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[好康相報] There's a career in Analog/Mixed-Signal? Where's A/MS Talent in Taiwan?

發表於 2013-8-7 16:34:01 | 只看該作者
R&D Software Engineer or Senior R&D Software Engineer
5 z! f# h# b6 {, n( u) z! G8 i4 w) c4 I5 ^+ {9 n
公      司:A famous IC company
9 y2 g; B7 d! w5 h: U- l, ^工作地点:上海) B: i' O; i5 j1 e- d2 t% K
: e# K- B, Q. g) ]3 G
  t$ ?2 {' r" u7 U-          Design and deliver software components as a member of a software project team
/ ^9 m; ?' [2 z5 @, j6 @4 U-          Maintain the assigned software component as module owner
( F# C1 [: I, u$ I* s, e$ c# W, M: s-          Collaborate with SW team, applications/field team to resolve issues and to fulfill customers’ enhancement requests. K6 s8 G' |2 K$ `/ L
-          Support the worldwide application engineers and the customers 0 D, O1 M* Z" A7 W0 }0 Y# X& Z
-          Maintain the software documentation
- K& J0 ?3 t8 K
% }9 I8 w7 m( fQualifications
  o# c4 F# g5 d0 k( `) T-          MS or BS Computer Science, Electronics Engineering or related discipline, with at least 2 to 4 years experience in software project or software development * }5 o) K& Y: ^. W
-          Strong experience of C/C++
) R5 i( ?" |" E! Z-          Optional Java experience ; F4 e$ u+ B+ R- j6 U
-          Strong analytical and problem solving skills  $ b) R# s# i! P+ X) J% ?
-          Result oriented, positive attitude and a good team player
% _' ]/ T1 ]2 v0 t-          Experienced with modern software development methodologies such as OOA&OOD $ }  c7 N7 x) Z
-          Able to read and communicate in English, especially in technical environment
3 K5 T$ H, K, L; }1 d% k2 }-          Willing to take responsibility and showing initiatives 3 h, m+ z) t- M2 `! P+ @
! Y. _6 a' N& i: k: {/ e% {
. u/ U5 {5 Y8 H8 y/ A( N; N3 c-          Basic IC test knowledge or 93K knowledge
* y3 v5 X7 J. q" w8 P-          Experienced with software development on Linux or Unix platform
7 \, Z( [7 u4 n4 D2 V3 C-          Experienced with modern software development process such as RUP Scrum. 6 Q; D1 _7 }& j' o
-          Strong organizational skill to work with cross-functional teams in requirements analysis, architecture and high-level design & A, M. G1 N" I/ F- A# G* I
-          Experience in customer interactions
' S8 u. S# G( a1 M! w3 {+ r-          Cross cultural / international experience
發表於 2014-7-28 10:49:18 | 只看該作者
( w$ }) Z: I) f& |0 v* ]$ V5 ]
公      司:A famous IC Design Companies in China
& ?, Z3 u* \+ b) K  a" Y: ?工作地点:上海4 v. \4 u8 E' c1 b  o
6 s: V0 x* o" h+ C+ ^
( G5 Q) g3 `& R6 q& _" y0 k* f1.       根据公司战略规划,组建并管理公司研发团队,完善部门制度和流程; ' @& \9 x: G7 _, I0 K% C: B
2.       参与公司新产品的规划、设计和开发,主导新产品量产前试产,审核、评估及整合试产结果并提出改良意见; & l& A9 w& [2 l3 d8 P& g
3.       规划、指导和管控所有的研发活动,包含整机集成、软件和硬件研发等;
3 E6 |% f/ m8 e: P4.       掌握手机行业的技术动态和发展方向,与上游厂商及互联网平台保持密切联系; 4 p. b2 E6 d0 m0 l2 D6 W- }2 Y
