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[專案管理] 研發新產品專案項目過程中的十大常見問題?

發表於 2010-11-17 08:49:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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發表於 2011-1-27 17:15:38 | 只看該作者


5 s& e+ Q( E; f- n+ R5 k- E9 e  y
% o" i8 E8 r; q. d. C沛思公司原為美國Pexagon Technology, Inc主要的產品設計的合作廠商,提供客戶在生活週邊產品做個性化客製服務設計,可設計隨處可見小到身邊不到5公分的隨身碟、攜帶式硬碟、筆、保護 iPhone或iPod Touch時尚耐用機殼等,消費者可按照自己的喜好自由改變顏色或是雷射雕印出不同的花紋圖案,沛思是這方面領域最佳的產品設計公司。
) u" e3 ]5 S. [2 _, \$ d( x. p+ C) w6 ?& h- g! u) A5 \6 k$ f

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發表於 2011-1-27 17:15:45 | 只看該作者
7 C( i+ ^: n' Y- T; T/ E! h& x$ Y% r7 k
董事長蘇新發表示:「若是有一個好的管理工具,能夠管控新產品研發的過程,並能即時獲得正確的資訊,以最佳的決策應對設計產生的問題與風險,讓研發到量產的過程能有效的管理,從成本的角度來看,對於整體的營運才是最好的改善方向。」所以當前展顧問總顧問郭仲倫對於沛思企業研發流程管理提出專業諮詢分析後,並分享其它國際級企業運用PMSystem專案管理系統的成功案例介紹後,沛司專案管理代表及蘇董事長一同親身體驗系統工具人性化的操作方式及管理操作介面相關功能的使用說明後,蘇新發董事長當下立即決定要導入專案管理系統PMSystem,運用PMSystem來管理包含前端從研發設計、小量試產等,應用範圍涵蓋整個產品的研發流程,並完整納入自動化的營運管理體系之中。! _4 V# H0 F+ R

. n; d% `# D+ p: M沛思成功導入PMSystem專案管理系統後,蘇董事長說:「透過PMSystem能快速架構專案運作的標準模式,而且工具系統對專案團隊來說很快就可的上手,不需要耗費太多的時間學習,利用PMSystem系統提供的報表能並能有效的追蹤及監控,瞭解研發專案的最新狀態,PMSystem支援專案運運作達成有效溝通協調所需的專案資訊,在PMSystem中可以將每一個研發文件有系統的儲存,使之變成可重覆運用的知識,對於知識的管理與知識再利用提供了一個優越的管理機制,整個PMSystem的導入確實大幅提升沛思產品研發的效率與品質。」

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發表於 2011-7-20 08:07:15 | 只看該作者


【資策會】8/13新產品開發管理師(NPDP)認證!, _; I4 z6 J1 [- \- P: {4 N' F

! Y8 S( @% B1 v% E/ G- _. U* c在競爭激烈的全球產業環境下,各家企業都想推出具有競爭力的新產品,以在市場占有一席之地,並維持企業的生存空間。然而,正是因為競爭環境的嚴峻,新產品開發不再是僅限於工程與設計人員的突發奇想或是創作,而必須是包含市場、行銷、技術、生產、財務、行政與法律支援等等的全員參與,更需要有一套良好且適合企業的新產品開發流程,透過確實的執行與不斷的修正,達到企業策略的目的!
0 n6 G4 ~& T; v) T5 w& v4 W* O5 m. S3 O# R/ [" s  R, J9 t
依據美國產品發展管理協會(PDMA)調查顯示,新產品的平均失敗率為41%,同時也發現:排名前20%的頂尖企業,其營收有38%,利潤有42.4%,來自新產品的銷售。這代表新產品的企劃創新開發的重要性,是絕對不容忽視!PDMA每年頒發的 The Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award (OCI) 傑出創新企業獎,更被譽為創新管理界的Oscar獎,多數知名企業如: HP,Apple,BMW,Bank of America,FedEx等都曾獲頒此獎項!而PDMA所頒發的新產品開發專家證照,New Product Development Professional (NPDP) 更為新產品開發領域中,唯一的國際專業資格認證!
) i. U# Z2 ^! l+ w3 b) u/ y2 D9 c8 Q9 A% _' u
) `  H5 {& f* A+ J4 E3 B
0 S9 n& V! B9 T: R' X6 j詳細課程訊息及報名網址

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發表於 2011-8-5 08:57:42 | 只看該作者


