Analysis and Restraining Solutions of Voltage and Current Spikes
of the High-Power BUCK Converter
YANGShi-yan , HANMing-wu , KONGZhi-guo
(Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin 150001 , China)
Abstract : In high-power Buck converters ,the circuit is in high switchingmode .Since the distributed stray parameters of the lead and non-ideal performance of the devices ,very high voltage and/or current spike appear on the switches ,which reduced the reliability of the circuits .This paper analyzed the reasons of the two kinds of spike produced and their harmand proposed several RCL snubber circuits .The analysis and designmethods of each parameter in the circuits are presented accordingly .The results of simulation and practical application prove that the snubber circuits have fine soft-switch effect and strong restraint function to the spikes .
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[ 本帖最後由 sjhor 於 2007-5-24 08:40 AM 編輯 ] |
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