7 k1 d2 I, B: [
- Answering technical questions about IP operation.
/ ?+ h* ]* u! {% i, }- M% {; u0 K- Train field engineers in IP operation.7 J1 a0 O( p" q) F6 b& V- o+ z
- Interface with the R&D Team to bridge product improvements and resolve customer issues.) X1 i) L& D7 q! {' v5 \5 Y
1 |7 p; S. C! F2 {
Position Requirements:
0 @9 U" ^& H: j2 q6 C- Excellent oral and written communication! s* Z# J0 L- q# [& X5 D
- Good English communication skill
. q( U5 A- z8 l+ `) j' U8 y$ Q- BS 8+ years of prior work-experience or MS 6+ years of prior work-experience; k8 D) u1 V3 F4 V
- All front-end skills – RTL design & verification in Verilog, synthesis, static-timing analysis, DFT7 ?" S: T" P: F5 j: X1 @
- Back-end skills – place & route, physical verification, timing closure  P# p) x- T+ Y4 [2 D* P  [
- Time management skills sufficient to balance multiple high-priority projects.
- o$ e* I& {! z- Willingness to learn new skills and perform tasks that often go outside area of current expertise.
. x; ?# u3 n' R3 @7 f! C9 j. V( M* D2 k' Z6 i' h& R+ L
Additional Desirable Qualifications:
4 m' V. S6 V0 E6 W& N! M7 ]- Experience with Static Timing scripts and report analysis
  A: g+ R; b: N4 L2 c2 S$ [) @7 P( M0 \- Familiarity with DDR memory operation, system applications, AXI, OCP, AHB' Q* c' O' p4 s6 y- H8 I
- Familiarity with Frame maker  F  o9 _( d: F7 H9 _
- Scripting – in Perl, TCL, etc..
4 g5 Z- w, {" \' m" O9 Q8 m7 n' a/ E( T8 K
公司简介, {( N" J2 e0 s* T" J3 Y# w% w4 b

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發表於 2013-5-17 14:48:55 | 只看該作者
后端经理. S) e( G) b" R6 p. _, u  E- ]  U- ]
客户 A famous IC company
/ @9 N8 g5 @  _5 O0 X* }  h4 w7 e9 j地点 Suzhou% _. h8 i2 z$ ?

) S0 n6 e9 b& ~6 Z工作职责
1 S1 y5 K% t6 Z" N9 s! e1、负责建立芯片后端设计环境;. f5 t1 m; T7 C4 r2 S
2、负责建立DFT,Layout,PostLayout STA环境;/ l# @5 [9 @( N; W
3、负责实现芯片物理设计;3 ]0 M! U- D' l! ]" @, s' T
4、负责提高芯片DFT coverage;  L1 V* D  F. ^7 ^) j! n6 C2 `; L
" ~" W5 ^5 p  q2 R0 P6、负责芯片流片前Layout部分SignOff;- U; ~& }8 x) T7 U/ [
7、负责部门流程管理;% K7 _9 X* O0 J7 _' y
. b: r/ {3 B! H6 O! G9 o( t* Y* ?, {8 N# I7 `) E
工作经验 1 ^, X7 l* @1 w0 c; j$ ]0 O
. g; i7 z  d& f/ t- q(1). 了解AMBA总线标准,基于ARM的SoC开发;
5 z- K  {/ t9 U+ w% G(2). 掌握Verilog设计语言;& g# @3 T4 f8 W" k- k: J
(3). 掌握layout所有流程;0 F1 d; K* j# ~# R  J1 _! w
(4). 掌握时序分析;
1 C4 Z7 J- @2 P% w: s. L(1). 掌握物理设计相关EDA工具; e+ y6 V" k5 _/ g3 K. e: |
技能 - p) Q0 D$ t- n
# ~$ R" d- P; d2、有良好的理解能力和一定的沟通能力;
, n6 I& Y1 q( J3 K" f3、有良好的执行力和团队领导力;4 z( P2 \- x" M$ g