5.       指导并监控产品规格设置、原材料采购、供应商开发和文控文件支持;
$ T2 e( n( k9 X6 K( V% k" e6.       部门人员的日常管理、培训和考核工作;6 H7 T$ g% B+ t4 N' L

& z( M3 F/ S6 B3 N教育背景:
1 v0 m( o1 d) y2 d1 S5 q电子、通讯或计算机专业全日制本科及以上学历。
9 C& d1 d" R* y2 g: z& p! j
5 q; p& A( v; {* i1 q4 m工作经验: 4 Q' D1 f) Y  ]4 \; a1 S
1.       10年以上研发岗位经验,5年以上知名手机研发团队(20人以上)的管理经验,3年以上高通平台开发经验,3年以上Android 智能手机开发经验; ( n* s6 Y& ?( [5 T0 A3 S$ i
2.       具有较强的市场意识,对市场变化及市场趋势敏感并能提出创造性建议;
6 r8 B. g, y  Y& w9 z9 c3 ^3.       具有丰富的团队管理经验,良好的管理能力及解决问题的能力; 8 w* F) r; F1 d+ q/ H( e9 n
4.       有进取心和强烈的责任心,能带领团队进行技术攻关;
發表於 2014-7-28 10:50:10 | 只看該作者
/ A  p! O) {) q8 x/ _& T, ^6 \2 y# ~  p( x3 K# K
公      司:A famous IC Design Companies in China
+ c3 n2 S" N# V& Y8 N工作地点:上海
" a1 M: _2 ]1 h% u1 Y. i& s, _5 P4 q- C$ c
+ P/ O8 ]6 j% M+ [1.       负责硬件部团队架构设计、人力规划、人员招聘;
- g! k. ?7 P) C/ M7 f* Q6 c2.       把握硬件平台技术发展,研究新技术,牵头疑难问题的攻克; 9 O" c% p  H. D3 V' S
3.       参与规划元器件认证流程、标准,形成企业标准元器件库; . M% Z3 d, T9 J1 q  J" S
4.       掌握手机行业的硬件技术动态和发展方向;
$ _- C1 N# A/ v) Y/ d7 _5.       负责硬件部相关流程、工作规范的建立和执行;
: ~7 r  ~, E% W+ v" P9 d* ^6.       负责硬件部日常管理、培训及考核工作;: Y  m1 I2 N/ h$ \/ u

; ~. O+ l+ ]7 k% q8 l) T9 g* G0 u教育背景:
7 v0 D0 f% b1 B: l% e* ?' F2 R电子、通讯或计算机专业全日制本科及以上学历。 6 Y5 M9 H4 A2 x% `
: _. S; X; G3 y  N
9 n2 j4 I8 ]4 |( i( y* `2 K8 k1.       10年以上研发岗位经验,5年以上知名手机研发团队(20人以上)的管理经验,3年以上高通平台开发经验,3年以上Android 智能手机开发经验;
7 v. L6 @% N, [# X+ ~2.       具有丰富的团队管理经验,良好的管理能力及解决问题的能力; ( {6 {/ E: U: o; `9 h
3.       有进取心和强烈的责任心,能带领团队进行技术攻关;
  r& n/ H2 v/ z2 U: w8 n+ Q6 ~
) f: q  J& l' Q/ _4 G专业知识: 2 k5 _3 ~& Q9 d& Q5 f% j4 S& K
1.       具有系统的无线通信专业知识,熟悉并掌握手机硬件系统的开发设计;
' r: K$ Q2 U' ?2.       有天线/RF上有丰富的经验优先;
發表於 2014-7-28 10:50:41 | 只看該作者
" R$ O1 A, Z. n- V+ b9 h+ E" e
! M$ o6 C* W) z公      司:A famous IC company  U9 U- }- F' w8 u% _, ^5 B% a( e
5 _$ v9 Z! x  n) s2 `' h2 m2 ^7 p- {+ O; U: a1 U
External Description  
2 N% x" l5 l1 ~  ?. e Work closely with customers on Android smart-phone projects with perspective in software part from board bringup to product mass production % A1 O2 b$ g) t$ R) f' n8 A
Regularly solve customer reported BSP/Linux issues timely or report to backend R&D to solve it timely.  
2 u; G5 v: ]4 q& [. o, f& {  R9 | Onsite board bringup, failure analysis per customer requirement
! R8 ]! ?# s+ H- Y Organize technical meetings and trainings with customers engineering team per sales request6 V+ V1 X3 d: c6 c* N
& z7 q5 s, f2 W$ B2 {5 z' A
# H1 C& f! t/ j* ]* F% l B.S. degree or above in electrical engineering, computer science or equivalent. & Q7 Q7 ?# r4 }1 g
Solid knowledge and experience on C/C++. . y) X) W0 v% q# y- [0 x
3+ years of Linux driver develop experience on ARM or equivalent embedded platforms.  
9 }; w5 L' s/ ~6 U Basic hardware knowledge will be a plus.  & C' Q" W: c. u" ]/ w. G5 d+ j
Good communication and can work as individual and under pressure
: u5 q7 B4 |7 C4 A/ N Good English read/write/oral capability.
