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[經驗交流] FAE 四力?最需要哪一力?新人適合幹麼?

發表於 2012-3-26 15:24:57 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company% b  w1 {% D* r. u9 z+ N. g
3 E8 _" Q% A' }0 z1 m+ w& ~8 @工作地点:Beijing
* R$ G3 e: F( E% X  A9 w7 w5 ^8 H# a
$ O5 E# f- ?4 {5 W/ M' KDelivers technical expertise, application support and design services to customer based on XXX RF products for mobile terminal and infrastructure area. Understands customer’s requirements & problems, recommends components solutions to meet their needs, and ensures customer satisfaction. Able to provide circuits debugging, simulation and EVAL boards modification for the customer Integrates XXX products into customer’s environment. Ensures the product functions per specifications. Deliver training classes and consultant services to customers and channel partners. Work with division marketing team to implement market strategy in China, collect/analyze market info and involve in new product definition.
7 L4 |: ]& k' L5 a5 P3 N4 k, ]8 _* K6 b5 M! Y: L( `
职位要求:1 j0 L9 u! M: w% U4 g$ n* m
Bachelors or Master Degree or University Degree or equivalent, major in Electronics Engineering or relevant. A minimum of 5 years of experience in RF circuits design /debug or relevant experience. Expertise and experience for (EVDO/UMTS/TD handsets design) is the plus. Excellent interpersonal skills and teamwork. Excellent command of English. Available for both oversea and domestic travel.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-7 15:21:37 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company
! k5 ]; _7 p- {招聘岗位:Application Engineer(Field AE). {% p% \1 P0 {) m
工作地点:Shanghai( \2 e) d$ N- K' P0 u2 O
  N( T9 u& B% X
岗位描述:: b/ h5 X( U7 |1 _& C/ k  J! e
Description: This Application Engineer position delivers technical expertise for solution implementation to customer based on xx 93K products and services. It provides support for assessment of customer needs, implementation of the solutions as well as production release support. Responsibilities: 1) Production Support - Support new device ramp-up. - Application support (e.g. yield improvement, test time reduction) - Production troubleshooting. - Customer training (customized workshops). - Account management: relationship building, issue tracking, escalation and communication. 2) Project Management & Test Program Development - Track account roadmap, analyze customer’s test requirements and provide competitive test solutions. - Test program development and project management. - Device correlation and test program release at customer site. 3) Pre-sale Support - Collect local market / accounts / applications data, analyze and identify opportunities. - Understand customer’s technical problems, create and drive account penetration strategy. - Support sales in technical discussions, theoretical benchmarks and customer presentations; help preparing proposal and tendering documents. `" v2 l! p8 a- C2 B

1 G! O& q: p  M& a2 r- P职位要求:
/ f( b' ^2 j4 \$ TQualifications: - Demonstrated personal leadership skills & strong team contributor. - Bachelor degree or higher in electronic, electrical engineering, communication or related discipline. - Has more than 2 years Project management experience - >4 years’ experience in semiconductor test application development, application support, IC design, or test engineering. - Familiar with C/C++, Java or other programming languages. - Good customer handling and communication skills. Preferred: - RF test experience with bench instrument or ATE is highly preferred. - Knowledge in semiconductor design, manufacture and verification for SOC or ASIC devices. - Experience in using Automatic Test Equipment platforms (for example, xx/Agilent 93000, Credence, LTX, Teradyne), especially in mixed-signal and RF applications.

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發表於 2012-7-3 16:46:30 | 只看該作者

8/16(四) 傑出FAE(應用工程師)養成與企業運作實務

4 O# s$ G3 u7 B: R: W9 W9 v2 j0 f2 ]" A1 G
' P4 H0 Z+ ]: O' O" n: h! R《課程說明與目的》8 G) n# p3 B- F5 W+ E- |) [% [
    對於以技術訴求之產業,在傳統專業分工的產銷人發財的企業組織,行銷業務部門精於與市場顧客之溝通、銷售、服務,了解顧客需求與產品功能,卻無法提供顧客更進一步的技術諮詢與服務,而研發部門雖專精於技術,卻多忙於技術與產品開發,無暇充分提供行銷業務部門之技術支援,對顧客需求之了解以及對顧客之互動、溝通與服務技巧也往往不夠精熟,另研發與業務,因專業與職責差異,溝通與合作效率往往較差,難以以最佳之技術服務提供顧客;在此以「顧客滿意」決定競爭勝負時代,為了提高顧客對技術商品(產品+服務)的滿意度,產品『應用工程師』(field application engineer簡稱FAE)應運而生,希望藉由兼具兩者之長的FAE,填補研發與行銷業務間的大跨距,並組合成產品市場競爭的完整戰力。3 t# a+ |1 Y9 ], ^$ s4 A0 K