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發表於 2013-6-7 17:35:44 | 只看該作者
高级后端设计工程师# m7 v, e8 P" U; G& n& N% p
* ~  t1 i- q! z6 f. r5 I/ ^8 L
公      司:NO.235-IC设计公司, [7 `. x/ P0 X7 z
/ H1 g- K) H2 e3 }3 |2 e: L8 m4 R9 v$ V: E4 {# J9 _& g3 D
职位要求: 5 i; p' {+ S& i9 A+ v
* f" k% {1 H# z  c2、精通后端主流EDA工具,熟悉Tcl、Perl、Shell编程; / Y( I+ U  ]5 f0 ?; Y
3、有多次亚深微米的流片经验(65nm 或 40nm以下); , Z  x9 u4 ?" E7 ^/ W* O/ Y

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發表於 2013-6-14 15:15:22 | 只看該作者
) D  r; J1 r; G" o5 v公      司:NO.277-A mobile chipset semiconductor company
1 B, t# b2 w1 n( f  V9 J工作地点:上海2 c& ^/ j* m% {
9 r  n- A  t3 x6 C# \5 U
0 Z, ^7 R) w( I* ]9 d
" j$ x6 y# t% G8 B: G1、参与超大规模SOC芯片物理设计的全流程; ( N1 z6 H2 G0 u2 ?4 i% ]# X
2、挑战实现业界速度最快、功耗最低的高性能SOC芯片; 7 {; v) i1 e2 r/ q. x! T0 j4 P
, p2 b" {# f  G$ @
! L  |: ]4 S& E. @8 X2 J1 g4 I  e" W$ z# ?1 X9 S
1、本科3年以上相关工作经验(硕士2年以上相关工作经验),并有实际的tapeout经验; * h0 D, B# O/ ]& l) `6 }/ Q: b
2、熟练掌握深亚微米后端物理设计流程; . T6 z- f$ n3 ^- b5 q
3、熟练使用Synopsys, Cadence或Magma等数字芯片物理设计工具;                                                                                              % l' Z7 ~' m' ^9 @+ Q

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發表於 2013-7-23 14:15:33 | 只看該作者
  e+ ?: [, Z& t* ?3 |/ L3 ^. n- O8 G6 f) E8 j
公      司:IC设计公司
5 K# ]/ X1 {' O# i+ f: s工作地点:深圳& t. `  s: k- G( n+ f

) K5 j! `- ~/ q2 K. R* `7 m. V0 |* y+ j  `职位要求: ) y; P1 _+ a( C/ V- [
7 e/ c7 W+ p8 \2、精通后端主流EDA工具,熟悉Tcl、Perl、Shell编程;
; D' F) t' f. [& I1 q3、有多次亚深微米的流片经验(65nm 或 40nm以下); $ t6 W& n) `  g$ B) P) I: o% @

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發表於 2013-9-10 14:40:03 | 只看該作者


公      司:A famous IC company4 r. [  l+ D6 Y3 U1 ], Q# I+ p: s
工作地点:上海/ W$ j2 M+ {! x

) A( o2 r( ~" {, [( D+ W6 O岗位职责: 0 S; s; v! d6 u: y9 A" p' f
负责SOC芯片从netlist到tape-out的工作,并从实现的角度优化全芯片的面积和功耗。负责hierarchical design的block分割和任务分配。
3 a# p- U; M! K! a2 B  : S2 B* ~" D7 q6 I
岗位要求: 6 y( J# {, q8 }# i1 h5 e- M
1) 3年以上工作经验,微电子或相关专业本科以上学历。
& C& I3 q9 X/ u: y8 p2) 熟练使用一种主流P&R流程工具(Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor 或者Magma的相关P&R工具)。 ( z! z' p, z, ^8 D" E- f
3) 具备扎实的时序收敛与signoff的技能。
+ w" {; K  k8 s$ G. J/ l4) 熟练的脚本编写技能(Perl, Tcl 或者 Python)。 & p9 f* n$ @; k5 d
5) 具备65nm或以下工艺的实际tape-out经验。 . ]3 u& m0 q$ e: R! P1 B
6) 熟练的英文口语/书写技能。 ) u. K1 }* ]  _& V9 q& E
7) 有作为team leader的经验,具备分配任务,评估风险,领导小团队的能力。