發表於 2014-7-28 10:51:13 | 只看該作者
1 `4 o" S) d9 J4 n
5 t$ D% p  f9 Z. Y2 J+ d, ^公      司:A Chinese integrated solution supplier: H: Y0 Z$ E% r4 a' A9 C; ]" x
工作地点:深圳$ s; G# {4 Y7 C+ s; u- E' R

2 d$ ]$ I6 s" _( i岗位职责: / Z2 c+ _! i9 a' y* F! l2 Y& Y( {
1. 微弱信号检测电路研究;
! z0 \- p" S; @7 ^+ z2. 芯片方案原型平台设计与调试; % Y8 [+ ^% m  u. R

1 r1 d( ~3 |4 ?) C2 f9 ?任职要求:
% i& n, d9 C# d" z3 l8 C1. 本科及以上学历,2年以上相关工作经验; + i# ?& G+ i; |$ {! j
2. 通讯、电子、自动化、物理或数学专业;
* N  D' u( z# B) D+ z5 S- d5 X4 M3. 思维灵活,有创新精神;
發表於 2014-7-29 11:25:48 | 只看該作者
Industrialization Project Manager
% ^9 c. ~7 T/ ]  B5 {! m- t, `" }8 |5 H# Q  x  c0 ^4 l
公      司:A famous IC company7 i+ ~" i/ s0 C+ Z7 M9 b- c
工作地点:北京9 a6 C# X1 W3 Q* G) A1 W1 m( P

6 ^; j; B6 ]/ |# u! `2 v. d7 |$ w职位描述
& h, m, F7 Q8 h0 R1.The industrialization Project Manager Job purpose is to manage execution of Industrialisation Project activities,from Project Definition/Architecture  though  Product Development/Validation  to  Customer  Deployment/Project Closure, in order to meet Project requirements and objectives in terms of scope, quality, schedule and cost.
# B6 D2 K- U" j2.Assisting R&D and project Manager to design cost effective boards and leading edge technical excellence.
; S9 R8 L' M- P; B- E# x' i3.Building and maintaining the industrialization project plans. - b- ^6 V+ W% p. v
4.Managing the Industrialization project execution: schedule, milestones definitions, risks management, and KPIs management in respect with the ** milestones./ Q5 S! d# P# {5 n6 r9 T, {
5.Managing boards and test fixtures requests in order to meet core project time scales whilst also ensuring lowest cost of ownership through cost effective solutions. ( n$ L: L; {$ U. i! y
6.Controlling and reporting the costs related to the  industrialization project and boards manufacturing,  manage the budget and active contribution to the build cost forecasting.2 M# `# ]9 H- ?' I, `' Y6 e
7.Reporting project progress and status to the Program Manager as member to the Program core team.   * d( B* |  |+ k8 U
8.Ensuring that all change requests are managed with the proper priority and severity to match the project targets.
發表於 2014-7-29 11:25:54 | 只看該作者
9.Ensuring a close alignment and cooperation with the HRP and R&D organization.  6 v! p# h, ?6 ^1 g
10.Supervising supplier’s execution (factory) for boards manufacturing.  
9 g- a( h* Y+ X: n11.Managing communication related to boards manufacturing (delivery plan, yield, ...). 9 X6 I  B+ z9 X
12.Ensuring that error data base is filled and means are put in place to recover faced incidents. 6 R% H- G8 `. r
13.Synchronizes / manages cross functional teams for Component sourcing, Test Software, Repair, Board testing ….
# N" Q( A7 W* ^) i5 u2 ~3 S14.Manage Industrialization activities and the related costs, ensure that the higher quality level is reached, and schedule is kept.# Z) C. |# K4 ~% [- T5 M- a: U8 K
1)Supervising Component sourcing and purchasing  
. G# J; w, n! P: Z: p* h# h2)Supervising CAD and Layout activities when included in industrialization project / A% k5 J" @3 Q- `# i) [9 x
3)Managing board manufacturing activities
; F& B4 B9 w$ a5 v# a4)Managing board and test fixture requests  # b$ k8 I0 P, n: J* `
5)Communication (achievements, strategy, risk)  4 s: `$ R% p: G+ |. J2 }
6)Priority setting  4 X- W2 P7 Y, \, B# O5 r0 j
7)Boards Delivery  
4 M, H8 C: I( C. B7 ?8)Budget control and report  
/ p: v! [0 X& @- k" d) q9)Build and budget forecast  , d2 |) {7 l; N/ k( H" C
15.Ensure proper resource staffing for the Industrialization Project  
/ W- w7 W+ F6 i1)Validate through the overall Project organization the overall Project demand towards HRP Line Managers and external suppliers for allocation.
