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[好康相報] 實驗室最夯技術Flexible wireless test solution for the lab

發表於 2014-8-26 10:22:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
LitePoint 想針對有PA功率放大器及IC測試驗證有需求的工程師們開辦兩場小型的workshop
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$ f+ i) [: B# a6 u4 V# A> 9/9  教育人士場   新竹集思會議中心1 Q& \5 U: H% A, ~$ S6 y$ R  e
> 9/10 企業專業人士場 新竹集思會議中心
. x$ `: U. z3 c4 i' e* M% }> 9/11 教育及專業人士場 台北LitePoint8 I, t& \$ B8 y& i1 s: W* O
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報名請上: r. o) F+ M5 d. Y9 `
) Z  f& l  b! t( r; _. W  m
This seminar provides is separated into three sessions.  The first session provides an overview of the core physical layer technologies employed in WLAN and LTE.  In particular, the principles of OFDM are reviewed and it is shown how such waveforms can be analyzed in both the time and frequency domains.  Due to the complexity of the signal formats, additional metrics and views of the signal are introduced, including error vector magnitude (EVM) and envelope signal statistics (CCDF).  The second session then looks at the techniques commonly employed to characterize the RF power amplifier in such applications. The theory and application of digital predistortion is presented along with an example implementation.  A short, final session is included to demonstrate the open architecture of the zSeries PXI platform and how it can be used in an automated fashion for signal generation and capture.
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7 K. C) o: K: _1 |  X免費午餐餐敘+神秘小禮物, 歡迎參加!( a/ y" K7 a; [7 i& B" [9 E5 u5 R
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 樓主| 發表於 2014-8-26 10:23:19 | 只看該作者

    日期        時間        對象        地點   
    2014/9/10()        12:00~16:00
# f# q. G8 u& P& |  G    (供應午餐 歡迎參加)   
    教育/專業人士場        集思竹科會議中心/新竹科學園區工業東二路1   
    2014/9/11()        教育/專業人士場        LitePoint 台北內湖瑞光路3604   
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    Topic        Time        Speaker   
    Lunch        12:00~13:30       
* H% T/ A4 z( i. V8 p: e   
    Introduction to the Modern Wireless LAN    and LTE Physical Layer        13:30~14:30        Andy Street   
    Break        14:30~14:45        Vito Liao   
    Advanced RF Power Amplifier    Characterization        14:45~15:45        Andy Street   
    Break        15:45~16:00        Vito Liao   
    Demo & Q&A        16:00~16:30        Andy Street   
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Andy Street  Andy Street has worked in the wireless  industry for the last twenty years, in a variety of roles including design  and development, technical consultant and test engineering.  He has  worked for Agilent Technologies as a senior technical consultant where he was  responsible for developing and delivering consulting services to Agilent's  customer base in the UK and Northern Europe.  He then joined the  corporate R&D group of M/A COM where he developed novel high frequency,  high volume test solutions for the company's emerging 24 GHz automotive radar  business.  Prior to joining LitePoint, Andy was a test and product  engineering manager at NXP Semiconductors where he was responsible for the  product development of their WLAN portfolio.  At LitePoint, Andy is the  zSeries Product Line Manager and is involved in developing applications for  wireless technologies such as Digital Predistortion (DPD) and Envelope  Tracking (ET).  Andy holds a PhD from the University of Oxford.  

發表於 2014-8-26 11:46:14 | 只看該作者
中興通訊採用LitePoint解決方案執行LTE智能手機生產測試* M5 [8 ]; m2 D
' q* _7 h' T+ |8 p  u9 s
(20140826 09:26:19)加利福尼亞森尼韋爾訊--(美國商業資訊)--業界無線測試解決方案領導廠商LitePointR今日宣布,中興通訊(ZTE)已採用LitePointR手機和連結技術測試解决方案,為其最近生產的4G智慧手機提供校正及驗證服務。 : {- @7 N9 d$ o

/ |( x) l/ u4 \3 L1 Z0 t4 u9 vLitePointR中國區總經理王鋼(Gary Wang)表示:“中興需要一套完整的解決方案,為其新型LTE智慧手機提供測試。這包括最新的4G手機測試技術,而且要符合3G和2G時期制訂的標準。測試技術需支援含802 11ac高頻寬Wi-Fi標準在內的所有手機連結技術標準。為了因應顧客對中興產品日益增大的需求,大規模的測試處理量也是必須的。因此,我們為中興制訂了高效能的智慧手機測試平台。在平台上搭載了LitePointR IQxstream™手機測試解決方案,與LitePointRIQxel-M™組合,可涵蓋所有的連結技術,並能夠符合各種標準。”
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/ j  O/ W/ S9 K3 |) g藉由這個靈活及高效能平台,中興就能駕馭當今和未來的無線技術,提升產量,均衡生產線。這為中興在LTE領域帶來了持續的成功。2014年,中興推出了全新的多頻帶智慧手機,並預計今年其4G設備終端出貨量占比將達到終端設備總出貨量的40%。中興的創新型產品以其創新性獲得了市場的歡迎,它將與合作伙伴一道,保持出色的市場業績,尤其在智慧裝置市場中會有優異的表現。
+ z& m$ w+ B9 H0 g* hLitePointR是業界首先採用了非信令、多設備、平行測試技術對手機產品進行檢測,為手機測試技術帶來了革命,顯著地提升了產品測試效率。LitePointR將不斷引領市場,為最先進的無線技術提供創新的測試解決方案。
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