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[經驗交流] RD vs. Sales

發表於 2008-5-4 18:24:39 | 只看該作者
0 o: ?3 d& \' G3 k$ a, X8 n5 ~/ n每次 SALES要我們多加的  都是有可能的需求
8 l7 U8 p; W$ \1 B! d) i但是又不明確  往往花了時間 作模擬 確定OK之後* u) M: m! i0 `1 r  ]5 V
都會造成 schedule delay  最後那個不明確的客戶也不會出現0 ]6 S; R0 o! T2 j
: P: ^+ Q9 g4 ]0 q
我看了我們公司的組織架構後   發現我們公司的SALES其實是我們CEO
- [, j: q8 Z  y9 U常常把 SALES 罵到臭頭  不然就是RD主管 立正罰站
6 n. S8 y6 I" p" s: d: L- R今年 MARKETING的協理走掉了   看樣子 以後CEO就一個人當 MARKETING好了

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發表於 2008-7-26 08:31:01 | 只看該作者
5 y9 o3 n& C- |. h+ }" o- {% t科技網, Taiwan - Jul 23, 20083 I3 M3 o1 x: i; I! ?% p
2 |. l- S6 o6 {! x7 s
原來,他們公司內部的研發團隊與海外市場業務團隊,最近為了某項大型標案吵得不可開交,由於標案產品型態特殊,海外團隊在與客戶溝通後,回頭要求研發團隊,必須要配合客戶規格需求更改產品設計,1次、2次、3次,到了第4次,研發團隊忍不住開罵了:「能不能一次講清楚要改 ...

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發表於 2008-7-26 08:31:50 | 只看該作者
- e0 n/ h; \6 `$ A3 n1 ONOWnews, Taiwan - 16 hours ago, o1 ^# s$ r* l) i/ P( E4 \/ V
7 U1 k. q6 V! B7 |& k6 B  J1 Q
手機業界高層透露,聯發科轉投資的景發,由於部分研發團隊的自達智,開發聯發科平台頗具經驗,因此被鴻海集團相中,希望能與同樣採用聯發科平台的LG最大手機代工夥伴華冠一搏;原本鴻海有意吃下景發全數股權,但因聯發科希望借重景發的團隊與經驗衝刺智慧型手機市場,未能 ...

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發表於 2008-8-13 09:28:43 | 只看該作者


通過產品的交換(銷售),企業實現效益。面臨劇烈變動的時代,產品的同質化,技術的可攜性,設備的可購買性,無疑縮小了產品競爭優勢。# T2 m0 h* w- s! i# m* @
  E3 x; y8 V- ]/ J
繼而企業競爭將轉向對產品管理的競爭!一家企業是否可以對不斷變化的客戶需求作出快速回應,是否能引領客戶迅速推出幾種產品?需要依賴於專業的產品經理來執行,作為沒有直接權利的“領導”(產品經理),如何與他人合作協調?如何塑造產品經理的企業家精神?如何確保產品從客戶需求轉換到開發、製造以及銷售的全過程,具有競爭能力和盈利能力?無疑需要掌握一套科學高效的產品經理管理技能。) `! a1 W5 ~2 [/ ]: W9 |+ l8 |

$ `, X0 U7 `! b: _作為產品經理的您,是否在思考:  K7 y+ J" j" C7 z
! I7 X& ~& O5 V1 R# l
產品經理在組織中應該是處於什麼位置,產品經理價值如何體現?0 y. b+ ?0 H7 k/ v
應該如何來協調跨部門資源,在沒有行政權的情況何以管理其它部門2 O; b- g. M: y& w% {  \+ h3 a
如何制訂需求到開發、開發到生產、生產到銷售的介面?8 C! t( H  `' O
( R- Z5 I9 Z) |如何做好產品家族、產品系列、產品線、產品開發平臺,以及技術路標的規劃?
. y% K4 v1 P  n% |# m6 s如何獲取產品概念,如何增添產品創新?
( _5 e" [3 K: A. B/ t1 g! R如何管理產品開發過程,如何執行和裁剪產品開發流程,最終使產品管理高效、部門配合默契?% s4 {+ z, f% x" \

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發表於 2008-11-9 08:48:31 | 只看該作者


: `% v# _- {$ C! R5 x臺灣新浪網 - 2008年11月6日5 k. r, V- x/ X6 p: k0 \0 n
$ H, t( g! r2 e; q  g) m
那時人手不足,公司的研發人員都要身兼市場服務方面的工作,一手服務客戶,一手接收掌握一線研發需求。『背個筆記本在路上研發,在客戶現場研發。我當時平均zC個月有一周的時間在外出差,而有的研發人員甚至大半年時間都在客戶現場研發。』鄭旭說。 ...