  u! P, a: u5 ~8 m2 }$ X% p2)Identify gaps and propose solution to the HRP Line Managers.  6 J8 E% A' I6 b1 k9 h3 q
3)Track monthly effective allocation  
/ c- Y; n, @" C# s' }16.Coordination of multi discipline teams (Sourcing, procurement, Hardware Design, CAD Layout, Electronic Manufacturing Supplier, cost control)  by means of * m! {& T6 Y+ G
1)Communication matrix to ensure communication channels are clear  
6 f0 x* b. `+ l! n+ z' ~' l17. Animates a core team of 7 people  8 z  L1 K- Q9 b! m4 G0 b
18. Reports status during monthly OSC Review at Hardware Program level  
4 p  D. D4 F+ J3 i; O1)Prepare and present material to pass milestones
% b! j8 A6 M- y* d! @4 W* v2)Official formal reporting  ( i/ w# f% K9 v( ?% o
19.Manages external suppliers: Electronics Manufacturing Supplier (EMS)  
9 F8 R8 x5 _! V) K( h1)SoW, contract contribution and review and management escalation. N' a$ d! W3 n
( N# l- g, z0 d& t
1.Project Management Methodology – Advanced  
0 Y: H  z# n* O; J2.PMP or assimilated certification - Certified  
9 ^% u+ q" z  X3.MSP Scheduling - Expertise  7 ]5 K1 U. n& O( ^
4.STEPP Process - Expertise  
; O  \" i7 t! A% _  r8 A' z0 {& m5.Specific Technical domain - Deep knowledge
* u# T8 G& P: K1 n: d+ W+ |5 X6 y: W6.Engineering degree in Electronic
$ b" @  [* G8 j- ?: n4 I" l9 y1 \, S7.Good in spoken and written English (the boss for foreigners)
發表於 2014-7-29 11:26:25 | 只看該作者
Program Manager(Home)! q2 [9 ~' k* l* F2 G- y

5 i9 B* g) f; m3 y6 h# X3 r公      司:A automation company1 F! \2 F( i( y4 [4 L, C+ e8 u
2 t! F/ B+ @$ D9 _. N2 I- B  v! _0 b& v% ]* ^* `9 w/ p. H( M
职位描述. U7 x: N# M0 i/ e% I* {/ ~
1.Work with company’s customers to provide marketing (web, graphics, user interface, print, collateral marketing, program management.) services by building a service provider network.: f6 t1 |2 f# X4 u8 `0 P* ^
2.Develop a network of call centers that would drive telemarketing campaigns on behalf of company. $ t: N0 ^4 Y4 M  f8 p
3.Support of company’s effort in sales & marketing areas to acquire new customers in China.
7 y" I# H$ u, [1 @7 y# @
5 }$ u; v2 |5 K% |职位要求* J: }# ~1 @& n8 [( M
1.Good communication skills (Both English, Korean and Mandarin written & spoken)  
& T' ^3 P! A( s  S8 u: @2 B2.3-7 years work experience   K1 O9 N+ \: w' d/ j
3.Client servicing or Client handling experience
" t& q0 y' }% f, N1 w* ~4.Should have very good interpersonal skills
1 N2 C9 ~0 X8 z9 y/ F5.Should be proactive in picking up new skills & knowledge   A! A7 j9 U" k! j! z0 [
6.Well versed in MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
發表於 2014-9-24 13:55:16 | 只看該作者
Director of Engineering/ ^1 e/ A1 N, L% y' k4 c4 H7 \
公      司:A leading supplier of optical communication products
: P  O( k5 |+ m- i' z! F. s工作地点:成都
- |6 s7 K5 O: a/ O5 u4 N  I
9 G  \2 U$ S1 h* Z- {: v3 PMISSION Why this position exists  
( z' s+ g0 @4 lTo lead the overall engineering disciplines and functions to achieve the next level of process robustness via engineering solution and innovation.
! X3 O4 I& \* P3 D7 pWork closely with AME to provide solutions that reduce the variations. 3 h2 x  N% P+ f
      OUTCOMES: desired A performance in year one 0 W5 Z) h4 b- G+ @7 {
     1st year’s A performance – 4-5 objectives that if achieved would represent an A-performance  : g+ q! ~  Z* S' ]# S$ Q
·         Structure and Optimize the Organization, per SD/BT. 7 l+ h$ e' G7 x& s: P
·         Be able to have 5 major error proofing solutions implemented. . v9 V  _9 g: z8 b3 C. u
·         Drive cost down that improves the Gross Margin.
* I) s, N6 G; e  y·         Automation deployment.