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發表於 2013-10-16 14:30:09 | 只看該作者
高级芯片后端设计工程师1 E5 Y5 {! Q4 B; E+ x) l

- c7 J( Y: i8 ?1 ^2 ~公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company( F/ X3 p2 j5 P/ q, j4 @
; U; n9 d# I9 S; l" R. x) v
+ I2 k- Y' R4 PJob Description  
! w3 m9 z# h& K; Z) [1、参与超大规模SOC芯片物理设计的全流程;
" a- q3 d! w" D2、挑战实现业界速度最快、功耗最低的高性能SOC芯片; 3 x# J' o. A7 u' U5 }, w1 g( t* F

7 ?/ N" G- V  Y7 P3 O; e. x8 FQualification # \7 `' H) g5 g& f9 S
7 u& t: K/ D  I' J) M2、熟练掌握深亚微米后端物理设计流程;
9 e  P' \, z% `2 _1 F. `3、熟练使用Synopsys, Cadence或Magma等数字芯片物理设计工具;                                                                                              6 }! ]+ o, R/ x) m; p9 ]" Y

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發表於 2013-12-17 10:05:09 | 只看該作者
  y4 j5 c. c2 K( B9 x* J公      司:a fabless semiconductor company/ R. T- M6 s3 B& D( b- G, A
, X  V* ^/ j/ B2 H* Q9 U
' \% l0 ?4 ?: G2 g* v职位描述& m+ q% H( Z3 [' J0 x7 T
( G* o* t9 ?: G) B' z熟悉各种视频接口比如HDMI、DVI、demux、VGA等
( w, }3 H* }% l6 j8 @' S熟练使用各种EDA工具包括仿真、综合以及STA等
9 z' s5 R( |' `" v* ]+ `& k具有TV相关芯片设计经验者优先 9 b6 j8 m; T7 P( K
具有图像后处理硬件实现经验者优先 0 `% {8 R/ r5 d  n

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發表於 2013-12-17 10:05:42 | 只看該作者
IC数字前端设计工程师(系统设计)7 o2 U' e" e5 C: N
公      司:a fabless semiconductor company$ R7 j$ N- p: L" L) ~- t6 H6 j
工作地点:北京& b  P- w7 ~+ K
, t% g2 E7 K6 T' r/ }
工作职责: * W% Y2 m- G/ p
% G2 @, i8 x- j5 f0 F& P" C4 i职位要求, J% T6 f% e8 v, A9 a' W8 R
. M& C5 s4 H! V1 A) s* B熟悉SoC体系结构,熟悉AMBA系列总线协议 , I: }# W& i/ x4 o! p. i. U
熟悉SoC系统环境验证 1 T' H4 q, |$ M3 ~
0 g- c& G$ {7 Y% h$ _有ARM CPU使用经验者优先 + A/ y/ ~( S- O8 e. g
2 B' @, W/ ?2 a熟悉音视频接口者优先

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發表於 2014-5-14 13:58:27 | 只看該作者
2 X' c) M  F$ B" r. z9 w/ M公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company# K0 F- _  A7 k8 F: J6 T( \
4 N/ Z, ~# }- T+ D) _4 U  j. S$ z& z
职位描述* l5 m2 A- x5 |# g/ _& Q