本課程乃依據國際專案管理學會所提出之PMBOK-Guide為課程主體並特別著重於專案管理實務上的管理經驗的講授並配合上現行最受歡迎的專案管理軟體Microsoft Project的軟體操作課程,期能藉由十八個小時的精華課程,引導現場聽眾一同迅速掌握成就的專案管理模式。 9 X1 I/ A  D/ r, P0 \4 Q7 q

4 k: S9 P* Q7 O7 K- ]『專案管理』為一門管理學上的主要科目,其研究的範疇主要在於能以低於或合於預算成本,有限的資源,準時完成專案。
3 w8 ^/ d2 g* l- M' @, [! }4 k
( Q) [+ c1 k+ z1 W( D! j資策會「專案經理人的六堂課」乃依據國際專案管理學會所提出之PMBOK-Guide (Project Management Body Of Knowledge)—『專案管理知識體系導讀指南』為課程主體,並特別著重於專案管理實務上的管理經驗的講授並配合上現行最受歡迎的專案管理軟體Microsoft Project的軟體操作課程,期能藉由十八個小時的精華課程,引導現場聽眾一同迅速掌握成就的專案管理模式。課程日期為8/28~9/4,週六日白天,8/19前報名享有優惠。課程詳細資料請參考課程網址或電洽:(02)6631-6533秦小姐。( j6 \/ Y1 g# L

4 a& |$ R' B. r' M課程網址:

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發表於 2011-8-7 08:53:30 | 只看該作者


【台北訊】良機企業集團深耕冷卻塔領域半世紀,今年邁入50 週年。該公司以永無止境的創新、設計、研發及環保節能的經營理念,開發新型冷卻塔不但節省水資源,且能夠產生最高散熱能力及低噪音特色。" g  z+ p* S8 y' X0 u0 ~
( Y  V+ S. t( a4 C
" n7 E2 }' a, g9 ]& U
. Q& V9 f( h3 Y3 \  ]  C. Q9 K良機公司產品的開發除與知名國際級廠商技術合作外,最主要是能建構自行研發符合市場需求且有競爭力產品的能力,因此不斷培養研發專業人才及更新研發設備。目前已有數十名專業研發工程師負責冷卻塔產品開發,並透過產品研發專案小組、研發會組織,及設立提案改善制度,來強化運作成效:  s$ t# t/ g# f7 W) u3 E; w
9 s( C8 r$ W3 Z
' ^$ v3 d( ^' G* f7 P" o
- d: R, O, p$ ~: P: N良機公司身為亞洲最大的冷卻塔製造商,在冷卻塔的研究領域始終保持領先地位。未來將朝向環保節能科技繼續精進,也期待冷卻塔業界能在綠能環保的領域裡有所創新,共同為維護地球盡一分責任。(

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發表於 2011-11-2 13:48:45 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous European IC company. f) z; H: f# S7 L
招聘岗位:Project Manager Integrated Circuits & Systems
7 F: h) n* S) p; k/ w6 d" ]" w工作地点:Shanghai
0 G% ]5 P# f: B2 A7 z: z7 p
1 r/ J& n3 k' p; U岗位描述:/ v& H4 |7 ]& F" t" {8 W) I, M1 L
Roles and Responsibilities: - lead project team - plan and track project activities - provide technical leadership and supervising to project members - act as interface to internal and external customers and partners - propose new technical solutions on s/c and system level - create product proposals and perform feasibilities - coach junior engineers
- N. C5 }6 ]( y5 ]& }$ C
1 m7 V+ b( G! m0 w职位要求:
5 R4 |; `& h; y4 z  I, W' T" XRequirements - master degree in microelectronic circuits or systems - > 5ys experience in Automotive Smart Power Design - Good understanding of EDA mixed signal flow (Cadence based) - experience in toplevel integration/verification - > 2ys experience as design project leader - hands-on experience in silicon evaluation and debugging - very good communication skills - foreign languages: English, German (not a must)

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發表於 2011-12-13 09:34:30 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A fabless IC design company
, _7 u- B2 U! l9 [+ E6 `招聘岗位:Project Manager) W) t: c- \6 p7 n7 {
工作地点:Beijing: K: d: Q& c& E* H1 S2 n- B4 [) I2 Q# B

