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Linux mobile group announces SDK strategy

發表於 2008-2-18 09:12:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The LiMo Foundation has announced it will release a series of application software development kits (SDKs) for its mobile phone specification in the second half of the year. The strategic rollout will include SDKs for native Linux, Java, and Webkit.
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$ `0 y3 f& P7 X; j$ m2 a9 y7 fAs previously announced, Wind River provides the foundational components for LiMo's common integration environment (CIE), while Azingo is furnishing higher-level tools. Both companies could see commercial gain as the LiMo SDKs become generally available for the broader community of application developers outside of LiMo's membership.- z; R+ n7 R% W, g* r' J

% n0 H& @. u, H6 B3 f' X7 fLiMo's application SDK suite will provide Eclipse-based development environments to encourage widespread software development for LiMo handsets coming to market toward the end of the year, says the Foundation. The SDK suite is being developed by a variety of LiMo board members. Access plans to work on the Native SDK, Aplix will focus on the Java SDK, and Motorola will work on developing an SDK for the Webkit HTML rendering engine.
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LiMo architecture
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) Z# G3 m' ^: e5 ]Earlier this week, LiMo announced that 18 mobile handsets that support its Linux Mobile platform are shipping or are on their way from Aplix, LG Electronics, Motorola, NEC, Panasonic Mobile Communications, Purple Labs, and Samsung. The LiMO Foundation also announced the addition of nine new members, including Access, Orange, and AMD.
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Launched a year ago, LiMo is set to publicly reveal its R1 release of the LiMo mobile phone application programming interfaces (APIs) in March. The APIs have already been released to LiMo members, enabling software vendors to start porting applications to the GTK-based stack. One such vendor is Azingo, which recently announced that its Azingo Mobile stack (pictured above in a mock-up) is the first commercially available, LiMo-compliant software.
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  u( N0 z9 T' m3 s* d9 y. _Stated Jason Whitmire, GM of mobile solutions at Wind River, "Wind River is pleased that LiMo Foundation will extend the Common Integration Environment (CIE) based on Wind River's commercial Linux technology to enable LiMo's SDK suite for application developers. Wind River will work with LiMo Core Members to provide additional tools to facilitate integration and management of application code contributions from OEMs, ISVs, and the open source community to support LiMo's rapidly evolving mobile phone stack and ecosystem."0 r+ n. i, I0 p7 }3 J
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No specific timeframe for availability was announced for the LiMo SDKs.
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Source:' ?& q7 G( H' H8 b; o

& f, O+ O" b6 b' H# f/ \1 y9 d3 B[ 本帖最後由 jacky002 於 2008-2-18 09:15 AM 編輯 ]


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 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-18 09:23:29 | 只看該作者
到底未來會是以WindRiver為主的CIE軟體技術研發或是Google的Android軟體技術成為手機市場的另一項選擇是不得而知,但WinCE與Symbios的相關市場肯定會逐漸的瓜分。$ j  b& F+ w. y! O8 F- c
總之,越開放的軟體程式碼架構與免費的授權費會是主宰低價市場的霸主。期待著50元3G手機市場的來臨,裡面最好是所有功能齊全。我要有GPS、Touch Panel、PDA與Bluetooth / WIFI ... etc。
 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-18 13:38:24 | 只看該作者
Wind River與TI共同展示Android解決方案
- |! v* }: D/ z- u% u# m( j5 z& p   k% O* K" j3 ?, T- c" ~, x6 T
4 C5 F, H4 \9 w8 a  全球設備軟體最佳化(DSO)廠商Wind River公司與德州儀器(TI)在巴塞隆納全球通訊行動大會共同展示第一個開放手機聯盟Android手機平台的雛型。該平台雛形採用TI的OMAP3430處理器,架構於LogicPD公司的Zoom MDK行動開發套件。3 C% L) p! t% k

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( d) ^( r; `7 l6 r: PZoom MDK為一原型設計開發平台,在提供開發者最真實的開發驗證環境的同時,也能讓OMAP3430處理器發揮最大功能。與TI其他的開發平台比較,以LogicPD模組化系統為基礎的Zoom MDK,能大幅降低成本,進而發揮在OMAP平台開發創新方案的彈性。/ h2 L, G# g( b% s9 a9 e' H
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行動手機OEM廠商及系統業者永遠都在尋找能有效縮短上市時程的解決方案,具備完整軟體開發平台的TI OMAP3430多媒體應用處理器,因為將軟體平台內建在既有的開發平台上,因而能更進一步縮短產品開發週期。此外,開發者、產業生態夥伴以及客戶們可在OMAP3430 Android平台所提供的優質開發環境上進行3D繪圖能力、多媒體加速器等功能的創新研發,同時能更快速、更可靠地將應用程式使用者介面加以整合。
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5 X, W; e# e# U4 E: v# j/ {TI全球無線產業經理Markus Tremmel表示:「TI 結合高彈性且經濟的Zoom MDK,等於為開發商提供了一個能大幅簡化開發過程的基礎。TI與Wind River已經合作很長的時間,也很高興這次能共同展示眾所矚目的第一個Android手機平台。」* P9 q- Y+ ~0 }
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Wind River行銷長John Bruggeman表示:「我們很高興能與TI共同展示第一個Android解決方案。此解決方案能成功推出,原因來自於Wind River在Linux以及手機架構的專業,以及身為開放手機聯盟商業化Linux伙伴的重要角色。Wind River同時身為開放手機聯盟以及LiMO Foundation的策略性成員,因此更具備獨特的地位來協助提供行動產業一個開放且標準化的Linux手持裝置開發平台。」
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由於Wind River身為開放手機聯盟Linux商業化的夥伴,加上其移植Android平台至全新架構的豐富經驗,促使TI選擇Wind River在Zoom MDK上進行Android平台的移植、整合、測試及最佳化等工作。Wind River成功建立其在Android上的專業,同時結合其推動Linux設備的豐富經驗,而TI的展示亦顯示出Wind River支援次世代手機晶片所提供的優勢及彈性。Wind River針對Android的Linux商業化專業服務現在已供應給開放手機聯盟會員以及其他對於開發Android產品有興趣的廠商。
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8 w0 e* y4 w& x9 V- ~Source:
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