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Semiconductor INSIGHT(SI) Awards 陸續揭曉

發表於 2007-6-20 08:53:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

. J! P# u0 h% n/ f) Z( j) ?

  P$ x0 [7 I5 x. ^$ w. j5 Q9 ^& B
About the Awards Semiconductor Insights (SI) analyzes over 1500 different devices each year from the world’s most innovative microelectronics companies. This enables our analysts to encounter devices that change the performance/cost equation of its segment with a new design or process innovation.  To recognize corporate and individual feats in technology, SI sponsors the INSIGHT Awards together with Semico and EETimes. Semico provides a market view of the return winners will derive from their innovations. EETimes has, for thirty years, been the electronics industry newspaper of record.  SI’s 2007 INSIGHT Awards recognize innovations in six returning categories and introducing two new categories to recognize the changes in the industry. The categories are – DRAM, Non-Volatile Memory, Image Sensor and/or Actuator, RF IC, Baseband and/or Applications Processor, and Process Technology, and introducing Display Driver and the Dr. Doug Smeaton Innovation Award.  2007 Award Categories SI's 2007 INSIGHT Awards recognize innovations in eight specific categories
    Most Innovative Display Driver Most Innovative Image Sensor Most Innovative Baseband and/or Applications Processor Most Innovative RF IC Most Innovative DRAM Most Innovative Non-Volatile Memory Most Innovative Process Technology
  • Dr. Doug Smeaton Innovation Award
More Information

  y/ m# R0 ^' ]6 U! f7 e  WRob Hilkes (Right), one of SI’s TECHinsights Analysts, presenting the INSIGHT Award to Jeff Bellay, Wireless Terminals Business Unit Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Design and Platform We are pleased with Semiconductor Insights' recognition of Texas Instruments "LoCosto" single chip solution, which is ramping in volume today and designed into more than 15 customers worldwide. The integrated features that the "LoCosto" solution offers to mobile applications in a single chip, combined with TI's innovative DRP technology, will enable smaller, cheaper, and lower power systems Rev "B" in the market.
Remi El-Ouazzane
% e% r1 T3 g9 B/ ~; R. ?' L% nGeneral Manager of 2.5G business for Wireless Terminals Business Unit! O) h% v! z8 A. Q6 j1 R/ d
Texas Instruments

' `* W8 X% M' V" z0 ]- \. n
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:06:11 | 只看該作者


Criteria:: Y, Z- I& x- {( ^. [
• Performance
0 m) h6 d4 x' O- _2 c+ f4 \, Y• Level of Integration
' l# T4 t% [( H/ c; x$ j% {% D• Technology
  V% K  @- c# w# r! w2 |; _/ x5 j- K6 n2 t
Nominees for this category listed below:
' u( o* t/ S5 t* Y• Infineon EGOLDvoice
8 e) z2 u; v0 ?4 x1 [• Marvell 88W8686 mobile 802.11a/b/g (in house)* O+ L* F4 U" J; n8 c! v- Z
• Broadcom 2085 mobile EDGE
9 L% n# C' G& x' W• Broadcom 4325 FM/Bluetooth/802.11a/b/g
( X9 [; l) v* N' d: x* u• Infineon PMB5701 SMARTi 3G (in house)
- k4 l  z6 z8 W7 R. H( ]/ e• Infineon PMB6272 SMARTi PM (in house)
6 q' Y6 Y- ]7 E8 K• Nordic nRF24L01 (in house)
% y0 {* A: W% Y( Q8 m• Qualcomm Single Chip (QSC)
" J% ?1 E- P3 X6 g0 d" I- p• Qualcomm RTR6280/RTR6285
& E* T* I! z2 T' [- c8 k9 ?- [• Texas Instruments Bluelink 7.0