/ n# C( D; p2 \1 N5 q1、参与超大规模SOC芯片物理设计的全流程;
$ P5 s; q6 j6 C# c2、挑战实现业界速度最快、功耗最低的高性能SOC芯片;
/ z) Y2 w, a: P5 w! b
* ~9 p3 p  [9 \% b  x1 S$ s职位要求
! s+ b' J& U, U2 q% n4 p8 K$ ~0 E
4 k) P8 h7 S  f; d7 Q- n1、本科3年以上相关工作经验(硕士2年以上相关工作经验),并有实际的tapeout经验;
( P+ `9 u9 l  a' H' t% R$ g, V2、熟练掌握深亚微米后端物理设计流程; 1 [. @9 `9 Y2 N* b1 _- p
3、熟练使用Synopsys, Cadence或Magma等数字芯片物理设计工具;                                                                                             
1 x# q) s9 U9 H' A1 _: e4、熟练使用Calibre等物理验证工具;熟练使用PT等时序验证工具;

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發表於 2014-5-30 11:35:22 | 只看該作者
DIP Application Engineer; g. W" d* m9 X: g  C1 Z( u# _
公      司:One world top EDA company
4 Y: t$ q+ v7 J; t工作地点:上海- {7 `1 P! o$ l0 k- i6 B

/ I& B9 Q4 n5 ?# b  t6 p2 b7 `- wResponsibilities:
8 j, x" E( E4 L1) Providing direct technical support to customers in presale stage to persuade customers to adopt Cadence Design IP solutions for their applications
" F1 a7 @8 i  R$ Q4 F2) Interface with customer architects and Design IP business unit to enable evaluation of application specific IP performance and features per customer’s SOC requirements.. J9 {9 c! z/ ~. m% E' I6 f$ G+ F
2) Working with the sales team to manage the IP activities in the region to achieve a high customer satisfaction rate and for building strong customer relationships
3 V7 s, i, W1 }9 W6 j3) Providing customer feedback on new/existing requirements for Design IP usage from customers to the IP business unit.$ `; J0 P2 |2 R* q: ?
4) Providing direct technical customer support and assistance to enable customers to successfully integrate/use Design IP in their SOC.! v- w) f+ R( T
5) Writing application notes in situation to facilitate customer usage of the IP $ n0 K$ ~- m! D: _$ c7 U; D- }
9 b( d8 u$ B/ Q- \) W+ ^7 u: ^
Position Requirements :
0 `2 m- o; X: W3 k  B% q/ U' U2 y1)  Experience in digital/analog design and implementation of controllers/phy
& x- c5 {6 V+ q+ f2)  Knowledge of serdes and backend implementation is a plus
( f* U5 S! T3 I3 y1 z5 d1 }4 A3)  Experience with SOC architecture include on-chip fabric (AMBA/Sonics OCP/Arteris NOC), external interconnect protocols (e.g PCIe/Ethernet) and DRAM memory protocols (DDRn, LPDDRn), DRAM PHYs, .NAND Flash (Async, ONFI, Toggle NAND), eMMC/SD, MIPI
2 ^, {5 H9 F7 h) j& B4)  Knowing serdes/analog IP is a plus
3 p2 K% j; I* o# m$ W5)  Exposure to IP-based SOC design flow and real tape-out experience.
2 @" Q( n2 K! t" y; y; N7 @6)  Good written and verbal communication skills and problem solving skills are required.
  P, W' A9 P- m7)  Ability to conduct technical meetings, presentations, seminars and training to customers and to the sales team) {$ L2 U  I# ?2 M' G6 o* L7 M( b, R
8)  Travel within AP region may be required. 1 j- l  e4 Z: w4 w9 O3 {
9)  Good understanding of the semiconductor IP marketplace and ecosystem is a plus.