3 H: C  N5 R: {8 Z. j% b1 L由於須直接面對客戶與其所需的技術服務,特別是一些緊急問題處理,FAE可說是公司門面與技術能力的代言人,對於公司給客戶印象發生最大影響力,更可能直接間接影響公司後續之訂單,故而在追求顧客最大滿意目標下,企業必須做好兩項工作:1.建立高效率的FAE運作與2.優秀的FAE養成。" c5 ^/ L: k, C: P/ g7 d
* B" ]7 W+ s% {3 u0 E5 A2 N

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發表於 2012-7-3 16:47:31 | 只看該作者
《預期效益》0 i: A, e6 h: I& }+ H- B2 P
6 W6 i* b( t' E( i. M二、指導FAE正確職務認知與所負企業使命,並指導FAE符合現代市場必須的服務觀念與技巧,有效率地作好與顧客互動溝通,以及高品質服務,作為強化企業產品競爭力之最佳後盾與推力。
7 h  G9 K" v# [/ @三、分享卓越企業如何做好優秀FAE訓練、管理與績效考核,讓FAE成為為企業贏得高顧客滿意與市場競爭的第一線最有力戰士,也成為企業產品、服務與形象的最佳代言人。
4 I# y4 e( k( o1 @四、分享第一流企業如何做好客戶技術服務的第一手經驗與know-how,見賢思齊,為自己企業量身設計告高效的技術服務體系,並訓練傑出FAE人員以及相關運作管理技巧。4 y1 E7 S# R. z, S
: n% a8 D' u) ?( t$ v% Z
/ e* ]; L! |' k, m' Z. ]8 f7 b《招生對象》3 H9 ?$ N9 x# D- F8 H
' p5 ]! m3 @+ B# l! T: E5 q2 e- c1 T/ s) `6 m. r" ~1 e. g
《講師介紹》  江順景顧問
1 P& \' I" C9 I' G0 \2 r江顧問曾任安勤科技公司副總、研華公司之研發協理與品保服務協理、四零四科技客戶服務協理,曾參與建立研華技術服務團隊,並領導該團隊協助成為研華邁向世界第一的核心競爭力之一。由於長期在卓越企業任職,江顧問學習到了許多寶貴的經營管理know-how與經驗,在其傑出的表現中亦精煉出許多高效率效能且實用的企業經營與管理的心得與技能,除了繼續在職場上一展長才,更與精營管理顧問公司合作,將其寶貴的心得與經驗分享台灣企業人士,希望幫助企業人士能力更有效率成長,也幫助企業加強競爭力。