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發表於 2008-12-3 09:11:20 | 只看該作者


26歲志工拚業務無往不利! ~. c  q* z0 s9 w$ X7 O7 E' t0 }
聯合新聞網 - 9小時前, I4 D( s/ H/ _. H3 i  Q
畢業後原本從事電腦工程師的江建廷認為,中學時期的志工服務經驗影響他非常深遠,工作一年後,他發覺自己還是喜歡與人互動,毅然辭去工作,轉戰到資訊公司擔任業務員,雖然薪水不像工程師優渥,但專科時志工服務經驗,讓他在職場無往不利。 江建廷目前擔任客戶關懷處業務 ...

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發表於 2009-3-28 16:16:41 | 只看該作者
& z5 ?8 W1 l# l; ?8 E& f新浪網 - ‎2009年3月26日‎- I* Z( `) q, k- y/ N
這時,一名背著公文包、業務員打扮的男子走上前來,向劉女士打聽某電子公司的地址。當劉女士表示不知道時,這名自稱是某電子工程師的周姓男子發現了她搬的箱子內的電子元件。周先生趕緊表示,“正在尋找相關的產品,如果能大量供貨,願意以150元的價格成交。 ...

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發表於 2009-4-16 09:44:43 | 只看該作者


專家觀點:你買過誇大不實的電子產品嗎? ; y& o/ B/ m  d9 S" F2 q" a
電子工程專輯 - ‎8小時之前‎
) U4 T; ]+ z2 [1 W; I5 m& }+ M! N3 Z4 \7 u& Z* b. F
這篇文章有一些對電子賣場店員的抱怨;但我所譴責的對象,是對產品根本不了解,或是刻意欺騙消費者某產品具備某些功能、支援的那些人。 工程師通常不喜歡業務人員,但我不會;業務是資本制度的重要組成部份。然而,對產品一無所知,或對產品的功能胡亂吹噓,這是令人完全 ...

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發表於 2009-5-6 12:20:16 | 只看該作者


" S/ ]: B) F- s3 f臺灣新浪網 - ‎12小時之前‎4 C+ a4 O  v& t! G8 ]" \
中國的研發中心另一個與Google全球不一樣的做法是,工程師會積極參與到公司的銷售活動中,不但告訴客戶Google的廣告產品有哪些中國特色,也傾聽來自客戶和發布商的反饋和建議。 從2008年11月6日開始,為了應對金融危機帶來的影響,Google中國曾經在全國22個城市舉辦了26場 ...

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發表於 2009-7-13 09:44:52 | 只看該作者
今周刊╱白手當富翁!超級業務員的發達之路$ x, S, n5 X5 k3 G( {
NOWnews - ‎2009年7月3日‎: N/ i& k6 B0 f( x1 ?
成大工管系畢業的江政龍,其實最早也和一般的六年級生一樣,嚮往過科技新貴的生活;初入社會之際,先後待過致茂、鼎新和鴻海等科技大廠。但幾年下來,科技業忙碌的生活,讓他覺得沒有成就感,也缺乏保障,甚至沒有自己,只能作公司的奴隸,江政龍開始思考:「難道我要這樣 ...

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發表於 2009-7-30 14:26:26 | 只看該作者
( n( E2 x5 L9 ^. V鉅亨網 - ‎Jul 27, 2009‎; \) v, g6 v" a5 G) [9 x3 T, Z" U

( j. \7 U1 y; l+ W; j在他看來,只有這樣,各個部門之間才能對話,否則研發工程師會聽不懂設計師的語言,更無法撞出火花。「只依靠一個專業的IdeaTeam(創意團隊)想出的東西可能會有偏頗,所以整個設計必須從一開始就要讓產品經理和市場經理加入進來,要多聽他們的想法,把用戶的聲音轉化成 ...