發表於 2014-9-24 13:55:20 | 只看該作者
COMPETENCIES: Weighted requirements list: (candidates should be or have the following) ("weighted" on a scale of 1-10, where 10 indicates the most critical, important and 1, the least):
! o. j- F0 c6 u) m0 Z& y. f·         Practical experience in multiple engineering disciplines, including Test, Process, Automation, Facility, MFG Engineering and Industrial Engineering. : 10
5 H' R- O! I  v/ C! h# B; M0 X·         LEAN Deployment Experience: 8
0 K5 }6 O$ P1 k& m·         Hands On Experience in Facility construction: 6
+ d8 G; O- A% [" J6 F·         Self starter, with a proven record of demonstrated initiative: 10
5 p2 O& G3 e$ N$ [& t. y·         Display a strong can-do attitude, determination and grit: 8
& \6 A& `6 Z0 @- T- ~5 D·         High EQ: 8 5 g1 O( x8 _; n! k+ u* u
·         Collaborative, with the demonstrated ability to get projects done in collaboration with established teams and function/process owners: 85 D* E0 o9 E) m( A. d; W( ?" f  c
·         Ambitious: still in the upward arc of his/her career: 8 . a7 B! n/ G9 Q% {
·         Pragmatic, with a good sense for finding high-impact applications: 8
) ^6 [0 a) l) Z·         Experience in one or more of these associated fields: precision optics, test and measurement, high-end electronics, semiconductors: 6  4 Q  ?/ i* N7 H& ^2 ~; j% ~
·         Experience working with engineers in China, Taiwan and the US: 8 / H7 W% n; T* M" T
·         Fluent in English: 6
# w. }7 D: w" g+ N! l8 J+ X·         Hands-on and detail-oriented: 6 6 D* Q% v0 A! x
·         Have strong program skills: 6
; B, ^; r! M/ d( @  c6 S·         Have strong project management skills: 6 9 q$ d8 c' V1 |4 w4 X
·         Fluent in Mandarin and written Chinese: 8
發表於 2014-9-30 08:12:17 | 只看該作者
( M, v+ Q& i2 P) H# ]公      司:A simulated chip design manufacturers
0 |2 {0 u0 w2 g3 }% _5 L6 _工作地点:深圳
/ G( c8 E# Y3 _' x9 Y* ?4 C* l! d& P7 h
工作职责:  8 x* W& ]- Z& ?" T7 \$ s
1、根据公司发展战略及电子消费品市场发展趋势,负责公司产品的规划和新产品的开发; ! Q/ G( X1 M& R( v
2、通过市场调研,对新产品进行定位、规划、设计,并与研发、市场各部门进行论证、实施; . e6 |% n( |0 ]" g( E6 I
6 a1 J9 e, Q( L# h$ l7 W4、带领和协调产品、设计、推动产品的开发进程,仔细体验产品并找出相关细节优化点,包含但不限于视觉、性能、功能、交互等方面;
7 W% c9 k: t/ z( Z' a  P5、跟进新产品市场推广情况,根据用户反馈信息,不断完善产品性能,同时不断完善新产品的品种开发,组织监测市场调研及相关信息分析;
% ^9 q4 F8 q; M! w6 \6、根据企业发展、市场环境、产品的生命周期等因素,进而调整产品水平;
& X' H0 l5 s0 m+ i$ A: a, ?# `3 C- g
8 h1 E6 ?  W. w任职资格:  ( u- T" ?  {% o1 Q4 b
1、理工科及相关专业,本科或硕士学历; ( e& U) E& O  |( G4 M" O8 E
2、熟悉消费电子行业产品经验; 2 k% V4 r6 u7 p5 u# m) o" Z
3、有责任感,有韧性,抗压能力强; . K1 E* W6 S$ f' B
4、有8年以上团队管理经验,35-40岁以上; . t- C4 ]7 w. n: J7 M. Z" Z. l
發表於 2014-9-30 08:12:54 | 只看該作者
Business Strategy Analysis3 v( G9 R1 P& J" N* h, p0 V0 z
公      司:A leading supplier of optical communication products
: L% l# A2 a; l4 ~9 ^3 J  D% K工作地点:成都, ?: f+ g+ n' x/ e

; ]- `( }( j, W. ?! U7 kKey responsibilities include:  5 j+ r1 z  ]$ I
-    Conduct research when given a topic on certain part of the industry, segment, product line, competition, customer, or any players on the industry value chain.
