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博士vs.工程師 哪個更有發展前途?

發表於 2013-5-15 15:50:01 | 只看該作者
射频收发机(RF Transceiver)! K$ k+ j8 Z: H8 m$ Z9 Y
客户 A famous IC company/ p5 F* H2 x) @% U. L
地点 Beijing
- \% M; ~* W4 B9 M- C$ B( u# F
/ u- C" ~, K7 H4 O4 C$ l2 \5 l职位描述
1 s0 @2 B9 z6 @' P( y8 {! w, d" r" Ka)具有成功的RFIC相关产品的设计经验,有一到两款实际产品开发经历者优先考虑;
9 u0 S0 f* ?% E% w9 Wb)熟悉CMOS工艺,有180nm及以下CMOS工艺开发经验;. x: r4 Q% ]& a4 \
c)掌握常见的Receiver/Transmitter系统架构,深刻理解LNA、Mixer、VCO、PA,PLL等射频电路的常见结构和设计理论及方法;7 U' I! Y1 N- K  q' c
d)深刻理解各种射频收发系统,如GSM,WCDMA, LTE,GPS、TV Tuner,WiFi,WiMax,MIMO等;0 _( g: e; O. e5 `/ Q4 W
e)博士毕业,硕士毕业两年以上工作经历或优秀的硕士毕业生;" j7 m# h- C, j4 |3 D6 ?4 R  O
發表於 2013-7-2 10:11:50 | 只看該作者
R&T Image&Visual Computing Lab –Shenzhen lab Leader
0 e! w7 _% ?! O( }% @8 D公      司:A global PC leading enterprise& n* u* B+ p  a( h* y
: D  b4 ^& s) ]! ]7 L2 G4 n# O  V" J6 E* W6 ?8 O
Responsibilities : ) N* ^, \* J6 x5 V5 ?
1. Lead and build Apply team  
2 ]3 N* s2 E/ H$ V2. Quick& efficient application dev. capability, maximize IVC core tech value
/ o6 K) V6 @8 F) {4 J( P0 o3 Q, h& e0 f+ T
Requirements: 7 C6 I0 L7 o  i* z7 h0 C
1. Doctor degree and above  
  @5 M/ b' b% l* s& r, k4 K$ h2. Excellent research achievement on Some of the areas, Computer Vision  or Artificial Intelligence,etc  
0 z5 ~6 a4 x1 ]$ [3. Deep understanding on  industry change, background of Microsoft Research and so on is priority  
, _5 q- z% Z* _" h& ?& d7 W! U6 s; w5 |3 Z4. Strong communication and good management skill for team
發表於 2013-9-10 14:38:18 | 只看該作者

HK LAB Leader (Band 10)

公      司:A global PC leading enterprise3 W3 C1 T) r  ]) `4 [9 B4 e" x8 e  ^8 W
工作地点:深圳' U; x* _/ w1 H6 I4 H: B0 F
9 `+ L: s# j# M; J  H6 r
Responsibility     H% u0 c: C% w
1. Lead HK Lab for leading innovation or Technology breakthrough   9 V' @  d7 ?1 F$ ]! Z- j
2. Build upon a foundation of scientific excellence in Hong Kong and pursue cutting-edge research (e.g. Computer Vision), driving innovation for company’s future products
) ]2 G- a8 e0 s  a  @8 m6 F* U( K1 K5 m9 U
5 m% W4 P* ?# m: a# Y1. Doctor degree and above  
& W+ ^* w. e7 d2 V, @! j2. Excellent research achievement on Some of the areas, Computer Vision or Artificial Intelligence, etc  3 k. `: n. I+ Q' Z! n9 X0 ^8 f
3. Deep understanding on  industry change, background of Microsoft Research and so on is priority  
1 ^: K  w# g- j4. Strong communication and good management skill for team.
發表於 2013-9-10 14:39:00 | 只看該作者

R&T Image&Visual Computing Lab –Shenzhen lab Leader

公      司:A global PC leading enterprise
/ H* C# O. |/ u) a! H工作地点:深圳
' [; [. ]2 C2 d' ~' n8 g) E4 w/ [/ n# [/ E- |4 X! x
Responsibilities :
1 n3 ~4 v: A  v( m! ]7 q1. Lead and build Apply team  
( w) v8 b. R* s( t7 y2. Quick& efficient application dev. capability, maximize IVC core tech value 7 @# W1 z: R: h* p- d3 m
4 Y; t. C) A' p8 b7 W! [8 c
: _4 ]+ A4 p7 n3 k, j1. Doctor degree and above  
1 c4 z- _2 _- ?. d3 u2. Excellent research achievement on Some of the areas, Computer Vision  or Artificial Intelligence,etc  4 x. O; Y$ a4 \/ b3 L
3. Deep understanding on  industry change, background of Microsoft Research and so on is priority  ! C8 S. f3 Z4 k; d9 D- [, o
4. Strong communication and good management skill for team
發表於 2013-12-25 10:39:19 | 只看該作者