, [- c8 o! O3 w8 y$ t$ w$ n, u• Texas Instruments Bluelink 6.0
9 ]! @+ m: z  r1 z7 z/ QPlanned Announce Date: May 29, 2007
  G# c5 k; k4 q+ P3 x, j/ ~: q3 o
; ?  q8 K. B' H8 m- s6 y1 K9 w! oMarvell WLAN SoC 獲得著名的INSIGHT獎項Marvell(R) 88W8686 單晶片系統 (SoC) 集成性和射頻IC無線收發器設計獲Semiconductor Insights認可: I' S3 c$ y6 G3 L) e
# Q# B2 m' H, y, N1 t6 E/ g- T
加利福尼亞州聖克拉拉, 6月13日  /亞洲網/ -- 存儲、通信和消費型矽解決方案開發領域的領先企業Marvell公司 null(網址宣佈,Marvell(R) 88W8686 超低耗能 90 納米 WLAN 單晶片系統(SoC)解決方案獲得了2007年度 INSIGHT“最具創新性射頻IC無線收發器”大獎。該獎項由Semiconductor Insights (SI) 聯合Semico和EETimes共同贊助,對企業和個人在技術方面的成就進行表彰。獲選的設備經過了SI的全面相關分析,以確保其實至名歸。
7 y( r* l' g- f; j  Q; a) ^% E" s4 d8 G& z/ J& O* B5 d# r& B
SI公司無線業務部技術經理麥克爾?科勒說:“Marvell 88W8686 SoC 展示了非常高的集成水平,在單一的模具上集成了一個可在2.4和5GHz運行的雙頻射頻無線收發器、一個物質層、一個媒體接入控制器和一個ARM處理器。在製作射頻IC和類比和數位電路時,Marvell利用其創新技術設置射頻組件,這清楚地詮釋了Marvell開發新型處理技術的承諾。我們的高級無線分析師對Marvell設備的印象極為深刻,從而從英飛淩科技公司、高通和北電公司等提名公司中脫穎而出。”
: h( X5 B9 f$ q- ]$ a% r" y2 O9 Y    `% i9 b9 f" ~9 ]- S
Marvell公司副總裁兼通信和消費業務集團旗下嵌入式與新興業務部總經理派拉麥什?戈皮博士說:“ Marvell很榮幸 88W8686 WLAN解決方案可以獲得這一榮譽。在 88W8686 的開發過程中,我們努力提供消費類設備革命性的特性和更長的電池壽命。這一獎項是對我們為大量消費者市場開發創新解決方案所作出貢獻的認可。”
0 X: L' a  q. d# R% T6 q. ^
  j& L  s9 a8 Y7 V3 e; yMarvell 88W8686 整合了相容ARM的中央處理器、高速串列主機介面以及可與蜂窩式技術完全共存的先進的802.11 a/b/g射頻收發器。Marvell 88W8686 以包括3G和寬帶手機在內的眾多消費產品為目標,並且完全相容先進的通信標準,其中包括對 L3,TCP/IP, UMA和IMS的全面支持。Marvell 88W8686 結合了Marvell經驗證的厚型MAC架構,並卸載了主機中央處理器的負擔,從而實現了更低的能耗和更高的系統性能。Marvell 88W8686 完全向後相容,配有Marvell經實地驗證的業界領先的WLAN套裝軟體以支持Linux和微軟Windows CE以及其他專有作業系統。
4 |) w4 O7 Q2 [9 I/ ]2 Q) W) o# ^  A" z4 t7 s
欲瞭解有關INSIGHT獎項的更多資訊,請訪問$ R& W) c% c* M8 h* w9 j- k
  {# _! S9 g8 Y- s. g' v
關於 Marvell 公司
- X/ T! b' [, ~1 M5 \* ]! R5 H( L- Z3 _Marvell 公司(納斯達克市場代碼:MRVL,網址:是存儲、通信和消費型矽解決方案開發領域的領先企業。公司的多元化產品組合包括轉換器、收發機、通信控制器、無線產品以及為企業、地鐵、家庭和存儲網路等整個通信基礎設施提供動力的存儲解決方案。在本新聞稿中,“公司”和“Marvell”均指的是 Marvell 技術集團有限公司及其下屬公司,其中包括 Marvell 半導體公司 (MSI)、Marvell 亞洲有限公司 (MAPL)、Marvell 日本公司、Marvell 臺灣有限公司、Marvell 國際有限公司 (MIL)、Marvell英國有限公司、Marvell半導體以色列有限公司 (MSIL)、Marvell 軟體解決方案以色列有限公司和 Marvell 半導體德國有限公司。MSI 的總部設在加利福尼亞州的聖克拉拉,代表 MIL 和 MAPL 進行產品的設計、開發和營銷。MSI 可以通過電話( 408) 222-2500聯繫,或訪問網站  V( s/ q! x) d. a+ Y2 N

' @* a  G6 N$ P9 v# V9 G關於 Semiconductor Insights 公司 " ]8 p! E5 l' e, f, p6 d
Semiconductor Insights 公司 (SI) 是服務於全球微電子界的領先技術咨詢商。SI 通過對積體電路和電子系統的深入技術調查,支援其客戶維護知識產權,開發新技術和產品,並將這些技術和產品商業化。主要客戶為日本、韓國、中國臺灣地區、歐洲和北美的主要電子和半導體公司及其代表律師事務所。自SI 1989年創建以來,幾乎參與了所有的半導體特許營銷活動。
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:10:50 | 只看該作者