  e' R: q& G) b. [6 y! [6 Q-    Structure the framework around the topic and interact with people carrying knowledge inside company at any function to validate and solicit input to mature the framework
* Y! _8 K5 n5 V1 j-   Collect data needed : q5 W/ z9 T: t
-   Analyze and modeling the data around the specific requirement . n2 B3 C5 q+ A+ d4 B
-   Be able to articulate data and solutions in visualized way (in a PPT)   ?+ O$ l% M; ?5 X+ q6 _
-   Assist executives to take ideas into PPT presentation
4 i8 A; s1 i: w! }) H3 G6 \-   Assist M&A modeling and analysis 9 X6 y+ ?& O" P# g7 r; ]$ g
-   Assist building business case
: }. P8 w! X6 I/ {/ M-   Structure complex business problems and analyze to uncover recommendations ! \. l% @  ]$ Z$ Y
-   Discuss your learning, analyses and recommendations  
; S1 [' k$ }7 L2 W# x-   Create a way to track actions, if needed ( R) l* k0 `8 Y: c0 |  `; \3 E- i
-   Assist strategy EVP for other matters needed
發表於 2014-9-30 08:12:58 | 只看該作者
The ideal candidate will:  
, p6 ~6 i1 z% n; |  N; N' ]-  Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Economics, Finance, Marketing or other analytical discipline  & H2 P8 U1 _$ J4 h$ |7 f
-  Have a strong commitment to personal and professional excellence and growth  6 n- Q3 p; {& W) o
-  Must have 5+ years of experience in an analytical role in strategic marketing, business development  2 y, {# c  t  Q% D0 [8 D
-  It is a plus to have worked in financial analytical role  8 ^  d7 \3 W8 v: Q
-  Ability to demonstrate basic financial and business knowledge 7 S: I4 b# ]7 e. n# m/ w
-  Be a team player and possess strong interpersonal skills including excellent communication skills  
; K$ H# S. ]; U# z- c* p& P& s( a! k-  Advanced Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint skills  
6 d0 A, Z+ }) ?6 [% p* P-  Foundational knowledge and understanding of statistical concepts  
6 s, [4 N5 e3 o$ Q$ P8 T-  Excellent written and oral communication skills  1 W: |6 R" N+ r9 }# x4 C3 N7 }# ?. U4 ?2 f
-  Highly motivated and willing to do what it takes to get the job done
發表於 2014-10-15 12:25:15 | 只看該作者
Product Business Development Manager& }/ w( s1 w( y) j. B
公      司:A famous European IC company" {4 i0 D) x& I6 p" T) B6 D3 F( u
工作地点:上海: F; x, S, C2 Z; h# ?0 N
, d3 o) p: T0 F8 u, u- I) L7 I
Roles and Responsibility: 1 q$ `8 Z* J7 ?0 g
- Promote the product at customers and sales partners; cooperate with sales at developing customer specific promotion strategies.
# _) y; L. o1 ~0 F% t4 k& `- Introducing new product into new market. 5 w2 H0 \* S+ G, {3 g
- Provide customer, market feedback and requirement to PM and proposed product features for better market coverage
' ^5 d$ s; r5 @% `1 J$ ^- Secure orders and achieve sales per budget and sales forecast.
$ @5 W; q$ T& N* ]7 S- Focus on business development with major customers prospects ) t8 m- g- {' Q. K( L
- Develop and drive a business plan which includes focus account profiles and penetration plans, that support the system solution of customer needs as determined by the long range market segment business plan
1 I+ S! G3 B& V- Regional travel is expected to ensure relationships and business opportunities are being developed
' h8 r8 D7 H( ~" _5 X) @- e. x( e' `0 D/ C8 @. Z+ C
Qualification requirements:
5 [- f9 k- E& P- Proven track-record(5-7 years plus)of success in business and/or commercials roles in CE production
* J! ^  E: R( M- c- Experience in sales and/or marketing/product marketing and /or business management # r# ^/ h. [2 \7 \$ _! m6 k! i
- Experience in consumer electronics industries including mobile communications, wearable device and digital media+ X. @, r( T" t/ ~/ z- A" D
- Must be an effective communicator with the ability to interface at all levels within the skills, high credibility. Good social skills, ability to establish open communication
發表於 2014-10-15 12:25:58 | 只看該作者
* C) o" R6 U7 {# n公      司:A simulated chip design manufacturers
: {  s4 \0 B/ g工作地点:深圳3 C7 U/ ~3 \/ e7 @3 c9 B( R
1 F, P% `* e+ }/ j4 n4 {
工作职责:  5 D- {& D& t9 o6 g* t. \. u$ \
3 M" U, ^" J! M. z  _( Q2、通过市场调研,对新产品进行定位、规划、设计,并与研发、市场各部门进行论证、实施; ' Q. B5 D3 ]. S& j7 ?: ~
  H. ?; U! e4 G4、带领和协调产品、设计、推动产品的开发进程,仔细体验产品并找出相关细节优化点,包含但不限于视觉、性能、功能、交互等方面;
2 |5 B. t: r6 ~& {- g7 Q: I5、跟进新产品市场推广情况,根据用户反馈信息,不断完善产品性能,同时不断完善新产品的品种开发,组织监测市场调研及相关信息分析; 4 I) S, r# \+ x1 J
+ e; Q* d" z: |! P1 u
/ G* N1 o  R: K0 A; Y( n' C任职资格:  6 i* _2 K  s+ [  R; v4 A
0 D: ^/ X7 c0 m% Z. d2、熟悉消费电子行业产品经验;
* X3 |/ j! |/ b+ n2 `3、有责任感,有韧性,抗压能力强; ' [7 Q' y4 B# Z: V- P
1 D% ?  {8 G; C% k$ s5、对市场敏感度高、知识面广、项目经验丰富。
發表於 2014-10-15 12:26:38 | 只看該作者
Director of Engineering
% ^/ ?; g3 ^: _# P% M2 c公      司:A leading supplier of optical communication products
: A8 L- a0 Y/ I# H" R3 p工作地点:成都7 {* y+ ^: t9 p# o' B* X" O
3 ]/ C8 G, o0 X% w( j
MISSION Why this position exists  - o  ~2 B2 Y6 L  t
To lead the overall engineering disciplines and functions to achieve the next level of process robustness via engineering solution and innovation. 4 I& _: w( @0 ?7 a5 R- u7 P
Work closely with AME to provide solutions that reduce the variations.