(20131225 10:52:46)交通大學電子系徵求混合信號積體電路與毫米波積體電路與系統領域之博士後研究員,歡迎相關研究專家加入電子系研究團隊,意者請於103年1月15日前,將博士論文與履歷自傳等資料,以書面或電子郵件傳至新竹市大學路 1001 號工程四館 307 室交通大學電子系廖小姐收( 。0 d  O8 W" y$ z2 B
: n: }- m4 g$ y3 f  U' }& P1 ^8 r" \
: i  x  D, w3 K1 G7 Y+ Y$ `' D4 |5 E5 a8 s' w, b
工作內容:混合信號積體電路, 毫米波積體電路與系統1 `9 a1 Y2 n0 Z! F, I

+ M5 i' U4 k9 W/ {- M0 X工作地點:交通大學積體電路與系統實驗室, 工程四館 307 室
3 b" {7 J% G4 I6 o& `" i8 I3 j$ E
; ^  r8 q4 D. y, B可工作時間:過年後
- R: k) h& ^( ]( j
1 T; E* b  i% I" ~. W待遇:面議
2 J! K$ |8 |; f  Y/ G
% `0 J2 Y- x0 g4 Z) H0 O( |0 F訊息來源:國立交通大學電子工程學系
發表於 2014-1-15 09:31:52 | 只看該作者
Spectroscopy Scientist6 a4 _% t6 I, Z! L9 E; s
公      司:an international group of companies
. e) I* n/ u( O1 a. p工作地点:上海
- E2 d3 J. Y: G5 `( C4 ^' x' w! U
( s: J. {. @; ^1 EJob Description  
+ N" K5 g4 r4 S; B& h& A, P9 ~* t& Q-          spectroscopy measurement and development activities involving optics and optical metrology, such as spectroscopy, laser-based measurements, microscopy, vision systems, and image analysis and processing;
- |  h" O. {' r" |( D9 W-          In depth expertise of measurement science: NIR, Raman, FTIR, UV-VIS; & x$ L6 _4 {- W
-          Broad understanding of how spectroscopic secondary measurements correlate to chemical primary measurements;
1 ~' d* `. D, o3 Q" T3 ]0 M-          Strong technical program management; 2 b/ ^, h7 r: W- _7 Y+ f# I7 I
-          Demonstrated ability to complete method development projects from conception to successful implementation;
* Y# ]7 Z1 N6 a5 C$ Z* Y-          Ability to lead change and effectively challenge the status quo;
4 y- V- y' G+ @5 S8 l-          Very strong oral & written communication skills  # y, x& r6 J  ^# ~% Y+ ?
-          Strong ability to collaborate within, and across, groups/levels  
! ]% [7 g- j. D1 f-          Ability to develop & lead strategic initiatives;  * j. |3 J8 r& o$ J: s5 h$ k
-          Demonstrated ability to understand complex analytical/technical topics and challenges, with strong problem solving & troubleshooting skill sets;
發表於 2014-1-15 09:32:31 | 只看該作者
University Program Specialist大学项目专员(技术专业)
! i- p! A9 V4 U5 F3 Y! [公      司:A famous IC company
3 M. R" D- L4 F9 e% k3 Y% @7 O, K& h工作地点:上海$ T7 F0 Z- ~$ w5 w
3 G, O' i" v5 @* n( H$ b$ T
Job Descriptions:
; F: T5 W' n# @$ A1. Develop university strategy for ** and implement this program 3 ]% \( d9 d; N" S+ s, B5 F' S
2. Enhance ** influence in China market through university progam 1 E; C+ x6 {8 m+ V1 y- J
3. To explore business opporutnities in universities
, m4 J3 s0 c5 _4 q2 w% L4. Manage university events and activities
* R4 s3 v/ N+ D$ q5 T- E# }2 ^
( A8 m' z) p0 O0 V$ \QUALIFICATIONS / REQUIREMENTS: 2 h( e  _% B6 n4 h0 h1 `5 H
1. Bachelor Degree or above, major in electronic engineering
5 d6 t. K4 L9 G2 U4 E% ?2. 5-year working experience in MNC, semiconductor industry is a plus $ y& K! ~$ W- [4 [
3. Basic knowledge of semiconductors market and application segments (e.g. automotive, industry)
0 T- B* y  \! J, ~( Y, C4. Strong interpersonal communications skills and detailed orientation
& J7 N6 _1 U% R" u' {( c+ H3 H5. Good team work play with strong sense of responsibility
# C2 |- j% Q/ z# E! c- m6. Responsive, initiative, proactive, self-motivator with excellent service attitude
% D& m! J, L$ f( V# ~0 S) m7. Excellent written, oral English and Mandarin
發表於 2014-1-15 09:33:11 | 只看該作者
ITOS科学家) ]* A) k+ w; `* w/ h) I# F$ P- O
公      司:A famous European IC company
0 J- [/ L+ e. S* g2 R, L! G工作地点:上海
$ Z- {; N8 f% U) a
2 i; ~2 z  k* W. Y- e0 t0 EResearch Scientist for Internet Security
  A( s2 o- R# d3 ^" @% `5 J, sInternet of Things and Services (IoTS) " m5 \5 x' ]7 T: I
Corporate Research in Shanghai, China
- @- L# t$ ~. u1 OResearch and Technology Centre Asia Pacific is an international team of interdisciplinary scientists, driving research in the several focused fields to leverage on Asia
/ p7 ~4 O" [' p; K( }7 wbest-in-class expertise for future innovations and technology. In addition to put in place beneficial products addressing crucial needs for improving the life of people in Asia.3 i0 g) k5 L9 J0 k
