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美國 CBS 60 Minutes ( 六十分鐘 ) 主持人Andy Rooney 對40歲以上的女人的看法

發表於 2007-8-16 13:54:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
嘿各位,仔細看,越看越精采喔! 這是美國 CBS 60 Minutes ( 六十分鐘 ) 主持人Andy Rooney 對40歲以上的女人的看法 :
/ h: Z1 y3 G4 ]$ A6 F+ y
# O3 f% S$ J- G5 d4 Y* `As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all.8 q/ g3 h' p' Z: ^+ `. O. }
隨著年齡增長,我越來越珍惜40歲以上的女人。 ) Y7 D/ B, K) [" }

8 j  H0 o- ~- ]5 i4 yHere are just a few reasons. why:
" z7 K  B3 J' n8 n9 z) N0 Q以下是些原因,為什麼呢?
# H$ @# T8 r2 [# c5 u- j
* [* T* c, z' z8 t( {0 F- _A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, "What are you thinking?": N" Z3 w* ~0 q# s; g
$ Q6 R( f& h. L) O0 x
1 n5 B. `  s5 ?: I: g  wShe doesn't care what you think.. J; U% U! I3 E; R
她才不在乎你在想什麼。 ) W+ M6 W2 y- j6 n& J, `! k9 I
; K5 M/ ?+ R( [$ y' u* v% u
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around you whining about it. ! X: x* I  A' J, k4 R: d
& U5 r. z  p0 i
& ?% @2 B& }: k2 \% e( c$ iShe does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting. ! R% ], a# A' f/ W/ Q( h+ @$ M! l
" G9 b7 v& t* F
' M3 H, o; }: \: ~: p# X) XWomen over 40 are dignified.
2 [0 P% d/ a' z9 Q40歲以上的女人穩重自持
! ]+ l7 k& I' b3 X8 o3 M7 n# y
3 A5 \1 X& E# B0 e3 _- _They seldom have a screaming match with you at the operaor or in the middle of an expensive restaurant.
: S7 g  }  k4 D- z7 Q# r不會在歌劇院或高級餐廳裡跟你大呼小叫。 $ `1 ^4 V; {7 m: W) R% }0 _
4 ]- n  [, m, ]  e
Of course, you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
8 m) u7 a6 O2 _/ H8 Z. M  A) I當然,如果你罪有應得,她們也可能神不知鬼不覺地一槍把你給斃了。
% c6 c- u7 W1 a( S- T/ \% l+ g' [% U# T; z, t  \: ^* m
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved.
% w- r' @5 B9 C熟女不吝於讚美,不管是不是實至名歸。, G7 i; u) J) A5 `  B3 W! `5 G( S
2 b' {! F/ e/ S) d2 b0 g0 o
They know what it's like to be unappreciated.: D& ]# u( D- J5 R/ H0 V/ e! ?
& ~3 ^4 W3 @- Z8 n* N! _% v
6 s6 h- j8 r2 z: }  \Women get psychic as they age.
" B1 T" x+ x$ @% L女人越老越通靈。
# F' r! C  {( ~$ ^+ C
; w- V- E& o7 MYou never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40.
6 W, j- m9 X2 p4 @+ p5 G你永遠不需要向40歲以上的女人懺悔。 * u$ j; y2 \2 b/ P

" m4 n6 G, \( D& N6 p! ?Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
0 i9 X& q' _  m9 M  [只要能夠對皺紋視而不見,40歲以上的女人遠比年輕美眉性感。  ]* q9 _* P# r. H9 r5 y
$ C/ e2 D- D6 U( Q# S2 j6 M) [
Older women are forth right and honest.
/ w8 z5 d6 X! Q" X熟女直接又誠實。
, h5 b4 l/ _) u; v+ m. H; R- o+ ~- [3 i
" Z: y1 Q% G. N. p9 i& K+ NThey'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one.2 x: K$ a6 f7 ]/ i2 w- U7 C
4 D! _; U. s6 j! V0 Y) w: @7 n$ j* I$ ~) @% M, P
You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.2 u) ]9 b2 X1 a
1 ~$ }7 k. |8 j+ z
$ }1 {3 ?: p) o5 G# b" m) X# wYes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons.
. f; R" F0 U' R: S8 F40 歲以上的女人有很多優點。
* p9 ]7 j$ x& l; A$ a
# |' a3 K* p% D' D4 u, kUnfortunately, it's not reciprocal.
( r  R4 d( ^8 }. u4 a不幸地,這並不互惠。(40歲以上的男人呢? )
/ e4 \  |0 J1 c9 n( I& p
% |; x. K' b: ?  TFor every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 20-year old waitress.
  R/ S# d3 P' z" v, s# Y+ g- A, @
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