/ }6 X8 R, B/ A' X! U/ |      OUTCOMES: desired A performance in year one 1 J  t0 M( @1 C9 }& G1 ?( c' u
     1st year’s A performance – 4-5 objectives that if achieved would represent an A-performance  
+ h+ C# \; w  s" K# _6 ^! i# N·         Structure and Optimize the Organization, per SD/BT. 5 h) g5 X7 W; x7 k! i3 T
·         Be able to have 5 major error proofing solutions implemented. 5 o5 I6 g0 Q$ |, e4 \' o
·         Drive cost down that improves the Gross Margin.
6 W9 U8 ?; c( P" u5 F0 X7 F5 Y! |( T·         Automation deployment.
發表於 2014-10-15 12:26:42 | 只看該作者
COMPETENCIES: Weighted requirements list: (candidates should be or have the following) ("weighted" on a scale of 1-10, where 10 indicates the most critical, important and 1, the least):
' Y  N$ Y! x& F2 R·         Practical experience in multiple engineering disciplines, including Test, Process, Automation, Facility, MFG Engineering and Industrial Engineering. : 10- h+ G% H& w. @$ F' M
·         LEAN Deployment Experience: 8 ) }: v* }- ]- C0 e% T) K
·         Hands On Experience in Facility construction: 6
* j5 D. A/ E1 j·         Self starter, with a proven record of demonstrated initiative: 10
! [  D5 ~  ~/ ?; E' K5 Y! N5 w·         Display a strong can-do attitude, determination and grit: 8 5 g, G6 J+ }* ~. p. }( m7 C
·         High EQ: 8
! f0 m. t9 q& ]7 o7 l( r·         Collaborative, with the demonstrated ability to get projects done in collaboration with established teams and function/process owners: 8
; U+ b3 F/ N3 G# J+ Z# P5 Y·         Ambitious: still in the upward arc of his/her career: 8
6 W, r( x4 F& v" R) U·         Pragmatic, with a good sense for finding high-impact applications: 8 4 D% i2 y6 L7 O' d' k$ l5 S
·         Experience in one or more of these associated fields: precision optics, test and measurement, high-end electronics, semiconductors: 6  6 _# e4 {& c4 q) l( f( |+ \& u; j! s9 `- C& J
·         Experience working with engineers in China, Taiwan and the US: 8 " z1 h3 K) Q& o$ N; v
·         Fluent in English: 6 , k/ X) L* b, p/ R
·         Hands-on and detail-oriented: 6
" j/ ~/ J6 I  ?* {·         Have strong program skills: 6 - S9 g; j! A: E4 {1 H% ?3 B
·         Have strong project management skills: 6
3 C' E0 D6 M  B& E# ^·         Fluent in Mandarin and written Chinese: 8
發表於 2014-10-20 11:46:23 | 只看該作者
Operation Director
& j( w0 x9 z8 }4 z7 ~' E公      司:a leading developer of advanced digital imaging solution/ {1 [( g/ r  H0 m; }9 [
工作地点:上海; X: u1 X5 V5 [0 N8 Z6 O4 q; F: B

4 w9 Z/ j4 H& ^& }1 Y2 sMain Responsibilities:
! j/ P7 G: f$ v2 u: t# QCompany operation leader, to manage manufacturing and engineering departments, cooperate with other operational departments like Quality, logistics, production control, IE and supporting departments like HR, ADM, Facility and IT to meet company operational goals and objectives. To interface w/ R&D team in China and Product design, Business development team in US. $ E. V7 o0 R, K
) b' w7 D( Y( E4 z/ K# v
1.      Set up manufacturing and engineering overall goals and KPI based on company’s strategy and policy,  
8 d2 _$ u* ]; T$ F9 b2.      Build operation team with good qualification, high quality and efficiency, Improve engineering and production staffs capability, develop and coach them to support company long term growth9 }1 t& |! D, p5 u. m8 r% B' D: t
3.      Lead and own operation safety and control.  
# a% m. j6 N: L& I% k% p4.      Lead operation team to hit output target and quality KPI     f+ S  v! k- O( X
5.      Manage and improve product yield performance  
" o' P8 G( G0 {/ x" I6.      Manage and Improve equipments performance and utilization
0 P; S1 R. q# G' e% C* A( r7.      Lead new product/equipment/technology introduction and development to meet requirement.
