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3D IC技術發展與市場趨勢

發表於 2008-1-28 11:11:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
由於電腦與通訊產品的迅速發展,近年來半導體相關產業為了滿足消費者對電子產品輕薄微小化與高效能的需求,使得晶片封裝製程業逐漸脫離傳統的技術,朝向高功率、高密度與低成本的製程發展,而三維堆疊式晶片的技術乃應用而生,成為全球關注之焦點。特別邀請國際知名之Yole公司的專家於3月4日自法國來台,作深入的技術探討與市場剖析5 a3 @8 G  w  N2 b

$ J. }& A/ C1 h; K+ K. B% F) X8 j日 期:97年3月4日(星期二)
9 k0 ]5 Y4 [8 B地 點:工業技術研究院51館3A會議室 (新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號51館)
2 B/ Y0 q7 Y7 D主辦單位:工業技術研究院電子與光電研究所
* }3 E( e8 O! A8 r1 {講 師:
  K9 n2 z  D1 k6 n0 V8 o(1) JEAN-CHRISTOPHE ELOY, General Manager of Yole Development, France.
7 y+ o  G9 z% G•JC Eloy has created and is managing Yole Développement in term of international development and strategic orientations of the company. He is in charge of the MEMS activities at Yole Développement.+ h! l' m7 V1 a; K5 t1 A
•He has performed more than 100 actions or analysis for the different customers of Yole Développement (from materials and equipment to devices and modules).) m+ x3 @( q4 M' x* A" y1 @5 w4 D4 x5 G
(2) JEROME BARON, Technology Marketing Analyst, MEMS & Advanced Packaging
$ o5 T6 ]9 N% v! E9 K•He has been involved in the analysis of the 3D Packaging & MEMS market evolution at device, equipment and material suppliers’ level./ p5 d# G4 \8 U/ a4 o& b
•He has performed more than 20 different market analysis for different players such as LAM Research, Infineon, Dalsa Semiconductor, Tokyo Electron, CEA/Leti and NEDO.; c$ T0 e, r: e% B7 T* a

% ^9 J+ ?. ^/ i; E4 u費 用:一般學員每人新台幣3,000元,微機電產業發展聯盟會員每人新台幣2,400元,先進微系統與構裝技術聯盟會員享有2名人員免費,第3人起每人新台幣1,500元(含稅、講義與餐點)。/ A1 {6 W0 n  V1 ^  S
4 ?) c9 B1 Y; L0 T6 c. E' Y
附註: 本技術研討會以英文報告 ( Q- Q) @& p. R$ {9 P0 R

' F) c' p, S1 p6 R議 程:
+ b% \6 R, H5 ^! y( E& D2 C' z, Z; T9 y; n/ l& B5 c
09:00~09:05 Opening
+ N- \9 r. K- ?1 C/ p09:05~09:20 Introduction to Yole Development and its 3D IC & TSV Market Research Activity
, s- G# @. x- O+ V' d09:20~09:50 Overall Roadmap for 3D IC & TSV Integration
6 }9 w1 ?+ L; W/ `% C7 z- C09:50~10:20 Market Forecast Model for 3D ICs  Q3 W& L" Q/ q& G
10:20~10:40 Break 2 |+ ^5 ^) j" h' e% T/ s- l
10:40~12:00 Technology Roadmaps & Market Drivers Per Application (CMOS Image Sensor, RF-SiP, MEMS, DRAM, Flash, Logic...)(I)
: s, M2 d+ N. }5 Z12:00~13:30 Lunch- m) Z  G$ x* J7 j
13:30~14:50 Technology Roadmaps & Market Drivers Per Application (CMOS Image Sensor, RF-SiP, MEMS, DRAM, Flash, Logic...)(II)
& X/ O6 U/ L6 w14:50~15:30 Cost Model For 3D Packaging With TSV9 ^/ `# Q. v; |/ ?; o1 ~5 O) L
15:30~15:50 Break) i1 |' t3 f+ `, O, W
15:50~16:20 3D Packaging Infrastructure Readiness, Perspective & Conclusions3 X, J+ n: D7 i# Q- R/ D/ X; O
16:20~16:30 Q&A
8 l8 L1 ]3 X. }" [
) @4 e6 h) _; s9 q報 名 處:工研院電光所 周惠珍小姐 聯絡電話:03-5918062、傳真:03-5820221" |. Q% k4 X! \0 t4 V6 r$ k& b1 z- L0 t. y
0 h. _4 _) Y# K3 R) [& b
: M% z$ |* l% ]- o* j/ O; d參考網址:
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