標題: Call for Papers~The 3rd International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) [打印本頁] 作者: sme 時間: 2012-3-7 11:22 AM 標題: Call for Papers~The 3rd International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) Call for Papers # M9 s& C' E. D8 x) J$ f/ L7 Y* X
The 3rd International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) # ~, O, h; h; C, k4 ?9 g% Y$ Z3 { 4 R1 r+ W/ a. _! D0 s% ^+ W, A報名連結:http://www.sme-edu.org.tw/activity/activity.asp ; B9 k9 n+ r; L' P# b* FMA TRIZ 國際創新認證 $ ^' I5 M7 D m& L2012.03.17起: MA TRIZ level 27 b: U" Z8 L- V2 v
2012.06.09起: MA TRIZ level 3) R8 i( w& e5 i* m: j0 q
7 w) c) |' a a: T6 V* w( Y6 P2012 活動專區: & o. k) _0 d3 f! O1 a+ u& D' ZCall for papers ~2012/07/10-12: 國際系統性創新研討討會第三屆* o/ z& C$ }/ C. U% [# N, R
地點:(韓國首爾)延世大學,前40位報名者免費參加 一天旅遊9 y" ?* i! `$ g) B. K
# l' h( C+ h! v
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 V% x% E/ I% G; u& a5 y+ F下載報名表:www.ssi.org.tw/Call-3rd_icsiGTRIZ-111115-Eng.doc0 s% x' u: O' f, `5 t+ V5 b The 3rd International Conference on Systematic Innovation & Global TRIZCON 2012 in Korea ! \1 [ _, t: J( n, V- I9 b: I5 e* l(July 10-12, 2012, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea) 0 _7 A! B/ u2 s' T8 N* C, aWeb: http://www.systematic-innovation.org/icsiGTRIZ (International) and www.KoreaTRIZCON.kr (Korean) ! ~7 \/ X7 K# T0 jSponsored by the Society of Systematic Innovation (SSI)* F# H" h+ M' h8 y
Hosted by: Korean Academic TRIZ Association (KATA)# f5 y1 U ]9 q
% @3 y$ ^$ J8 ?9 X+ E
The 3rd International Conference on Systematic Innovation & Global TRIZCON 2012 in Korea (icsiGTRIZ) will gather researchers, industrial practitioners, and students to share theoretical and technological advances in Systematic Innovation and TRIZ which include product and service innovation and systematic innovation tools and techniques. The conference will contain plenary speeches/tutorials by world renowned SI/TRIZ researchers/practitioners and technical sessions. Research papers and applied case studies are all welcome. The Venue of the conference will be at Yonsei University (www.yonsei.ac.kr)– One of the most reputable and scenic universities in South Korea. TRIZ has been most pervasive and best applied in South Korea. Participants will be able to witness how Korean major companies use TRIZ tools to dramatically elevate their global competitiveness.# V. _2 ~& Z: N# Z: Q# C
Q0 W$ w0 A' P$ S' RAuthors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for review and potential publications in the International Journal of Systematic Innovation. Please see the conference web site for the paper selection process. Optional pre-conference tours paid by participants will be available. The conference official language is English. However, Chinese or Korean papers are also acceptable for evaluation. First 40 paid international registrants with ICSI will be offered a one-day free pre-conference scenic tour of Seoul, Korea. (July 9, 2012) 7 z. E0 M7 _+ y d& N2 }' g% @/ i& d* ^ 4 ~( }! s3 C6 a0 T* s/ A# KImportant dates:. Z' g5 P$ C" f2 z3 J2 A