, p% k: ~) p& j3 D/ X• Level of integration (i.e. size of embedded memory, number of embedded cores, level of analog functionality)5 N. l! j* y1 g  |' ^9 k1 L
• Process (i.e. 8 Metal, Single Poly 65nm CMOS process)2 e! }* m( G( L+ `3 o' U: ~
• Die area and area utilization' G9 n* ^) B- G; e
• SRAM cell size
; s$ ~5 D/ }) L% k! ~7 n• Types of embedded memory; v0 y# Y- B$ Z- C% ]9 g0 E: ~

, x) X& Z6 a8 INominees for this category listed below:! b' K% u; O; g5 X3 ]" K: v5 b
) w( L3 c! d+ z0 I; |
• Infineon EGOLDvoice( |8 Y3 Y5 S4 s" m, _
• Qualcomm MSM6255a*
* C* l* X' y6 s: d# L• Qualcomm MSM6260*
( d; x4 @  R0 E* \- A& p. A• Qualcomm MSM7500*) w" S# w4 m# A( _
• Texas Instruments ECosto OMAPv1035
3 {4 K* B* U' E5 }3 j) l+ `& a/ j5 m• Texas Instruments OMAP3410/3420/3430, c1 C* ~- P' t+ y. b
• Texas Instruments 65nm Baseband Processor*

3 r$ A: y) W, ]4 GPlanned Announce Date: May 8, 2007
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:11:44 | 只看該作者


3 L- b6 i& I& J& Z7 i# g• Cell Size4 F* e3 L, |# d8 d, |
• Pixel Size
0 T% b* c, `- r2 d" z0 R• Speed
5 a4 F1 ~# m1 `% V& E7 h! U• Dark Current
0 e0 |# M, E8 r0 D• Signal-to-Noise Ratio, N' S% \2 Q2 T1 a) s+ x# \
• Image Quality
9 X3 j+ R. b( E4 X; H
8 u7 T% ^5 N/ V5 PNominees for this category listed below:" l$ V- ~  X0 o% M8 ^. h/ ^5 J

" {+ O1 `* G. ^2 n/ h$ [• Agilent Technologies 2CE7A CMOS Image Sensor*6 X1 ?" G5 L9 Q, l9 T8 R" n" K! M
• Kodak KAC-5000*
) r. `# h" D; Q+ L• Kodak KAC-8000( H; G! I- ?* j: C: h
• MagnaChip MC532MA
; `2 T" q' i1 T4 I• Micron MT9E001* [: s7 o7 w4 b4 C+ e% y
• OmniVision 2640*
6 _% D) l; d/ |! j" l; f• OmniVision 5620$ m; V$ q8 s3 M( H
• Panasonic 1.7μm Pixel CMOS Image Sensor6 G* l* Z$ U0 e" a& ^% E  Y2 d
• Toshiba 2.0μm Pixel CMOS Image Sensor

6 K; X/ v& N* EPlanned Announce Date: April 24, 2007
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:12:25 | 只看該作者


" C- W+ g& E8 x/ c, x$ c• Screen Resolution Support
% y! n& {* j& r5 H! E$ B• Process Design& ~8 A, e7 X; k5 H- I' ?. Q
• Innovative Circuit Techniques$ }. A5 K; Q0 A7 k* p
• Integrated Memory Structures, G& g, S" B# }- P( C

5 \' t% A1 B. {& j/ KNominees for this category listed below:
$ n5 c4 a; _" w5 d4 W* j: R
9 e. [; W$ V& j/ f8 J• NEC μPD161953 OLED Source Driver*8 s4 h$ O/ v. N6 @7 }
• NEC μPD161989 TFT Source Driver*
. f2 f& R# m; r$ z• Renesas BD663471 TFT Soruce Driver*
% G( e7 J' S: n8 n/ K. k• Renesas R61505 TFT Driver*
" z  s5 e; N/ [& H% B• Himax PA5303 TFT Driver*2 U  y/ ?5 x8 _6 \
• Solomon Systech SSD1784 STN Driver*
3 ^4 Z* P' U# z% B1 y/ s• Sharp CGS embedded drivers*
% }1 |- B3 {* k! Q
Planned Announce Date: April 3, 2007
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:13:30 | 只看該作者