0 h0 B4 K8 ?) }, w6 n8.      Cost down by driving operation efficiency and reducing material cost 8 Q& j$ i8 U4 c. N9 m6 p$ G' I
9.      Lead the operation process and system improvement
7 g& d" V+ b0 M5 Y" L% n10.   Lead the operation emergence response activities to ensure business continuity
# v' J: V, d4 j* v6 r$ ?: Q
* D6 M' T+ m2 u: Y+ L6 RQualification & Experience: # g+ l% e( l6 i+ l8 h
1.    Bachelor degree or above, majored in manufacturing or engineering relative; 4 U+ ^- X+ n! ~; Y3 p! ]
2.    At least 10 years related experience in Manufacturing or Engineering management in multi-national company; experiences of cross country cooperation " S5 w$ o& K5 S' z: D
3.    Experience to manage operation organization with hundreds of employees
7 m8 H/ n8 m' v; s+ b4 y: ]- s4.    Semi-conductor industry experiences required, Assembly & test experiences will be a plus 3 {3 c7 x$ c% J' |
5.    Familiar with operation management, knowledgeable in Planning, IE and finance,
) ?5 v' N$ ~- S# r% q6.    Experience to run operation with lean manufacturing principle 6 B# L3 u3 |8 u1 y, V
7.    Excellent communication and coordination skills, credit and integrity, good team building skills.
8 y8 L  O1 d, {6 A& l" Q8.    Good English skill both in written and oral.
發表於 2014-10-27 12:26:26 | 只看該作者
Application Engineer9 e4 ~. S. _% T' B# v
公      司:A famous IC company
( |/ e( N+ h" W5 Y6 D工作地点:上海
' Z/ A# {( {' Z: }7 B6 I7 x% S% q' M: J  P& r, [5 W) i" \( ?
) o& c3 R! `1 n4 H! H1) Production Support  . Y7 N* Q% ^, m0 \4 l+ o
- Support new device ramp-up.  2 Z% q. d* g- q; J8 T# l; u' Y; |
- Application support (e.g. yield improvement, test time reduction)  
* u' q0 y( Q$ F+ h3 a% ]- Production troubleshooting.  
! F( B) `. Y. R: @+ v2 q) w- i, _- Customer training (customized workshops).  
5 e. b( i) \: O0 f- Account management: relationship building, issue tracking, escalation and communication.  + ~' R' r) N6 T# D
/ `% p' J5 f5 _# v  Q
2) Pre-sale Support  , O" p0 _: u* Z+ C$ c
- Understand market, device technology and competition trends, provide inputs to sales for Verigy product positioning strategy.
; h2 V; e# _" C- Collect local market / accounts / applications data, analyze and identify opportunities.  6 u. e$ M; C- F6 F2 j" i
- Understand customer’s technical problems, create and drive account penetration strategy.  0 k# `" D9 l$ b8 i5 K3 O2 h' ~4 O
- Support sales in technical discussions, theoretical benchmarks and customer presentations; help preparing proposal and tendering documents
" o3 q7 y- n- X7 [4 b' O( }- Support marcom events like SEMICON show, seminars, etc.
發表於 2014-10-27 12:26:29 | 只看該作者
3) Solution Development and Project Management  - v+ {) ~8 i" q" a2 J" Z2 b: _* X9 @
- Track account roadmap, analyze customer’s test requirements and provide competitive test solutions.  
6 p: Z1 g& [% V2 V3 T- Test program development and project management.  7 V: k+ R* `0 N8 Q) K* J
- Device correlation and test program release at customer site. 5 @7 v$ ~' _3 @  G" u
: B* f$ k. f2 V4 c( n( ?, R+ R9 SMinimum Qualifications : Qualifications:  " ~$ Q7 r- n8 }& r/ U8 C8 `
- Demonstrated personal leadership skills & strong team contributor.  
& v4 W5 j- P' B( L! K- Master degree or higher in electronic, electrical engineering, Automation or related discipline.  
, q, B6 A) m- e1 I- Has more than 2 years Project management experience  , P# V, H) t. Z% v
- 4 years experience in semiconductor test application development, application support, IC design, or test engineering. / X5 V; J% E' H) n
- Familiar with C/C++, Java or other programming languages.  
, \/ x4 s) O4 W: D# n' u- Fluent in English.  1 [, w" H. H( D% V! X8 w% u- r
- Good communication skills.  
4 q; C  y. Q/ \) @# o* p- u# ?; l% ^9 K3 ?, t2 K6 g/ h% U
1 ]- K% w4 N  B7 q. D) }- Knowledge in semiconductor design, manufacture and verification for SOC, logic, memory, RF, processors or ASIC devices.
/ j' T; ]# @/ H* {3 i5 i- Experience in using Automatic Test Equipment platforms (for example, Verigy/Agilent, LTX, Teradyne or Advantest), especially in mixed-signal and RF applications.  
5 h7 C+ i7 i  y2 u7 d( v" t- Pre-Sales skills and direct customer interface experience.
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