- Paper Abstracts and Proposals: March. 1, 2012 $ y6 C2 I* U9 k6 b& {5 Y# K$ D% C$ W- Notification of Paper Acceptance: March 30, 2012 1 q4 d2 w8 H) C4 k( n: S/ B- Author/Participant Registration due: May 15, 2012 % V# T7 ~. P# B- Full Papers/Presentation due for Publication in Proceedings: May 31, 2012作者: sme 時間: 2012-4-5 12:15 PM 本帖最後由 sme 於 2012-4-5 12:18 PM 編輯 5 F; L* N4 O5 R7 b; t% p' n9 J! _+ o2 V! t2 @: }
尊敬的創新先進 您好: , U- p* D( X& B$ I3 D : v' w, s: Q& y( F由於眾多作者的要求, 2012 ICSI & GCSI Registration, 截止日期延後2周(至4/15).敬請把握機會.7 c. l& `- k$ E, w7 _2 y
- ^8 p* U. ?0 C9 t# e
敬邀 參加 The Society of Systematic Innovation(系統性創新學會) 於 2012年7月10-12日 - }: M' T% f6 j! E8 w5 L" s9 O9 B4 F在韓國首爾 的 2012第三屆國際系統化創新暨全球萃智研討會(ICSI). " t) {" {0 ]; \& h8 L
(與韓國的萃智研討會(Korean TRIZCON)共同舉行). % ]1 u+ \$ E2 n! V這將是世界第一次2個系統化創新相關的主要研討會在一起舉行. 7 K. n% Q. ~3 K5 I! `2 @
我們預期將是此領域最多論文與參與者的國際研討會. 8 E' t, O$ G- {# V
c; @- A5 @9 w0 d3 C! r韓國是全世界 TRIZ 使用最廣泛與深入的國家. ; e7 n" C$ I& t1 C. j$ R m; z
以韓國三星為例, 十年前我們認為三星的產品是 抄襲、低品質、低價。 4 Y: B9 ~; [7 I" x) t短短十年三星已躍進為許多電子產品的世界領先者. : w7 E7 H0 R! u. w
原因雖然很多,他們自己的CEO認為最重要的原因是大量深入使用TRIZ. " l1 K* ]4 m' b0 \& \" _% t5 P3 \8 O' ]0 P i O4 ^5 \: f 參加此次盛會的優點如下:0 x+ n9 F% [& b# z+ [
1) 您將可以目睹韓國產業的萃智應用水準比我們進步約10~15年。可以觀摩學習.促進深度產業應用. l9 ^3 K% V! m8 E2) ICSI 的學術論文為目前國際研討會的領先者. 您可以看到學術界領先的研究成果和方法.+ S" i4 j5 q6 @) e- q T: x
3) 前40名報名繳費者, 將可享受免費一天首爾附近旅遊. ! a. ^4 P5 U1 {2 m' k4) 可以免費看到 全球系統化創新競賽入圍者之創新案例展示. 亦歡迎報名參加競賽.7 Y# z( Z* y( X; s R6 J+ J3 N8 O
GCSI (全球系統化創新競賽) : 徵求參賽作品. 這是您創新成果在世界舞台展示的機會. 具有多項獎額. 6 h3 L; f% ^/ l) g2 ?5) 可以與國際知名SI/TRIZ 專家交流. 9 O! ^2 n9 M2 w" _4 x 國際知名專家如 Sergei Ikovenko (MA TRIZ President), Darrell Mann (世界創新著作最豐, Business TRIZ 之父),& c; O0 O* C% O- w
Ellen Domb (TRIZ Journal 創辦者)等都將到場 發表Keynotes & Tutorials., C9 t, z& }+ }+ H
6) 本次研討會首創提供一個 Special Session 接受中文稿件和報告. 優良論文者將由國際系統化期刊(IJoSI)輔導轉成英文發表。也歡迎投稿 IJoSI. # B% b/ U1 a$ r$ ?% f
$ A1 w2 E/ i' N+ X- p詳情請連接 http://www.systematic-innovation.org/icsi2012; " m5 E0 Z. y+ t2 t) X7 x) Zhttp://www.systematic-innovation.org/gcsi2012; http://www.ijosi.org; 8 G- G. [6 o7 S% p+ u8 i / f% K# z; v, v( W/ _! S2 r& l8 Z7 Z' G: [: }) Y. y) G& Y 中華系統性創新學會 ICSI/GCSI 秘書處 3 p, H" a4 p8 B. M1 I0 B中華系統性創新學會 6 d6 U7 D; e" S電話:03-5723200;03-57215571 E3 v, G& J1 b
傳真:03-5723210 (新竹地區勿加03 ) - H, o! l0 A+ U3 [: ME-mail: service@ssi.org.tw* c6 l9 R4 l& L7 o2 g5 [( u
網址:http://www.ssi.org.tw: S0 z. S# Y& l( a. D. z4 u* S
http://www.sme-edu.org.tw 9 @% U% w9 f$ [- V; W+ t30071新竹市光復路二段352號6樓