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發表於 2014-5-30 11:36:21 | 只看該作者
1 g# b5 M7 u" H% W公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company5 }3 y. G1 k) Z8 H' |1 {% J& ]
工作地点:上海/ z) Z1 P7 E$ c
/ {! T- c0 C& J$ H7 q
Job Description  * Y6 f2 c0 G! H8 b  Y$ h7 H
1、参与超大规模SOC芯片物理设计的全流程; ' n" O. y1 X  B
, g- ?" d) s+ M) X6 G: d% r4 y1 i7 I( I( M5 e  A" O# |4 R
" j) _$ D9 p# v: b0 Z- A( ?1 A1、本科3年以上相关工作经验(硕士2年以上相关工作经验),并有实际的tapeout经验; ( s: D& n$ K. _* V$ z
2、熟练掌握深亚微米后端物理设计流程; 3 B' {' U6 `' m
3、熟练使用Synopsys, Cadence或Magma等数字芯片物理设计工具;                                                                                              8 E! y/ L& V" o  ]/ F9 g8 s

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發表於 2014-7-3 11:07:05 | 只看該作者
Staff Digital Design Engineer (Front-end); |& D4 Y; w, `) c( E
公      司:A famous IC company7 d- J0 g: A5 G2 L$ V" d) L
工作地点:上海9 E8 }, }% g7 T4 \0 C

) v+ ]" T3 _! n9 Y3 [Responsibilities  
1 ~: J- o& ]( H1 L# ~  G! M! ~& Y. zDevelop ARM-based MCU/SOC products    _" Y1 W5 h' L4 p6 ^

# b) C6 V, d3 F, P0 k: _0 lMandatory Skills  2 u+ f: A% T8 c( g
Very good at Verilog/SystemVerilog coding and simulation  , c) Q: Z. {5 s, |) U2 Z
Very good knowledge of MCU architecture and C programming  ! K  i( G' M0 H* O2 R
Familiar with ASIC design flow, including related tool experience and skill, including Synthesis, Timing check, power analysis, Low power design, Design for Test % X3 F6 M. V; o1 f" U; {/ U; c8 \
Skillful in Unix/Linux shellPython/Perl script programming  9 `; ?) @$ W. U3 |- t
Fluency in English and good in communication skill  4 G! d- K0 u: ~% c( e

/ L) {! v4 \9 d+ H- m: M: X$ \6 sPreferred Skills  5 Q; c! r6 |' Y% }
ARM-Cortex M series related experience and knowledge is highly preferred  : l5 M. o2 m- [6 T1 a
Understanding of low power design flow  
7 i7 h, _# T$ ]& U/ HUnderstanding of mixed-signal simulation  
9 F' j* N% }/ a4 ZUnderstanding of embedded firmware and programming is a plus  2 m8 N: n0 ?) c  G8 Z8 w
Knowledge of physical implementation  
2 C6 }9 Y) }9 d$ w0 g' q
% ^& O+ S! h' H1 k3 D2 lEducation  ) u9 |8 E; h) o5 x+ F
Master Degree of EE or related  3 D! a0 z3 j- P; ?; V: K
Experience  $ n8 h( [; c) d+ P9 E/ D& U
8+ years of design experience.  
$ E% o! ]$ ~+ G7 l/ u1 i  R  GAt least two years of US or Europe-based Company experience.

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發表於 2014-7-3 11:09:38 | 只看該作者
Staff Digital Design Engineer (Mid-end)% |( d$ j  l  c; w$ ^
3 h+ g# ]! C& n! [5 V
公      司:A famous IC company  ?+ w' c/ i! d2 {
: h# J; l: Z' M8 [9 {0 ~6 ~$ k) @: D  w! p! |4 ^; Q) o% p" a
8 h3 p2 s8 f+ Q3 _5 i7 x$ tDevelop ARM-based MCU/SOC products, emphasis on implementation work like Synthesis, DFT/ATPG, STA, Floorplanning, Power analysis and Low power design/check ' E7 y4 ?! h. {6 Y( {* Z7 m" g