Responsibilities: 1 \) L- d1 b! l( c8 ]
Develop USE CASES in the selected IoTS vertical of supply chain safety in food and drugs, healthcare and smart building.  e) P+ p; ]4 w4 I' X& _
Develop technical solutions in Security and Privacy for Bosch services and data for seamless trust management across heterogeneous environments.
, X9 m$ ?1 W! R# F9 {% @" {0 sDevelop cost efficient protection methods for future Bosch IoTS products & services.
6 g" \7 R( }2 [1 |8 N& wCooperation with our business units in technology transfer and business case analysis. 4 Q: |- h- I6 J1 U, b
Analyze internet technology trends in China and Korea, D: s, W% p% V' j4 Q0 [
' L) R" _) T* q' x% u) X4 ~5 ]9 n
Requirements: ! r( P$ X1 I2 w% v
Brilliant accomplishment of PhD studies with a focus in computer sciences & information technology or related fields.  V& P( S0 p8 B+ N9 N# L# _
With 3-5 years research experience in relevant security & internet technology: secure authentication in mass deployed network, physical key generation, end to end security protocol
- Y1 I. D# G8 W$ K- _% k/ c1 xExperience with Java or C++.
* ~# s, {' L5 q, B$ Q" u, |! YExperience is pre-development or proof of concept development (conceptualizing, design and implementing) of an IoTS like solution.
8 p; f! a4 W( y! f: AExperience in a L2L activity for China; E.g. Food Safety, Telemedicine, (Good overview of the overall concept and technology).& J+ \( c9 T. ]$ @# q8 M$ M, p
Business oriented mindset and able to translate customer needs into innovative solution
% R1 l7 S" p( [. m& qInitiative and creative ways of working for developing new solution, systemic way of thinking.
發表於 2014-3-6 14:36:00 | 只看該作者
Applications Engineer (Graphics Software)
+ o4 G( u% _+ I' s公      司:A famous IC company  v0 b2 p. c# Y; n6 E- r
6 v% `* g/ R. C7 k) B5 ~
: n, y; q: A) mQualifications 8 d3 ]3 i: o( D) ^" J' b
Good university degree in Computer Science or Electronics Engineering; Post Graduate degree preferred. Other engineering or science subject graduates would be considered if they have relevant experience.
3 r2 Y1 Z  v6 a: o- J' S
$ c( `  `5 U) F9 {; {Experience
) M) g' |, o8 Z( H% m   Kernel and Device Driver development and deployment, ideally for Android and Windows Mobile.
; g" _/ ?5 z2 V; F: R   Development experience in windowing systems, for example X11 or Wayland. : z7 D  A& E1 X
   Experience of customer and sales interaction – ideally in a Technical Support, Product Deployment or Field Application role - as well as development work. Strong software design, coding and debug skills.
3 m7 c" h7 ~$ {, t% Z! F) u   Knowledge of GPU and/or CPU architecture with an excellent understanding of the interaction between software and hardware.& Q  J* V/ Z* l3 {
   Experience of working in a multi-time zone and distributed team environment.
發表於 2014-3-6 14:36:09 | 只看該作者
+ t, D: P$ s$ I1 f   Experience of embedded operating systems, device drivers, microprocessor and embedded system hardware architectures+ S$ v8 P0 t" ^6 m8 m
   Knowledge of Khronos multimedia standards and Microsoft standards
" p$ `- D. m2 ~0 n: `& D   Experience in 2D/3D graphics technology and standards such as OpenGL, OpenGL ES, OpenVG, Direct3D Mobile, DirectX and EGL9 a; K) d# |4 P0 [, T) n
   Knowledge of Windows and UNIX development environments 1 }. K! n, |% F5 Y( h
   Knowledge of the xx architecture, xx assembler 4 f$ d' }( l. t" M) o0 b$ Q8 @
   Knowledge of heterogeneous compute, ideally GPGPU/OpenCL.
& M5 _6 q( r% v! q, g/ q! Q$ u5 @" M. N$ s
Personal Requirements
0 X' s, M3 [  H) D& D" i* u2 J   Must have a strong customer focus. 9 D9 n% ^. d" B
   Must be able to travel on a regular basis (approximately every 2 months), both to provide customer training and also for internal business reasons.0 C" o7 e- _, @' W
   Must have the desire and ability to solve problems quickly. 0 W+ {6 D0 }2 T
   Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills with both colleagues and customers. " W( ~: O) S- j8 y, Y, d" h