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發表於 2012-7-3 16:48:39 | 只看該作者
6 q8 O& h2 I1 M4 F一、        FAE對現代企業經營之重要性
% N# {# j0 k& x' U9 c+ }% p1.        顧客導向之競爭環境) D0 ?. d5 u0 K- x! Q4 ?6 A2 z
2.        產品競爭力分析與FAE的關鍵角色3 s1 {1 c  U* D! e
二、        各種企業組織設計下之FAE管理運作
0 ~6 {; v6 ^' l; o& K7 `/ T% z1.        編制於研發單位/區域業務單位(RBU)/產品事業單位(SBU)/品保單位/客服單位下之FAE運作典範實務5 j( V  }: b8 X' ~% m
2.        跨國公司下的FAE運作與管理典範實務
0 W2 x! P# U6 Z6 C三、        傑出FAE應有的認知
; D6 O( K; z  H# H% q7 [9 Y1.        企業FAE常見的運作與個人問題
9 t. a1 n' W) v) Y% [5 _2.        FAE之七大角色與使命:bridge、application、solution、presentation、feedback、consultant與zero service request
$ s, j1 U7 \3 y% h3.        卓越FAE應有特質與工作態度! ]7 J' [; o" {3 i: }3 h. T
4.        FAE就是公司門面與品質
, q6 j5 K% q0 X7 Z* Y0 X, X; V0 `5.        FAE之選才要點
" K" F0 k2 z% e( Y8 O. D* D6.        FAE之觀念與實務案例演練       
1 |5 g6 k( V" D. Z! T; p四、        FAE應有之重要技能內含與訓練方法/ ]9 O% Z. S( L7 u, l4 y, h
1.        產品知識與技術/產品應用與整合技術/表達能力/服務技巧/核心技術能力養成/時間管理
/ @' {6 g6 V' @/ C' {& T2.        FAE之訓練方法5 g/ E1 V2 p5 ?4 D6 G
五、        FAE 服務的關鍵時刻) B$ H4 q" c" O* f1 |: t
1.        FAE之服務流程
  ?/ D4 a, B' t% _0 F" @  m. Y2.        品質異常與客戶抱怨服務流程
9 T' ~% N4 t0 c/ n; L3.        FAE關鍵服務時刻 案例研討. W( N  ?2 V0 c9 E+ d* c1 h
六、        建立有效的AE/FAE之合作分工模式+ z. _9 p. y1 M2 H4 P. L
1. 區域分工/產業別產品別分工/VIP客戶別分工/前後線別分工/混合分工/跨時區合作分工- Q7 v" f/ S0 {1 ?& C$ E+ F
2. FAE 在企業內的分工合作網絡
+ A% C: h; ~& k& `$ e+ S+ W七、        FAE的績效管理實務, O( m& i& ?0 k% n& _" {- r9 D1 C
! G( S7 u* ^# q/ s2.未結案件的檢討及加速處理$ A, K7 Y* C$ d# U
! F$ I1 D' {0 x7 c" B0 ]: G八、        FAE之職涯發展) G( N! P; I* r* D' v0 s0 W9 h# k
九、        案例分享~世界級領導廠商~研華科技之第一手成就know-how

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-5 14:16:25 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A us company" w$ `1 @7 K) Y% m8 R
招聘岗位:FAE工程师3 B, F/ {- Y' u" T. I: |  m
工作地点:Shanghai、Shenzhen. E1 E4 G( ^$ ]8 W

) C; K, m/ C( J" z+ I岗位描述:
- |0 a) a$ M7 K  \0 L* c1、负责客户方案的设计; 2、解决客户反馈的各种技术问题; 3、重要客户的项目设计及协助电源产品的生产; 4、配合完成销售及代理商申请的Demo板及调试。 " s3 S% P1 D. S3 t/ N

1 M0 V* i2 Z( y职位要求:/ W9 |* O0 n9 S2 ?0 [3 o( k
1、大学本科及以上学历,电子或电气相关专业毕业; 2、扎实的电路理论基础,熟悉开关电源设计; 3、较强的动手能力,能熟练使用各种常用的电子仪器; 4、能熟练应用Layout、电路仿真等相关的计算机软件; 5、在开关电源领域2年以上的研发经验优先。 6、有一定的英语读、写能力;

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-5-17 14:46:46 | 只看該作者
FAE(System Engineer)
2 A. _, t$ |4 }  u# u# F客户 A famous IC company
0 _1 W4 ~+ y) G+ S; C6 F0 H地点 Shanghai  S) \7 r, z# ^* z2 Y9 O
9 C2 I6 J. [5 H% ~" i# _
4 e; `! m% A+ J9 o+ i, X0 SWork with customers to optimize low power DRAM (LPDDR) setting in smart phone applications, help customer to do BSP code review and SW/HW trouble shooting; collect customers’ and market information.
' M7 ?) M" J, x/ h$ I8 Q9 i. ^1 m. |6 L/ {: O
) S, U7 P$ Q; k. s; T. D" aGood interpersonal and communication skills in English, mandarin or Japanese
- W( \) C* e, f0 r3 d/ L+ }2 years working experience with BSP development on ARM based smart phone or tablet) L, d- O3 a4 m
Experience with hardware development/debug* F/ v6 F) B/ Y. K/ g; o' [' O  Q% T8 q
Willing to learn new lab equipment such as oscilloscope/logic analyzer
( i, `! S  e* S' L1 j9 c  k. XBelow 35 years old
% v9 |; ^; R' _7 O; x) F: M- lSome travel for on-site customer support may be required2 J% F1 B1 _. H" S7 J& w
Need frequently visit customer to promote our LPDDR products and secure design-win.

