The Charging Techniques for Li Battery in Handheld Terminals
WANGFei,LIU Hao,TIAN Xiao-ming
(National ASIC System Engineering Research Center, Southeast University, Nanj ing 2 1 00 9 6, China)
Abstract: Libattery have th e good features of sm all size, high pow er density, no m em ory effect, long cycle life, high voltage and low self-disch arge. R ecen t years, it is the preferred battery in handheld term in als. Its charging circuitry is distinctly different from N iC d, N iM H and L ead A cid battery. T here are three m ethods can be u sed to charge L ibattery: sw itch, linear and pulse. E ach m ethod has its advantages and disadvantages. T he selection of charging m ethod is b ased on the cost, space and efficiency. This text will detail the charging tech niques and som e charging schem es for L i battery in handheld terminals.
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