   Must thrive working in high-pressure customer environments. ! L0 ^7 ]* z1 ]0 i
   Must be proactive in obtaining engineering or management input, either xx’s or the customer’s, in order to solve issues in a timely and accurate manner.
3 M  J" f' h; V0 h) l   Must be enthusiastic and well driven.
4 t) V, {1 U& |* o   Must be able to schedule own workload, and plan tasks – based on both internal and customer requirements. + p5 S5 l: T* W7 x- N- u6 X" t7 M6 M
   Must have good inter-personal skills, and be able to work well within a multinational team; especially when under pressure. Excellent cultural awareness is essential.
  S/ N/ n8 o7 P( o3 ~  J# _   Must be willing to be flexible and accept new challenges.
發表於 2014-3-11 13:19:02 | 只看該作者
Sr. Staff to Principal Engineer/Mgr* |7 P; X  }& f3 N+ `" {+ \8 X% p
公      司:A famous IC company4 `3 ]1 `) m6 G! Y8 d& d. x
6 L3 C3 ?. J* U' O  f
( S7 j$ \, v  O% e* DJob description 5 s) R4 j, i: E  j' U3 ]
The candidate will be responsible for the architecture and ASIC design and co-verification of various 802.11 wireless baseband IPs within current and next generation wireless products. The candidate will work within the local DSP/digital development team and closely with system/simulation/verification/RF engineering teams in US to develop and implement DSP/digital blocks to build WiFi IPs.# f' E6 L% M7 K/ W7 K* C# d6 ]* h5 f3 S
5 W% L0 X$ }, Q" S7 T$ M
Job responsibilities includes: spec development and design of DSP/digital blocks, developing co-verification platforms, performing simulations, and solving integration and testing problems during the development, characterization, and production stages of the product. Successful candidate must have the ability to communicate with engineers of various backgrounds: systems, software, digital hardware, RFIC design, and verification
發表於 2014-3-11 13:19:08 | 只看該作者
9 [$ h. x5 x& a2 a2 u$ d1 c; m?Extensive hands-on experience in the development of WiFi baseband IC design. The candidate must have at least 8-years development experience on WiFi 802.11 a/g/b including minimum 3 years on 802.11n/ac.  5 z* `- L! W0 K$ b* ^) e7 }
?Deep knowledge and good understanding of: digital communication theory, information theory; specifically on: equalization, Fourier transform, spatial-temporal coding, linear and maximum-likelihood estimation, Viterbi decoding, frequency/ timing estimation and calibration, automatic gain control, transmitter beam forming, diversity combining, and their high-speed DSP/digital implementation.  , F, a% }3 R$ \0 _
?Extensive experience with RTL programming languages. $ k  T5 g! z8 L2 P7 v1 m
?Experience with verification methodologies and tools and advanced complex RTL/C test-bench developments. The familiarity with UVM environment is a plus.
" C7 e& ^" H9 m& @$ K7 u) T?Experience with developing algorithms in C, C++, and Mat lab.
7 h8 \" {  V- O8 b/ R0 |?Experience with scripting language such as Perl, Python.
- w' f- }: S$ l& [& V5 R2 k/ {?Must have experience with lab testing and characterization of digital sub-systems. 8 j# \. `- z* w4 O8 Y) w
?Candidate must have strong English communication skills with willingness to interact with various groups within the company.' Y6 f# @7 {# p6 k
?Experience with physical design flows, tools, methodologies, and development of timing constraints is a plus.
( z& }' W5 I( v4 g?Familiarity with flows and tools for co-simulation of RTL and C models is a plus.
" ~( |6 @1 R! @0 [4 {0 _! L, ^& p, H?Familiarity with testing and integration of RF and baseband systems in the lab is a plus. 8 Z8 }" r7 o2 }. i! q" Z
?Experience with implementation of calibration modules for RF/Analog blocks is a plus.. " A/ i) K, S- s2 G( ~- I
?Typically requires a Master degree and 8 years of experience or a PhD and 5 years, in VLSI/ASIC architecture design or ASIC implementation of digital signal processing function.
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