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-11-11 10:51:02 | 只看該作者
FAE' l9 }( }+ M1 U7 a- ^
公      司:A famous IC company* W% C$ L2 ?% f
; D1 y  D2 |8 c, z
& e- G; }( V5 T6 o) G+ ?& x: ^Job Description 7 s- O/ m, C6 O5 p/ y; e2 P
The Field Applications Engineer (FAE) is an integral part of the China Sales force, reporting to the Manager of Field Applications Engineer.
7 ~6 w% t, `& w* ~
! q0 F( C; \; S9 g/ `4 QThe FAE works closely with Regional Sales Managers by providing technical pre-sales support to develop and win new licensing at his/her assigned region accounts and product line. Acting as a technical account manager, the FAE is also responsible for monitoring and coordinating the post-sales support to his/her customers as directed by FAE Manager.
9 m% G1 O( r2 n& M" g! K
3 ?9 ~9 V5 C1 f5 hIt is important that the FAE develops sound professional relationships with the key engineers, architects, and decision-makers at his/her customers both internally and externally. It is also important that the FAE can create, report, and execute on key account strategies aimed at growing the business within these customers.
  F  [) S+ X2 H
* E, w! |4 J  C/ |! Z( sThe FAE will also participate in developing solution or services for local market. The FAE is expected to maintain a high standard of technical knowledge in relation to our products, services, and competitors. FAE will be involved in supporting  China and partner events
3 R3 C$ Q/ T' y. q8 b; f% l4 b" Y* j; ?9 ?- O
Key Responsibilities
) X( L( K  C8 N8 v8 k8 QScope prospected and qualified IP opportunities develop strategies and processes to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities.
7 R4 k: E: y2 A+ uRemove technical obstacles and provide a path to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities.
4 A  C- J" G8 l6 o5 z( U, QPresent and demonstrate technical details of products to customers.  
7 w+ X/ l) H4 }, Q! o8 p* VProvide technical support in pre-sales opportunities as well as ownership of customer support process.  . y. a$ Q( r, j# ], Z
Provide appropriate product recommendations to meet customer requirements
; h$ @! q+ h" T4 q0 j) ~( w7 AProvide system design expertise and first pass architectural planning for products in early design stages

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-11-11 10:51:12 | 只看該作者
Education & Qualifications : \* ]$ w! a! k5 k# e  m8 Y
Qualified candidates will have a good university degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science. Master degree is a plus.
# U, T7 {. `) r1 C3 s6 B& A  
3 E8 P; H  W' qProfessional Skills and Personal Requirements : l+ i, a. Q& C- D1 f% {( h
7 E7 \2 e1 `" F5 l8 U: E
Excellent communication skills $ w( b9 I, E) E5 ?4 t) F
Highly self-motivated with the ability to effectively work alone as well as in a team
2 n0 ]6 D& A  |( KMust have the desire and ability to solve problems quickly. ; V1 X8 M: G0 A7 c  c
Demonstrate a positive attitude and respect for all members of the team ; m; P- W) ^0 b% A
Be motivated to continuously develop skills and accept a variety of responsibilities as part of contributing to the team’s success
" Q2 Y' M5 K6 Y7 T' a* pWilling to travel both domestically and internationally, approximately 30% of time, spending significant periods of time on customer sites and for learning trips.
3 o6 D2 ~+ b5 l$ e: v, z" o# _  aGood spoken and written English
: E% O" U% A. NCustomer related experience is a plus, but 5+ R&D experience is must-have.
: e  A, Z) t6 w& c% M( y' a$ r4 u6 J+ ], H, |+ B! ]2 S+ ]- l
Essential Technical requirements , S8 [/ P5 a: p  \9 S
(For Hardware Candidate) 9 V8 h0 K3 L- M! f
7+ years experience in IC hardware design.  SoC tape out experience is a plus.
9 m* H' {+ W1 R. J* WWorking knowledge of ASIC Implementation (Verilog, Synthesis, P&R, and Timing analysis), including relevant EDA tools and methodologies.
: u4 P! c: X4 ]" B9 I6 MExperience at the system architect level with intimate knowledge of bandwidth analysis, low power design, performance optimization etc : t. ^& y" j5 o1 t5 i0 F' p9 a
GPU experience is a plus. $ ^2 O0 m8 p& r* m: Z; g

* u7 \4 y: a. \(For Software Candidate) ) o  Y4 T% h# ~) j+ K/ j
7+ years experience in software development is a MUST.  4 p8 u' `- o: _/ _$ e5 ?( a3 b/ E' A
Strong knowledge and working experience on OS and BSP, for example Linux and/or Android % Q* A3 Z/ h6 Q  f/ [; ]+ ^) b
Working experience on consumer electronic products is a plus.
+ [3 q( x* r; x) [/ h' YGood at  DS-5 or RVDS and ESL tools is a plus.