8 ^0 E6 I. ^# B3 M8 E岗位描述:
; ?4 k6 s# l& y  K- MResponsibilities: Coordinate sales, engineering, applications, marketing, and operations to drive projects to their successful conclusion. This involves breaking projects up into smaller parts then assigning responsibilities to different business functions. Daily activities include leading meetings (often involving other locations and companies), generating action items, providing status updates, and updating schedules. The candidate must follow up, assist, and escalate as needed. A good Project Manager always knows the status of his project, its current activities, its current challenges, and the risks and opportunities presented by the project. Multi-million dollar decisions will be based on the Project Manager's analysis and judgement. Other marketing duties may include market research, authoring presentations and other documents, sales assistance, and maintaining partnerships with other companies, among other tasks$ c3 h5 i6 T; U8 A2 P' D
* {% Q, B1 ]/ G' o) d' {9 Y
0 }8 Q" x9 M0 J& O3 d. F) NBackground: 1. Must be fluent in English 2. Must have a strong technical background 3. Must be a college graduate 4. Must have basic Microsoft Office experience 5. DisplayPort and/ or HDMI experience is also valuable

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發表於 2011-12-20 17:33:26 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous European IC company
2 i& K0 B& n1 G* b招聘岗位:Technical Project Leader. S! U5 b" B8 J
+ n& x6 I3 m  \; ~
0 I3 ]! p  w+ D3 l8 ?5 g岗位描述:
; @; s; n# G6 x4 _* xNew Business Development Team -Technical Project Manager for design, specification and construction of an eScooter vehicle - Develop concept, define specification (power train and mechanical parts), evaluate components, suppliers, manufacturing concepts and potential partners. - Manage technical project team in the future (up to 3 team members) - Analyze the market, define a strategy and push for a new business field within XX. + G/ k5 D( v5 ^* N% _8 E

. @2 j) ~, [" ~0 d' l3 P9 c3 X职位要求:4 A  U5 @0 |" f: f/ f
Qualification and education - Master or Bachelor degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Automotive Engineering - 3~5 years deep work experience in development or manufacturing of 2 wheeler industry in China (system engineer, design engineer, construction engineer…) - Project management, process analysis, benchmarking - Very good communication skills, and command in English - Entrepreneurial mindset, highly motivated and independent work style

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發表於 2012-3-9 16:25:46 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous EMS company# n4 ~5 ]+ w* w
招聘岗位:Project Manager5 f" d) i9 j  u; E3 u5 F
9 J, \# `5 [) @5 G+ u4 O; N) h9 q+ v3 p) m4 N
5 |1 n8 M5 d0 a7 Y8 j! X+ S: Z$ OSUMMARY Provide management and guidance to multi-functional project teams including plan and administer policies relating to all phases of the Project Manager (PM) activities by performing the following duties personally or through subordinate supervisors. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Employee and Team Development: 4 {& B+ L5 j* j0 b, b% U
& t. y& V" w* H/ O7 Z6 x
 Identify individual and team strengths and development needs on an ongoing basis.
# B: v1 |4 w" g  V; b5 W Create and/or validate training curriculum in area of responsibility.
  r+ W2 u: A: {. D Coach and mentor technical staff to deliver excellence to every internal and external customer.5 |! H2 g' }% K; V* L& E2 a
 Create and manage succession plans for TPM function. Performance Management & ?% `8 p2 ^" I3 M* B5 \
 Establish clear measurable goals and objectives by which to determine individual and team results (i.e. operational metrics, results against project timelines, training documentation, attendance records, knowledge of operational roles and responsibilities, personal development goals).

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發表於 2012-3-9 16:26:10 | 只看該作者
 Solicit ongoing feedback from Business Unit, peers and team member on team member's contribution to the team. Provide ongoing coaching and counseling to team member based on feedback.+ h* U4 K2 x3 B8 j
 Express pride in staff and encourage them to feel good about their accomplishments.
6 x& e7 J9 ~) l8 w Perform team member evaluations professionally and on time. : f1 k: A; ]# d0 S. E( h, V! [
 Drive individuals and the team to continuously improve in key operational metrics and the achievement of the organizational goals. 7 G  l; |9 p% }2 q* O
 Coordinate activities of large teams and keep them focused in times of crises.
! z4 o! h+ \7 B0 P! {% { Ensure recognition and rewards are managed fairly and consistently in area of responsibility. Communication
+ b* y9 R* t  @+ J! U Provide weekly communication forum for the exchange of ideas and information with the department. * U" R6 l* V+ L& Y
 Organize verbal and written ideas clearly and use an appropriate business style. ! `7 t& l4 z) Z
 Ask questions; encourage input from staff.
& J7 n) _% Q$ x9 `4 M' I$ @2 K Assess communication style of individual team members and adapt own communication style accordingly. FUNCTIONAL MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Business Strategy and Direction.$ O; i4 {! I+ q, q
 Know and understand the campus strategic directions. ( V! z& |3 {3 ]1 \
 Define, develop and implement a technical strategy which contributes to the campus strategic directions. * |$ B! `6 F# ^
 Develop an understanding of the workcell business strategy as it pertains to TPM's, Engineers and Managers.