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發表於 2011-8-22 13:39:52 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company
& v# v$ D5 L  s招聘岗位:Sales Manager
* A/ o5 X8 E" s+ y) ]) Y工作地点:Taiwan
% G# p5 g* j, O3 B( x, I) z; Q
! c! ^  Y, @6 \- @岗位描述:* e) ?9 ^2 n9 l9 v9 I+ {8 x
Job Description · Work closely with key accounts to build up management-level relationships and develop account strategy to expand the business · Identify new key accounts in the TV market and develop new business to maximize the business growth in Taiwan · Gather and provide feedback on competition and new market trends for marketing to formulate product roadmap and business plan · Work closely with channel partners and the FAE team to ensure efficient utilization of resources for best-in-class customer support services
/ r% ?6 ^4 `7 @' }4 M2 |. ?
) T" N+ O( N- z) P1 Y4 O# s/ F4 v, W; a职位要求:
4 g6 A$ W  X2 g- L; {+ M' VRequired Experience · Degree in EE or related · Over 5 years of sales experience in the semiconductor industry · Familiar with Taiwan TV market and the key Taiwanese TV OEMs and Design Houses · Assertive, customer focus, persistent, ambitious to achieve targets · Proficiency in English and Chinese · 30% travelling · Candidate with lesser experience will be considered for Sales Executive

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發表於 2011-8-22 13:40:39 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company
3 j* e0 G( j! N招聘岗位:Sales Account Manager
3 Y; X; ^! r7 H* q工作地点:Beijng/Shanghai* ^8 I" G+ b# c0 E

. J# T1 J" i0 N, S9 z9 a/ [5 Q岗位描述:
" T7 _/ n0 U5 l" K1 D: q6 ~; vDuties: Developing world wide company key strategy multi nation accounts in China with sales team in different regions for penetration plans and executing Cooperate closely with multi nation account team members in different territories and work like one team Working closely with factory marketing and local support teams to create, develop, and close deals at key strategic accounts, and build strong customer relationships Responsible for execution of sales strategy in assigned territory Responsible for revenue plan management and annual design win plan management Provide feedback to marketing group on customers strategy and market needs Build strong internal communication with Business Divisions, XX Executives and peers in different regions Working for sales design win with international R&D China local engineering groups as a key components of the daily function

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發表於 2011-8-22 13:40:44 | 只看該作者
职位要求:0 x$ n% _/ @* |3 q
Background: Experience and Education Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or related field 8+ Years sales or marketing experience in telecommunication ASSP venders and OEM Systems companies with strong related technical background Transport, wireless RRU/BBU/Backhaul and broadband access segment experience is desirable Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate with peers in Europe, North American and world wide organizations (other sales regions) Demonstrated ability to grow and manage complex customer relationships Knowledge and relationship of key customers Demonstrated track record of success in growing sales and market share in world wide tier 1 multi nation accounts Job Skills and Knowledge: Strong Communication Skills in English and Chinese Strong multi-region coordination Understand Complex Product Design in Cycle Leadership skills Comfortable selling to and interfacing with top management at key multi nation customers in China and other regions Comfortable selling to and interface with working level people in a daily base within whole sales process at key multi nation customers in China Desirable Qualities Strong work ethic Highly independent Highly motivated, bring high energy level to job Work in cross functional/organizational selling teams Follows corporate strategy and direction Work within organizational policies and practices Strong planning and organization Sets goals and objectives Impeccably honest Will Enjoy: Working with customers / partners Work in results orientated environment Willing to travel

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發表於 2011-8-22 13:41:33 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company
: m2 T1 o& U# e0 Y* P9 }招聘岗位:Sr. Account Manager, Sales
: g- A5 f7 S' q7 A& f工作地点:shanghai7 r! r" H' m4 {3 C