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發表於 2013-11-19 09:01:56 | 只看該作者
/ e5 _  r  z6 x. I* H/ a公      司:62-A famous IC company/ H7 |' P* K- g6 o4 F
工作地点:深圳* k9 [: j- @- b) y) s6 K& g

2 T- j) O* d: i+ p+ n8 G* H' _Job Description
0 F8 z% n# O! @2 T6 X3 V+ ~! n; pThe Field Applications Engineer (FAE) is an integral part of the China Sales force, reporting to the Manager of Field Applications Engineer. 1 N2 z- d; y" L  Z

% E, n) q  i8 @The FAE works closely with Regional Sales Managers by providing technical pre-sales support to develop and win new licensing at his/her assigned region accounts and product line. Acting as a technical account manager, the FAE is also responsible for monitoring and coordinating the post-sales support to his/her customers as directed by FAE Manager. 9 y( H9 T/ d- w( f
  i# j: G* \3 J" i( [5 W1 j
It is important that the FAE develops sound professional relationships with the key engineers, architects, and decision-makers at his/her customers both internally and externally. It is also important that the FAE can create, report, and execute on key account strategies aimed at growing the business within these customers.
3 p, ~" L& a$ Y% ~  \9 _- n7 Z/ L6 e4 h5 q
The FAE will also participate in developing solution or services for local market. The FAE is expected to maintain a high standard of technical knowledge in relation to our products, services, and competitors. FAE will be involved in supporting  China and partner events& o* U4 o0 B) A# e& ~6 g8 {, t

, j( u8 L$ n$ J; Q2 ~; WKey Responsibilities
6 R  F( N0 H" R  D2 [3 kScope prospected and qualified IP opportunities develop strategies and processes to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities.# Z! y8 y3 y" d  x
Remove technical obstacles and provide a path to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities. % E# I; F$ V( N; |' Q
Present and demonstrate technical details of products to customers.  
2 `* n9 C6 O) w. F# \/ ~5 ZProvide technical support in pre-sales opportunities as well as ownership of customer support process.  
; u$ |% M0 @  e/ H: xProvide appropriate product recommendations to meet customer requirements ! e2 C1 v- i& G- ^
Provide system design expertise and first pass architectural planning for products in early design stages / H- k7 @0 a7 [
6 K/ @1 A3 W2 f
Education & Qualifications
! F+ m  T" R0 T# E  x, TQualified candidates will have a good university degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science. Master degree is a plus.

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發表於 2013-11-19 09:02:00 | 只看該作者
Professional Skills and Personal Requirements
  Q7 |* f: w8 }6 a+ E0 V" ^
5 D, }5 p' V8 n: ^4 Z* q1 G; w- RExcellent communication skills 3 E5 E) ~" K- M$ g
Highly self-motivated with the ability to effectively work alone as well as in a team $ h8 S* K# @1 M' G6 ?1 U1 ^: E
Must have the desire and ability to solve problems quickly.
+ D7 \4 X) m& X0 W: ]  V, xDemonstrate a positive attitude and respect for all members of the team , V  q* v5 `3 J- Z1 @% w
Be motivated to continuously develop skills and accept a variety of responsibilities as part of contributing to the team’s success: v/ `. q0 h# |' t- V
Willing to travel both domestically and internationally, approximately 30% of time, spending significant periods of time on customer sites and for learning trips.
/ h$ F) k. A$ _Good spoken and written English . W! P1 b. u& j5 h$ x$ I9 a# Q- ^
Customer related experience is a plus, but 5+ R&D experience is must-have.
- _9 x) X9 P  s3 _
( S5 J2 Y! L/ |7 {% {2 P! uEssential Technical requirements
; F8 p( E- `( C5 A(For Hardware Candidate)
5 Y$ Y* J+ }- R2 I: Y3 ]7+ years experience in IC hardware design.  SoC tape out experience is a plus.
/ U% O/ a# M9 T7 W6 fWorking knowledge of ASIC Implementation (Verilog, Synthesis, P&R, and Timing analysis), including relevant EDA tools and methodologies.
3 [1 ?- A+ d# K$ Y6 UExperience at the system architect level with intimate knowledge of bandwidth analysis, low power design, performance optimization etc
! h% \, {" `1 j5 O, kGPU experience is a plus. 3 }3 b4 @) O% u7 {6 |3 T2 z
) c* A5 E$ r7 c& l* a/ ]
(For Software Candidate) : D7 \; R1 q" X1 V& F" }% Z
7+ years experience in software development is a MUST.  
# K- M8 `) e. _/ o2 F1 ~! ]" D- dStrong knowledge and working experience on OS and BSP, for example Linux and/or Android
' E* s: {  c# f# y8 v  h% `Working experience on consumer electronic products is a plus. 9 W) y( G% O' L% e5 ]8 P
Good at  DS-5 or RVDS and ESL tools is a plus.