5 m* s- o" O: q' V1 X" x' L& R4 |* JMandatory Skills  ' Q" E6 s' F  h
Expert in advanced digital design flow, including related tool experience and skill, such as Synthesis, STA, formal check, Low Power rule checks, DFT and ATPG
$ [3 r) Q- \* y: W* c$ `/ nVery Good knowledge of UPF and low power design flow  
$ n" g2 H4 K9 Z% G4 f0 }# aGood knowledge of Physical implementation flow  
2 ^2 h+ R+ X3 Q) B0 }4 w4 O- E3 nRTL design experience  
: M2 y6 s1 k4 G. }+ gSkillful in Unix/Linux shell/Perl/Python script programming  
' i  s1 }" T3 _/ \Fluency in English and good in communication skill  2 C( D4 s; r( b2 b% x: s, y
# E3 H7 P$ I/ K3 |  A2 s
Preferred Skills  
+ @4 Q& Z+ A  |+ Z0 P3 iARM-Cortex M series related experience and knowledge  
/ a+ y+ t: Q( U1 _7 T7 `6 uUnderstanding of mixed-signal simulation  
2 E/ W  B- K* d% x/ hPhysical implementation experiences, IR drop analysis  3 Z3 D3 ]- q9 X: s/ q5 i
Understanding of embedded firmware and programming is a plus  
3 s9 A, m# U7 U+ z/ a) n! N) M
( ?* s. q( z$ w) h) [, y+ Y; lEducation  
% Y8 _% Q# g: HMaster Degree of EE or related  
) Q+ H* c, m8 f' ?" c: e1 n9 ?Experience  4 X3 _' g# m- c% ?$ C
8+ years of design experience.  " V4 b, n1 K( T$ p& B7 |; G8 Q
At least two years of US or Europe-based company experience.

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發表於 2014-7-11 10:35:40 | 只看該作者
Staff Digital Design Engineer (Front-end)
1 f4 k! i9 ]: X7 D& t0 Z- [4 n( {
公      司:A famous IC company
$ D' m- o, Q+ r# ?工作地点:上海
; L5 `& t: B4 ~
/ x+ ]& Y1 O$ L# c; \0 k6 ?4 PResponsibilities  % N7 v3 d- Z5 {3 u! o) D
Develop ARM-based MCU/SOC products  % X. G6 k# I$ m, r4 X- B- m
9 \) i% r0 L# `
Mandatory Skills  2 O* k8 z4 S' f( i8 ?' o
Very good at Verilog/SystemVerilog coding and simulation  
% K& o; ~+ t( t( bVery good knowledge of MCU architecture and C programming  : m# r3 t0 y' \! Q# v
Familiar with ASIC design flow, including related tool experience and skill, including Synthesis, Timing check, power analysis, Low power design, Design for Test
' T" G; N+ I8 `; }0 c  wSkillful in Unix/Linux shellPython/Perl script programming  
6 I: a3 L- o0 D2 l/ l9 C% J7 uFluency in English and good in communication skill  / u9 Y% z6 F% b/ C! v
$ P( I$ k2 ?+ I6 s
Preferred Skills  
7 Y; u  v. W4 ]- kARM-Cortex M series related experience and knowledge is highly preferred  2 x3 q5 r3 Y, R# }7 [4 P4 b
Understanding of low power design flow  
/ }  o: t) o$ Z$ H. P+ TUnderstanding of mixed-signal simulation  
0 m' z8 l& @; `) s4 e9 n, b' nUnderstanding of embedded firmware and programming is a plus  
/ }) b0 m# W6 aKnowledge of physical implementation  
+ H9 i- G3 A" F+ g& ~4 Z& p" ~& O
: L( e/ b( S4 n, cEducation  $ M& u5 }" w3 y$ p
Master Degree of EE or related  ! P  O/ f, N6 J5 r0 C  U4 [
Experience  ' L& h1 S" W) h2 _3 y! J* O0 ]
8+ years of design experience.  
  t' [/ ~: I. eAt least two years of US or Europe-based Company experience.