+ Y  e' J4 I( j• Density leader
+ S5 c/ t5 \0 C% E: d5 T" P: W• Process technology leader# q# F( P2 @. H; h- J' |
• Memory array efficiency
! Q3 D+ u% d: _0 v• Cell size advantage
( q, i2 f$ H& F. n' ~) Y• Unique circuit innovation(s)3 _* i- i# q+ A' {9 F7 M( e  v  ?' E

2 G! p5 o: ?# L0 f/ b! Y1 r) hNominees for this category listed below:5 ~4 M0 R6 A, ?) i& A

. k7 Y9 l# R3 T0 h3 k' G9 a• Samsung 80nm DDR2*
2 B. u1 }5 ]; Z• Hynix 80nm DDR2*
  B  I& G1 u$ [• Samsung DDR3" w3 s0 ]/ |$ `
• Elpida 70nm DDR2/ |# I+ S$ F- u0 P
• Qimonda 70nm DDR2  y# p: `3 n: d' Q) `
• Qimonda DDR3*' m0 y. `0 w: n/ O' L- c+ O
• Qimonda Low power DRAM
8 f( \/ E+ H8 u/ x) d+ J3 J: |
Planned Announce Date: September 11, 2007
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:14:15 | 只看該作者


Criteria:# i' n& ^8 B# \  `, p/ \- L
• Density leader
! u4 V. B: u. Y' {8 p" F• First use of a new technology (i.e. NROM, MLC) in an advanced process, {. v8 N* L8 P! n
• Memory array efficiency( R( r- |5 A. O9 j/ ~0 A# Z1 x  u
• Cell size advantage
8 y5 j& S  X0 W4 [# X• Device performance
+ x" }& j+ t/ r: y* n% {• Unique circuit innovation(s)/ E! s  M$ X5 \* g2 C! L2 u

* j* Q9 Z2 i5 |5 n8 v8 CNominees for this category listed below:
. k5 E3 ~4 P! U9 g$ s- D( Z0 |: L
5 K7 w; s* z1 B5 q, s• IMFT 50nm Flash*! Q2 a3 v' S) Q# k4 l/ g" Z
• Intel 65nm 1Gbit NOR Flash*9 R: L9 I* Y+ b; {6 |
• Spansion 90nm 512Mbit NOR Flash*/ T7 B2 B) b. M
• Samsung 5X 16Gbit MLC NAND Flash# p2 U6 T5 ]3 U  |. }0 k
• Toshiba 5X 16Gbit MLC NAND Flash4 O' V8 Y; n0 _$ f& }4 b& U# |
• Spansion Quad Bit" ~& |( g) Z5 [8 F+ K; @
• Samsung 40nm TANOS
6 U+ T6 |0 ]6 M/ P' _3 A+ t• Samsung PCRAM# c; B- J- }% K1 p
• STMicro 65nm NOR Flash*

, L7 j1 p" \& ~3 F4 ePlanned Announce Date: October 2, 2007
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-20 09:15:24 | 只看該作者


Criteria:7 n* r0 p. C: r3 l9 l( U4 @
• Advanced technology node – 65nm for wireless apps, 65nm/45nm node for other! A+ ?4 |5 i2 u' o4 f8 ?) V  I
• Advanced process – SS, SiGe, SOI, SSOI
4 G& T/ S) u  ~; M$ [4 c& K4 H• Transistor characteristics – leakage, current drive
- o7 e: c& Z3 R) O+ d  X! d- Z5 _7 d0 Q; O+ x$ c
Nominees for this category listed below:
' f7 Z: o8 T- M& \, \3 l7 j8 m9 Y0 R
$ j" n" A& r1 K4 d• AMD 65nm*
+ B9 A( F$ L( B9 T• Intel 65nm*
, V1 Y' Q0 s# _• Intel 45nm
! Y5 {0 {6 i5 L• STMicro 65nm*
8 {, o% B- k) m0 L' a• TI 65nm*
; D$ g# I) I2 }. [5 Y) j) j0 _7 Q• Xilinx Toshiba 65nm*( F6 W: E+ \( c
• Xilinx UMC 65nm*1 R; h! O- C8 r4 M, A  z
• Qualcomm TSMC 65nm*
! |0 u4 X& I0 ^% Z, q* j4 t  `• IBM 65nm
: [0 I  q, ?$ j8 K" b• IBM 45nm

: }8 ?  z. {2 o  n# Y2 PPlanned Announce Date: October 30, 2007
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