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發表於 2014-1-14 10:08:08 | 只看該作者

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發表於 2014-3-13 08:54:59 | 只看該作者
, h, n; M" Y- q% u" h) z# D+ X9 A公      司:A famous IC company
/ d6 _' b, G/ B# C% Z. e工作地点:上海
+ [% o4 g# M6 g# J6 T' R1 i8 i
( K7 h, ^0 ]! F  H, e! L7 F) J) M职位描述
6 n7 Y& S, r$ j1 W6 a* r4 `/ ^( a6 {1)  一线支持客户了解我们产品;
$ w+ v7 g; h& ?4 S5 Q: p3 E2)  能现场解决基本技术问题
, A) i7 h4 v/ `8 E- B9 \/ Z9 {3)  能准确把客户的问题理解并寻求内部资源支持
4 M* }% P& W* o& h4)  能保持和客户联系 " X; s& ]. x& X0 c" N  K) r: m+ f9 u" f
5)  3年以上手机或平板产品硬件设计经验,熟悉系统整体硬件,熟练使用EDA工具以及测试工具,对产品、成本有一定了解,掌握简单的Android/Linux 系统的调试方法。 8 G4 o- t" P; r9 i4 e
6)  有激情,愿意和人打交道,耐心,又专心技术钻研.

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發表於 2014-6-12 10:34:47 | 只看該作者
系统/应用工程师7 z# f$ M9 k3 q. j# m' Q
' L/ W- }2 [& K0 D1 t
公      司:famous IC design company in shanghai% J. B+ B- [" M; R+ K1 H
1 ^+ e$ h! ?, I3 h* _5 J4 p. d, [7 p& L  M
主要工作职责:% `- ?4 z7 ~7 E9 f$ h/ U% E
1. 负责笔记本、电动工具、电动自行车等锂电池保护系统的软硬件设计
3 M2 H( }0 r" Z* W! }4 _2. 参与公司锂电池计量和保护芯片的新产品的系统开发、设计及验证
9 l/ \. u8 l& Y( D# T3. 制定产品规格,就芯片原理及关键参数等技术问题与客户交流,了解客户真实需求
: \$ H2 f; D' E5 S% ?( E) r4. 配合设计人员完成芯片设计,提供建设性意见
, p% i: ~1 y6 h& k/ b; u5. 制定芯片验证方案,完成芯片的系统验证
& {2 R' J9 x+ k; z* c' L6. 针对公司产品设计应用电路、编写应用软件、整理应用笔记等技术文档
9 }9 [7 a) _( N2 u3 K7. 研究锂电池容量算法,提取满足客户需要的容量模型
+ u- ?1 q1 V1 S9 F$ r- W% ?, }: w8. 进行内部员工培训,为FAE提供技术培训和支持,1 F; a! a" r* S
9. 为销售提供技术支持,解决用户遇到的技术问题
* I. ?- F# \! N+ E" a5 Q$ S3 f% Q/ c. y# n1 N6 B& p% p
- X# Y3 B. I: G$ K4 B9 A& f. i1. 计算机、电子、微电子、通信相关专业本科及以上学历;' i$ w' |7 b) T
2. 3年以上芯片应用经验,曾参与或主导锂电池计量或保护芯片产品的设计。
- {& W. v% l* w4 k1 ~3. 了解笔记本、电动工具、电动自行车等应用系统的电气特性
9 R6 F3 C0 ^8 @4. 了解锂电池Cell及Pack特性,对锂电池容量模型具有一定了解: V8 A# M* a9 x, g; S# Z
5. 正确理解Spec要求,可独立完成Spec的制定和芯片的验证工作+ b: i* C. ?% d
6. 精通嵌入式软件开发,有一定的C/C++编程语言经验' e, U. q' X: S7 r9 ?7 m$ B2 l
7. 丰富的电路分析、设计经验,熟悉常用的电池元器件的应用$ T$ `- a5 ^7 ^. M0 Z" v
8. 良好的沟通能力,可正确理解客户的真实需求
0 e8 c) V; K. C$ |3 G, p9. 认同客户导向,可快速解决客户问题
+ ]$ a! {6 T: I+ F5 r0 @/ s' j4 u10. 具备良好的读写与英语能力
) a" D- z, n6 a% [$ U# a11. 积极进取,良好的团队合作精神。