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發表於 2014-8-5 14:49:50 | 只看該作者
资深数字IC后端工程师5 s, l6 U+ c7 m, K* P

" T: ~5 c" P+ c* d公      司:A famous IC company
: E$ E1 K9 o2 i7 W: \工作地点:上海
- v5 k& Q, L) q3 g( `: X/ g" n- [3 T# Z, Z
6 b) K0 i" e# P5 Z7 F# _2 R负责SOC芯片从netlist到tape-out的工作,并从实现的角度优化全芯片的面积和功耗。负责hierarchical design的block分割和任务分配。 . c# j" A% ~0 H8 _
  6 D' T9 C# ]1 _
岗位要求: 3 t  Y# H; B4 B/ z
1) 3年以上工作经验,微电子或相关专业本科以上学历。
5 D: N6 P- A& q2) 熟练使用一种主流P&R流程工具(Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor 或者Magma的相关P&R工具)。
% \' f! k: _, U! v- I" s3) 具备扎实的时序收敛与signoff的技能。
( l/ L- L& Q. A6 z4) 熟练的脚本编写技能(Perl, Tcl 或者 Python)。 9 Y0 E+ S: s6 ~5 R7 v
5) 具备65nm或以下工艺的实际tape-out经验。 * ^7 o- p) Q# |/ `+ ~3 h
6) 熟练的英文口语/书写技能。
# O" C( |% J( \7) 有作为team leader的经验,具备分配任务,评估风险,领导小团队的能力。

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發表於 2014-8-7 10:57:50 | 只看該作者
& ^, s# T* S# ]5 g& w! r6 O
* w3 P& o( \- B公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company
: f& a" m0 b9 o$ B工作地点:上海
. O2 |9 t0 {! ?: h0 \3 l1 V$ [# x0 b/ `: c( @2 t( B
6 e) S( e- f  W9 n$ Z$ ZJob Description  
" g) x, Q1 N  \- g$ w1、参与超大规模SOC芯片物理设计的全流程; 7 \$ }# W; v% W3 ^7 p& r% @
2、挑战实现业界速度最快、功耗最低的高性能SOC芯片; # j" s0 O& S" Q
) T  l- D: ]; x1 [
( }7 R4 l) p# B- ]Qualification 5 G6 m4 v( {7 T% h
( G* f' l$ |. W( ~$ t) X2、熟练掌握深亚微米后端物理设计流程; ) v& c2 T( [8 i9 ?3 ]
3、熟练使用Synopsys, Cadence或Magma等数字芯片物理设计工具;                                                                                             
: j# ?- m/ C7 B. q0 S2 q4、熟练使用Calibre等物理验证工具;熟练使用PT等时序验证工具;

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2014-12-4 11:31:05 | 只看該作者
高级芯片后端设计工程师& P% A+ w* x5 p' L0 ]7 k( X
公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company- W1 W8 k5 K- K7 E% k
工作地点:上海4 c, \& O4 f0 Q0 f9 p  o

' p, {7 b  \; c职位描述7 v  x1 z  X/ i' x( |+ G. }
Job Description    s' i& Y3 S* ^7 E
1、参与超大规模SOC芯片物理设计的全流程; % ^3 S, a+ Q- C
2、挑战实现业界速度最快、功耗最低的高性能SOC芯片; : k% O* w) n* U  D4 r
0 a8 I8 ]* p- N" ^; P1 G1 x
0 u2 I! A2 l! O( ]) Q8 J, tQualification 7 Q1 T8 M. L+ N" j0 E7 @
1、本科3年以上相关工作经验(硕士2年以上相关工作经验),并有实际的tapeout经验; 3 m+ U2 m; n& E) q. ?/ Q
2、熟练掌握深亚微米后端物理设计流程; ) K$ s* k$ D- E- r
3、熟练使用Synopsys, Cadence或Magma等数字芯片物理设计工具;                                                                                             
2 u1 a. s7 a$ v" {4、熟练使用Calibre等物理验证工具;熟练使用PT等时序验证工具;

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