/ ]' |0 w4 t- ~4 W岗位描述:
2 w. O5 h# H5 G% b8 q, sSUMMARY We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced individual with proven ability to generate business in China, base in Shanghai. This position is responsible for developing and qualifying leads, carrying design-win through the entire sales process. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES * Meet and/or exceed individual targets on a quarterly basis * Effectively build and execute a territory plan that includes all sales reps in assigned territory * Learn and maintain in-depth knowledge of product and service offerings, competition, and industry trends Provide baseline research within targeted accounts to identify critical account and opportunity information * Maintain current and accurate account and contact information * Build and manage a sales pipeline, including regular revenue forecast update

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發表於 2011-8-22 13:41:40 | 只看該作者
职位要求:, Y+ [! @+ {* z( b8 X4 O
QUALIFICATIONS Skills and Abilities: l 7+ years selling semiconductor and networking technology directly to broadband access equipments OEM/ODM in China * Prior experience successfully overcoming customer objections, demonstrated experience to take-on adverse and highly competitive situations * Outstanding time management and organizational skills * Excellent written and verbal communication skills via the phone, email, and conferencing application * Demonstrated ability to be proactive and take the initiative to get things done * Ability to manage multiple tasks at once (flexible and self-sufficient) * Positive attitude, self motivated, confident and tenacious * High energy and ability to adapt to ongoing changes and juggle multiple sales priorities Education and Experience: * Ability to follow and develop sales processes * The ability to travel, up to 40% * Relevant 4 year degree

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發表於 2011-10-12 10:54:16 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company5 C/ }1 D* u* M: i" N. Y
招聘岗位:China Cable STB Sales Manager: d' B4 s+ n' `9 ^. o9 Q
% w/ [) b; O2 q
* Z, K! h& j! p% u- Y# L7 Y7 @岗位描述:1 P2 P% ?, D) P9 V+ y
Responsibility: · Work closely with key accounts to build up management-level relationships and develop account strategy to expand the business. · Identify new key accounts in the Cable STB/DTV market and develop new business to maximize the business growth in China. · Gather and provide feedback on competition and new market trends for marketing to formulate product roadmap and business plan. · Work closely with channel partners and the FAE team to ensure efficient utilization of resources for best-in-class customer support services.   z# ^- U* u, |# [$ \

- Z" m) `# s: y职位要求:6 |5 U, I& t! i+ K7 j
Requirement: · BSEE with over 5 years of sales experience in the semiconductor industry, MSEE preferred. · Familiar with cable set-top box market, DTV/Mobile TV market experience a plus. · Must possess good English communications skills. · Assertive, customer focus, persistent, ambitious to achieve targets. · Proficiency in English and Chinese. · 30% travelling required. · Candidate with lesser experience will be considered for Sales Executive.

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發表於 2012-2-7 17:28:09 | 只看該作者
jiming 發表於 2008-2-10 09:29 AM
5 j* x0 n4 m& q3 y3 P: n

9 p2 n. B5 M7 m沒想到可以在這邊看到我自己寫的文章^^a

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發表於 2012-4-16 11:32:37 | 只看該作者

Costomer Sales Representative (CSR)