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發表於 2012-3-9 16:26:30 | 只看該作者
 Provide regular updates to Business Unit on the execution of the strategy. Cost Management- s# l7 J; K  Q6 w, @3 M
 Identify creative ways to reduce cost by streamlining processes and systems (i.e. modification of responsibilities or consolidation of tasks, elimination of non-value-added processes, or complete re-engineering of processes and systems).
& [, j4 y8 O" B" V2 [  u Utilize tools to monitor departmental cost and cost trends, striving continuously to improve value.
# z( H' t5 f: }( V% e7 Y$ I  ^0 J" O9 h Provide feedback to peers on cost and cost trends.
/ b- ?. J/ d9 ?' v Forecast Development and Accuracy
) P: [: v4 W; `# m( Y Prepare timely forecasts for the department.  Compare forward forecast results to historical actual results for trend assessment and analysis. TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Review Customer Documentation
+ d, V2 y) [( f$ s, b5 h Business plans, manufacturing agreements, contracts, SOW's, Quotations, etc. $ F$ W, w5 w7 O) k; g% ~
 PO terms and conditions, NRE costs, material costs  Provide guidance in contract/SOW negotiation. Customer Satisfaction # B% J# d+ _0 M2 L
 Monitor customer satisfaction, project milestones and schedules. 4 B! U9 g) i( P' ^3 Y; N6 `8 |& Q6 ~
 Develop processes and procedures that identifies and prevents schedule delays$ D1 S1 K' {3 D' G/ V/ c
 Operational Guidance and Input

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發表於 2012-3-9 16:26:48 | 只看該作者
 Review and drive tactical execution for Budget and Schedule on each account.
$ n& T- X" p+ Y Provide Input on Manufacturing Requirements.% F2 l# F9 C5 H; R, q
 Develop organizational structure and hire staff.  Develop training for PM's, Engineers and Managers. . L  a% k& W8 q6 ~2 u, z# |
 Develop and implement systems to reduce cost and cycle times of programs Sales and New Business Unit Support
2 s* h; C+ B, L+ Y Work with BUD's/BUM's to target design opportunities with current customers. 8 p! x0 o; ]! ^/ C( B
 Assist in targeting new customers and industries appropriate for ***.
0 l1 U- g+ ^( f; C& ] Establish customer contacts at the appropriate levels.
' y/ z- G' x4 Q Support business development activities: quotes, customer visits, etc. Corporate Responsibilities
, T' ~6 X- z! s6 n Demonstrate a commitment to customer service; anticipate, meet, and exceed expectations by solving problems quickly and effectively; making customer issues a priority.
6 S4 V8 Y% w7 l, z0 m Adhere to all safety and health rules and regulations associated with this position and as directed by supervisor.
7 y, Z4 C9 ]8 `; R) L* m Comply and follow all procedures within the company security policy.

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發表於 2012-3-9 16:26:59 | 只看該作者
职位要求:/ E3 C  _  {2 V0 ]) }
REQUIREMENTS Bachelor's Degree required on Engineering; and more than 5 years experience including two years of project management experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Proven entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Willingness to travel as required. Project experience for Medical product preferred PMP certified is required Ability to read, analyze, interpret and communicate regarding common scientific and/or technical journals, financial reports, and legal documents.
/ r! c" m+ F5 c$ f& c0 t! z' G. E. n0 m2 p2 k) I% o, ?
 Ability to respond to common inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies, or members of the business community.
5 f5 _$ Y4 [( \$ g Ability to effectively present information to top management, public groups, and/or boards of directors. Advanced PC skills, including training and knowledge of ***'s software packages.5 a2 d' m6 G  g5 [
 Ability to tailor advanced quality tools training to all levels of the organization. Multilingual a plus. Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, proportions, percentages, area, circumference, and volume. 6 H3 u0 P" I8 a* x: o- P3 L, K
 Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra and geometry. Ability to solve practical problems and deal with a variety of concrete variables in situations where only limited standardization exists.
2 C8 G# T+ w- Y/ }  H4 n% W Ability to interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form.

