Design Method in Optimization Differential LCVCO
) q+ L7 @* L; ~. RMAN J ia-han,ZHAOKun6 T G4 ]( B2 N) J- h# J( l
( Institute of Microelectronic of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1 00 0 29 , China)2 p3 H, h$ F+ a, W' ~1 f2 b! E
Abstract:A n analysis of tw o fam ous oscillator phase- noise m odules derives the relations betw een phasen0 C4 p" ? W u) L3 I7 e8 W6 E
oise and circuit param eters. A nd hen ce, a design strategy to optim ize the phase noise of V C O , such as8 t- X, _+ ], X: p2 D
designing high Q inductor, adjusting tail current and sizing the dim ensions of nM O S and pM O S, is presented.
k- h5 S! |$ ]/ X3 m T6 v- _) C0 ~A t the end of th is paper, a 2.4G H z fully integrated V C O design is m entioned. T he sim ulation result
6 a8 E/ }. y; a* qdescribes that the phase noise of the V C O is - 120.4dB c/H z@ 600 kH z. T his result proves th at the
6 n" |2 p/ D9 C( }- d e. z! P$ dm eth od is valid.
- {, |2 S( W$ r$ s3 O, R* G1 V% H1 h
8 B+ I" k+ `8 L9 |/ S# f回覆後 可以下載PDF附件 權限10 & 3RDB
" m2 r# L4 p' c& A% y; M4 p' c- H! }# ^7 Y, z, l" w! b
4 y. H9 C" y: v& a6 y6 H[ 本帖最後由 sjhor 於 2007-5-17 10:26 PM 編輯 ] |
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