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發表於 2014-8-5 14:48:50 | 只看該作者
FAE! p1 [& w; J2 B; ~/ J

7 z! `& U0 D7 C5 }5 r# W9 ~公      司:A famous IC company! t5 K4 I' `& N9 y  l, N. _
1 k6 X1 f$ L0 `9 f* |) u$ [' Q4 s& w
Job Description: ' n5 s; t, j3 d. }- O7 {5 s
As part of the Sales Team, you will work with our Sales Managers, Business Unit, and Marketing to discover new sales opportunities and provide application support to customers in the region. You will be responsible for designing in *** portfolio of products into customers’ applications. Responsibilities include support of the *** product portfolio including chip level design, system design, technical support, and business support.5 h1 J& @7 s* e6 U; g+ u' C( d

9 K' r4 g8 n& [, M4 X9 |& kResponsibilities ; D% h9 ~# t! w, h3 L& k
The FAE will have the following Key responsibilities:  - A8 ?, j: }* V8 ^( F' u
: ~3 L- w. Z4 @' o8 K0 v
Take an active role in the sales process by managing all the technical issues at assigned customers.  + b3 j8 W$ J" J$ \
Be aware of the size and nature of the business at the assigned account and assist in developing the account penetration strategy.
3 {  }" U) D( y$ N( B% s4 P" NChampion the customer needs and work with BU and product marketing team to develop competitive technical solutions 5 r( G7 q2 J7 }& f+ g
Work with the customer’s R&D team to get our  products designed in  0 g9 B; {. q1 B
Support existing customers with in depth design assistance at a “post sale” stage  : S5 l4 N$ v0 @) X. Z' {; f" L
Understand the competitive landscape and continuously work on differentiating our solutions.  
# ^7 }3 u" _9 i  t! L  e+ FEstablish rapport with the customer and become the expert for all the technical inquiries.  
! d- c& w8 i5 o* @Manage multiple projects and follow up on various tasks to ensure timely support and execution.  
' N9 z+ x9 }1 ], hDocument these design activities using SFDC (  3 t# F( D0 v$ y/ @( j5 M7 ?- b- A
Ensure clear and regular external internal reporting and communication  ( s# ^' ~$ I0 K% t2 d- c9 I
Influence future *** products by providing customer feedback back to the hardware and software development groups at headquarters.

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發表於 2014-8-5 14:48:56 | 只看該作者
& _$ x9 r& _. V·   BS/MS in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering (BSEE, MSEE) or related fields
' |1 O* J- {+ o. t" S+ E: z* S% F' b
Qualifications and Characteristics
1 L& v" u7 h. j. F) H2 P·         Minimum 3 years experience on WIFI or Bluetooth product development 2 i) H" r5 T! g
·         Strong technical skills with a customer-oriented attitude, and a high degree of enthusiasm and energy
4 i, [4 x4 `: G0 D# M6 v% b·         Self driven with strong ability to take ownership of customer relationships, solve technical issues and handle solution coordination with the customers and *** R&D/Support organization
* }8 Q" O" [- y6 H7 J. o4 r0 G0 F·         Good communications and listening skills, with the ability to articulate issues and solutions internally (English) 9 T  q' f3 x, E7 e
·         Team player $ F8 D1 I* A. H* x/ f, Y+ x
·         Willing and capable to travel frequently within China, and 1 or 2 times per year to Europe.

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發表於 2015-5-24 20:41:44 | 只看該作者
) j! J' N" T. I, ?

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