無論是結合最新科技技術如人工智慧、區塊鏈或物連網等,或是垂直領域的藥物及療法開發,都對生技醫療產業,注入一股創新的活水。InnoVEX 2019也特別將生技醫療創新,視為展會五項重點主題之一。
此次InnoVEX Mini Saloon,將談論生技醫療產業最新發展趨勢與應用,探討與科技產業的跨領域整合,並邀請六隊生技醫療產業新創廠商簡報,現場將備有餐點飲料,歡迎相關專業人士盛情參與。
Biotech and Healthcare are growing around the world; both on the supply and demand side. Biotech and Healthcare applications such as genetic testing, medical data analysis, telemedicine, and precision medicine have gained traction in the media. When emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, or IoT are combined with drug development and therapies, a new potential for biotech and healthcare is unleashed. As such, it is one of the main themes of InnoVEX 2019.
In this InnoVEX Mini Saloon, we will discuss the latest developments, trends, and applications of the biotech & healthcare industries and explore their integration with ICT. Joining the event are top speakers who are active in both fields and 6 startups who will demo and showcase their solutions for a better and more sophisticated healthcare.
- 活動日期:2019年2月19日(二)
- 活動地點:台北市八德路三段2號B1(台北市電腦公會B1會議室)
- 主辦單位:經濟部工業局
- 協辦單位:台北市電腦商業同業公會、InnoVEX新創特展小組、台灣物聯網產業技術協會
- 合作單位:臺大國際產學聯盟
- 活動議程:
時間 / Time | 議程 / Program | 主講人 / Participant | 14:00~14:30 | 貴賓報到 / Registration | | 14:30~14:35 | 司儀開場說明 / Opening | InnoVex Team | 14:35~15:35 | 座談會 / Panel Discussion | 主持人 / Moderator:比翼加速器 陳懷平 / Andy Chen, BE Accelerator
對談人 / Panelists:
- 宏達國際電子股份有限公司醫療事業部: 鄭志偉 處長/Jerry Cheng, Senior Director, HTC Deep
- 國立台灣大學生技中心主任: 沈湯龍 教授/Tang-Long Shen, Professor and Director, Center for Biotechnology, National Taiwan University
- 緯謙科技股份有限公司業務部: 鄭耀文 資深經理/Paul Cheng, Senior Manager, WiAdvance Technology Co.
- 國立台灣大學醫學院: 李財坤 副院長/Tsai-Kun Li, Associate Dean, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
| 15:35~16:05 | Demo-Pitch | 6家新創團隊上台簡報分享 / 6 Startup Demo | 16:05~16:30 | Q&A | | 16:30~18:00 | 交流與結束 / Networking | |