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發表於 2012-4-12 09:17:32 | 只看該作者


0 @% e0 m! U$ T1 i9 k% K5 D5 Q" W0 @; Q4 g
(20120411 16:11:36)現代的企業面臨的是一個動態競爭的環境,企業惟有不斷因應局勢變化,在產品上推陳出新才得以在競爭中脫穎而出,因此,如何將創意轉化成創新產品的開發,並篩選評估新產品規格,以提高產品開發的成功率成為非常重要的課題。有鑑於此,資策會開辦『資通訊產業新產品開發與上市策略』課程,以耳熟能詳的3C品牌廠商為實例,揭開標竿企業從事新產品開發與上市的秘辛,教授系統化的方法與管理工具,協助引導學員如何將創意與創新轉換成賺錢的商品!
, l2 q( P% i4 ?* `# o% D& B' n! t3 a
本課程將於101年5月4日、11日、18日周五開辦,凡於4月26日前完成報名繳費者可享補助40%的優惠。對相關課程資訊有興趣者,請參閱課程網頁,或電(02)6631-6533,林小姐。( T, o- D) k9 D6 g) W7 A

, B- ~3 y! O/ ~  ]6 R課程網址:
8 y- s/ o5 ^) @4 w% ^$ R* f1 f2 K7 ~( O4 e$ c

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發表於 2013-11-21 08:56:17 | 只看該作者


資策會12/7開辦「產品研發專案管理實務班」2 F% v3 I, g+ x( z$ n3 {

+ R7 K# R. L% p(20131120 16:59:51)資策會將於12月7日開辦「產品研發專案管理實務班」,透過實戰演練的方式,由每位學員選定一個模擬的研發專案,從新產品研發專案常見的瓶頸與風險的問題分析過程中,運用課堂上所提供的工具與方法,採取治標又能治本的專案管理改善手法,使研發或技術人員能具備專案管理的正確觀念,並能善用研發專案管理的技術及工具應用,進而提升新產品研發專案的專案管理能力。7 a4 I: F0 B: i' I2 G

2 f4 y/ ^, D7 ?1 F& J, x2 o7 x新產品研發專案經常遭遇許多的瓶頸與風險衝擊,導致研發計劃經常發生變更,影響人力以及物料設備等資源調度,嚴重時更造成重工(Rework),衝擊研發時程、成本與品質。要改善新產品的研發專案績效,不外乎從技術創新方面或是從專案管理手法的改善方面著手。
( X# f4 i! \0 s/ E0 _  k
& k1 `9 r2 z/ Z/ D本課程將於2013年12月7日開課,相關資訊請參閱課程網頁:。(資策會廣告), i0 j$ q! `. \/ u( }7 t0 y& R
: a0 x6 j( W2 `" `

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發表於 2014-5-13 11:17:54 | 只看該作者


PMI的《2014職業脈搏調查》發現,低績效導致的高成本仍是企業成功的威脅5 S% F6 }, T" @/ L# x" M

1 B4 t5 {. ?( y' W7 {+ }: q8 ]% w北京2014年5月9日電 /美通社/ --根據全球領先的非營利專案管理機構PMI(Project Management Institute,國際專案管理學會)2014年最新的調查報告《職業脈搏調查:低績效導致高成本》 (PMI’s 2014 Pulse of the Profession: The High Cost of Low Performance )顯示,組織領導者正在進行戰略轉變。儘管88%的企業高管知道他們應該做什麼,61%人知道戰略實施對於其組織很重要,其所在組織經常在為縮小戰略制定和日常實施的差距而奮鬥。該差距證明了組織高管尚缺乏「所有戰略變革都需通過專案及計畫實現」這一意識。
  o# @6 f& R$ b% d/ }% c- C* K% y
% b5 N) s# C* y2 q8 a5 xPMI總裁兼首席執行官 Mark A. Langley說:「儘管不是所有的專案和計畫都可以上升到『戰略計劃』(strategic initiative)層面,但一個組織的所有戰略計劃卻都通過專案和計畫得以實施,這些都不可避免地改變了業務。」他接著說道:「多數的高層管理者不明白這個簡單的道理。也許當他們指派一個高級主管去監督戰略實施,或者指派一名首席戰略官去負責戰略發展時,更多的人就會明白這個道理。如果一個戰略監督人能夠獲得組織的專案管理文化支持,例如一個高績效的PMO,那麼該組織的專案管理成功率提高指日可待。」

