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EDA 設計討論區 今日: 0|主題: 584|排名: 27 

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投票 預覽 The Most Difficult Key Technologies for 3D? attach_img  ...2 Web 2010-9-17 2825277 ranica 2021-8-25 01:12 PM
預覽 CIC訓練課程 分享 attachment agree 樹屋小惡魔 2008-8-7 1511507 szona44250 2021-8-25 12:07 PM
投票 預覽 EDA戰雲密佈!RD戰力分析? chip123 2006-7-25 1323805 tk02561 2021-8-17 02:33 PM
預覽 Circuit Simulation and Analysis with HSPICE attachment  ...23 jameshsiao 2009-1-7 4127392 p12345q1 2021-8-16 05:17 PM
投票 預覽 TSV -EDA Major Challenges? attach_img Web 2008-9-18 1818962 tk02561 2021-8-12 02:31 PM
投票 預覽 新世代記憶體(Emerging Memory),大家最看好哪兩種? attach_img recommend  ...234 heavy91 2010-8-9 7841155 joe1102 2021-8-12 02:28 PM
投票 預覽 大家日常設計專案中,哪項工作佔比最重? ritaliu0604 2013-9-3 1410895 mister_liu 2021-6-9 09:26 PM
TSMC "Challenges of 3D IC" 講議分享 - [閱讀權限 20]attachment agree  ...2 Web 2008-10-15 311010 sslin 2021-5-19 12:47 PM
預覽 [問題求助] 用HSPICE跑simulation出現time step too small的錯誤 recommend d8731502 2006-8-16 1845882 tony9211 2020-10-28 01:23 AM
預覽 [經驗交流] 新思與思源合併 recommend  ...2 ashieh8 2012-8-8 2122805 lowstar 2019-3-9 05:14 PM
投票 預覽 IC 逆向工程合作伙伴,工程師首要的考量是? attach_img recommend agree mister_liu 2014-9-30 45303 Rv424207 2019-3-8 06:48 PM
預覽 [市場探討] 當 MEMS 技術遇上好萊塢「鋼鐵人2」及「魔境夢遊」... recommend heavy91 2010-6-7 44486 heavy91 2019-3-5 09:17 PM
預覽 [市場探討] 泰發科技(TaifaTech)使用 CADENCE 益華電腦RF Kit recommend chip123 2007-7-20 25759 jiming 2019-2-28 03:01 PM
懸賞 預覽 [市場探討] What are the different EDA tools that exists? - [懸賞 10 元Chipcoin] attachment recommend  ...2 jiming 2007-1-12 2135913 was336789 2019-2-28 08:04 AM
預覽 [市場探討] Electronic Design Magazine's "Best Electronic Design 2010 Award" recommend tk02376 2010-12-21 45171 tk02376 2019-2-28 08:04 AM
預覽 [問題求助] 使用silvaco-Altas寫mosfet body diode_reverse recovery time 新人帖 recommend superstar20 2019-1-22 02794 superstar20 2019-1-29 10:16 PM
預覽 [問題求助] STA tool 的學習 recommend mclaren_18 2010-6-28 28833 lee100 2018-10-27 11:21 AM
預覽 [問題求助] 元件模型在IC設計產業的角色 recommend DaShiaSun@FB 2016-12-2 03112 DaShiaSun@FB 2018-10-7 05:38 AM
預覽 Synopsys NanoSim User Guide attachment digest recommend agree yhchang 2008-2-20 1011155 masonchung 2018-7-24 10:54 AM
投票 預覽 下一波 IC Design Service IP 最大商機在哪?IoT? attach_img sophiew 2014-11-24 35403 engineer 2018-5-16 11:11 PM
投票 預覽 What testbench language do you use or plan to use? ranica 2013-9-3 04441 ranica 2018-5-14 05:19 PM
投票 預覽 What structured verification methodology do you use or plan to use? ranica 2013-9-3 04434 ranica 2018-5-14 05:18 PM
投票 預覽 In your verification flow, the primary EDA vendor/tool your team is using sophiew 2013-9-3 86818 ranica 2018-5-14 05:17 PM
投票 預覽 身為IC設計者,我面對的最大壓力?  ...2 chip123 2006-7-12 2524364 ranica 2018-5-14 04:41 PM
預覽 [問題求助] 如何讓 PO-Simulation 的結果跟 Si 量測值相符 新人帖 sslin 2017-11-24 02920 sslin 2017-11-24 11:29 PM
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