客户 A famous IC company
* t# x1 e! T3 n: b1 e/ D1 O地点 Shanghai# g. y' p5 {0 z7 [& @8 F- G
9 V  \6 x5 M  o7 n- k5 U
职位描述" b# m5 a8 r5 O3 B
Purpose: The primary objective of this role is to support sales team on tactical customer interface, sales reports, revenue analytics & miscellaneous administrative activities.+ n+ F2 n* K* t' J1 b
5 J2 j8 z, n$ b) u5 V' r3 n, @: {
Key Responsibilities / Job Duties:, C! Q! D5 x6 j0 C- G
¨ Sales support
+ l% |; Y6 H" D 1) Independently follow thru sales leads, data entry into system for design registration (Model-N)
9 ?" x* j2 b) y# u8 R; i. C8 P 2) Produce leads analysis based on the lead trend data from given distributors and / or Key account sales
* Q0 |+ b9 F. r 3) Support sales team in quotation phase, pricing follow up
) p$ ?# y5 s. h# I 4) Support Ship & Credit, and check shipment & terms compliance
; I2 K) Z3 ]8 q 5) Monitor DSO of key accounts and alert the sales team when needed
. |7 ?& _8 m4 s7 V 6) Support samples request process
/ Q1 u5 e" e  ^" c: {5 Q6 S 7) Process RMA and / or follow up QA reports status
8 }; ?. h( C8 H4 j8 a 8) Support global transfer business tracking.9 f  r4 G0 A9 h! J! t* b4 u- I
9) Support SAM / TAM conversion. ]' I- ]( ~9 a: G" h- d! z: d$ z
10) Capture revenue at site locally
$ @4 q+ t7 b$ t+ r 11) Work with our customer service team0 x0 Y+ W$ C1 _# V
12) Support local sales team daily business operation
1 U5 D6 Z% T5 `8 i" G6 G3 D( }& H ¨ Administrative support) q1 J# d8 A; b' Z
1) Maintain office facilities and environment
) [3 X* z, |$ g7 Z- G$ M5 y 2) Business cards printing for SH, SZ, Beijing office staffs
3 ]' d/ E2 o6 v& i 3) Update staff contact list for SH, SZ, Beijing Chengdu office staffs
! C" C9 X& J2 @, U3 U, I1 c  g' ? 4) Office expresses (couriers) arrangement including receiving and posting shipments
2 i7 s" ^6 a4 l4 F4 m0 E 5) Assist exhibition, seminar & Marcom support
* v  t2 H; [. u" X3 J ¨ Accounting support1) Print bank statement and collect the bank related payment slip+ ^7 d9 z6 G7 y% y( u7 k% ]
2) Petty cash handling
% R8 |/ D$ B& J9 n8 V( f$ b l Assist to refill the office supplies and refreshment
+ ~  w+ J' l  a l Handle the courier payment and the custom fee
: W4 _  E! K4 a% d' I/ a l Keep the petty cash in the safe box, prepare the summary to finance and send the original documents to HK office by each month end.: v+ p* {2 {8 Y2 ]
3) Arrange to send the office payment records (receipts) in Shanghai office, such as office stationery, courier fee, management fee and office related expenses.
& s' _" U4 a* W9 q! P ¨ Any other duties as and when assigned

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發表於 2012-4-16 11:33:08 | 只看該作者
0 ?% p, J9 q6 B! ~% V9 _) LKey relationships / interfaces:
) O) O+ p1 h8 _/ E* F Internal – Local China Sales Team, Channel Sales Team, Management, CSR team, Finance Team (Hong Kong) & Administration Team (Shanghai)
$ f, s, b) ?; v$ |* s4 {; s3 u External – Key accounts customers & distributors
6 J" L9 N. u( e' ]# x2 [1 }! u
4 v0 i$ e1 {( u8 G! m2 F4 T Requirements (Mandatory)
) M! v" H" b, ?" n4 T' } ¨ University, or diploma in business administration or equivalent; with semiconductor working experience is preferred; Minimum of 2 years’ of CSR or ISR working experience.
9 ^+ m) n* @6 g! p¨ Secondary education with 8 years of similar field working experience
$ P9 |( o3 g* R) t* S ¨ Microsoft Office operation is assumed by default
& H; D6 u3 S6 M, H1 V* V# u- \% s; ~ ¨ Excellent presentation skills to clients, fluent Mandarin & English are a must.( L4 A/ ~3 g0 `
¨ Knows of CRM system, like SAP and Model-N experience' O* p1 ~/ @- C1 z7 M$ {. b
¨ Lead and data management experience is an advantage
7 ]" f) ]# w, Y! u) _5 m7 s4 x% O9 Z* Y' A6 w
Attributes (Mandatory)/ k; r( H0 \3 I# j
¨ A self-motivated, proactive & independent candidate who understands sales cycle7 I: [4 `4 g# }0 n% w7 H0 x7 J" d! x6 o
¨ Aggressive, industrious & highly energetic candidate, strong business acumen2 I+ ?1 k- A% r2 s0 W& x+ b' S! G
¨ Good communication skill, process & detailed oriented, flexible, thinks out of box3 Z! J" I$ }* Y* w  B' j
¨ Likes working with data

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