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發表於 2014-5-13 11:18:00 | 只看該作者
PMI的《2014職業脈搏調查》揭示了該分歧的重要意義:' y& G* e0 c) y+ {/ s  h

& e6 l$ ]/ b! j% N% _只有極少數的組織(9%)認為他們在成功地執行戰略計劃並很好地達到戰略目標。因此,只有56%的戰略計劃達到了其最初目標和商業意圖。 2 D  X8 f& L7 K8 D0 r, s8 B6 y8 I
) W* @/ c/ {1 Y高績效組織可以成功完成89%的專案,而低績效組織的成功率只有36%。該差距的結果是高績效組織的資金流失比低績效組織少將近12倍。
- n# n( q9 k  ?. G5 ?2 y5 k; J但是也有好消息。根據PMI的《2014職業脈搏調查》顯示,專注於人才、流程和產出方面的戰略實踐並使其專案和組織戰略緊密一致的組織,比其他組織成功地完成了更多的戰略計劃。為了提高成功率並實現這些目標,PMI的《2014職業脈搏調查》表示組織必須繼續專注於: - _  M1 E" f9 @: H
( C# {/ ?$ k# U8 m+ Q4 D
人才:管理和發展人才。組織在提供不間斷的專案管理工具和技巧培養的同時,需要創造一種善於接受變化的組織文化,並且越來越多地專注於關鍵的「人為因素」。他們同樣也需要一個正式並且有效的知識傳遞過程、完備的專案經理職業發展計劃和路徑、專案管理流程、以及積極的專案發起人。 + ^* q/ _" ]0 U9 a* e( r% d) L* }% s% t. U
流程:使專案、計畫和專案組合管理的能力更成熟。為了達到這個目的,很多組織傾向於通過企業專案管理辦公室在全組織灌輸對於專案管理價值的理解(Top Down),並且建立標準化的專案管理實踐方法。
; o  x, a6 @) c& T產出:衡量並傳播成功專案的利益。為專案結果建立基準和指標,使高級別的戰略家和前線的執行者可以看到成功專案和成功戰略計劃給組織帶來的價值。
3 }+ r0 t8 _" C: h+ x訪問《PMI 職業脈搏調查》請點擊:;中文版(簡體)下載請點擊:   4 o+ |% R+ Q) Z0 g. |- p9 ^0 S+ y2 {: B

; v' ]: I8 l" f- G9 K/ ~9 E% t( L關於 PMI 職業脈搏調查
+ W4 Q% I$ ]2 Y4 Y# {$ v始於2006年,PMI《職業脈搏調查》年度報告獨家分析當前專案管理主要趨勢。最新版《職業脈搏調查》展現了將近2500位專案管理領導和從業人士的反饋和看法。

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* T/ K3 v0 v5 K公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company
' }% u! l5 p( T. F/ p, `2 v6 O工作地点:上海
. t& f( z1 h4 ~3 E& u" z
6 o# g2 y4 s# q1 q4 w需求说明:全面负责公司产品的研发项目管理,包含前期产品定义、可行性分析,立项后芯片、硬件和软件研发,最终推广客户并实现交付客户满意产品解决方案。    n, l4 _# b9 Q& t1 Z
4 O2 f& c0 e: G4 @4 ^7 ]
招聘需求:  5 {, S- |) E0 S" }: k
1. 半导体、通信、计算机软件或电子类相关专业本科及以上毕业。
6 J9 J- C' X* _4 z' F. G2. 有5~8年的半导体、通信行业芯片或软硬件研发经验,1~3年项目管理经验。
/ B" m) E8 v8 B" x2 X3 F4 p% o8 G3. 熟悉移动电话架构,特别是芯片和软件架构。
3 X1 U! r9 w4 F: @4. 了解移动电话开发生命周期,包括规划、研发以及市场推广。
6 T$ \3 O& @. O5. 良好的沟通能力,特别是跨部门沟通能力,系统和结构化的思维方法。
$ X  w% V& M3 B. s0 V6. 具有较好的英文听、说、写能力。 4 D; x: Q( A% q( |3 E
7. 有海外工作经验者优先。

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