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[經驗交流] 「好的」產品經理真難找吶?PM 請進來交流工作經驗!

發表於 2008-2-11 19:17:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
PM 真的 流動率極高 麼?站上如果有人曾經或現在當過 PM,請來交流點經驗談吧,說不定起碼也能讓 RD 多瞭解一點 PM !? ' S5 x9 q1 y% R" w5 Q
) T: S! m7 g6 ^- h1 S4 w
RD vs. Sales Jim_Lin 版大說:# y7 V2 K, o! O0 {
$ y# O1 a5 B9 y; x5 o* l; V
PM角色更糢糊了, 各家定義都不同. [7 m" E5 N+ S2 r& v9 e
PM=Product Manager! G0 f. ?) D( f3 v0 @
PM=Project Manager
5 g5 K) K6 g) w* wPM=Program Manager
5 {4 g- _  u7 U9 zPM=下午才出現的人...6 J% Y" i0 w+ y/ J- ~4 R6 x
5 f' m& C! @$ t4 `
有些公司PM根本就是在打雜2 T# i6 d' a; |! {; P, V/ {
所以才會造成某公司的PM到另一家幹PM時發現工作型態南轅北轍, 造成PM流動率極高..

8 U+ k* Q1 [1 I3 [% t
5 a' y" P! [; J0 |: S9 ~

2 A6 H8 `6 S& Z$ E8 ^' S產品經理的定位與職責& N5 \2 f4 T  R+ V  h
6 O4 T# D% R: l9 d6 h6 \  O9 ]4 U

/ N0 W# [8 N2 M1 S近年來,經常會看到或聽到一些討和爭論:什麼樣的人適合當產品經理,什麼樣的產品經理才是一個好的產品經理,產品經理真難找。在我看來,要回答好這些話題,首先要明確產品經理的定位和職責。, L: R8 Y: d' A9 A/ A' |* T* j
  0 n& s2 ^8 k) X1 n0 Y8 }6 y
產品經理制起源于寶潔。1927年,公司推出一種佳美牌(camay)香皂,但銷售業績較差。剛好公司新啟用的一名叫麥古利的年輕人在一次會議上提出:如果公司的銷售經理把精力同時集中於camay香皂和lvory(寶潔的一種老牌香皂)的話,那麼camay的潛力就永遠得不到充分發掘。同時,他提出了“brand man”(品牌人)的概念,一個品牌人應該有一個銷售小組的幫助,每一個寶潔品牌應當當做一個單獨的事業在經營,與其它品牌同時競爭。麥古利贏得了寶潔高層的支持。同時他的成功表現使公司認識到產品管理的巨大作用。之後,寶潔便以“產品管理體系”重組公司體系。這種管理形式為寶潔贏得了巨大的成功;同時,亦成為全球產品管理的典範。
4 E# c1 V. w+ L" l9 B# @
* D' \& \1 s2 X4 D從寶潔的案例裡,我們可以看到產品經理制的核心就是產品經理的角色定位:產品經理就是一種產品的“總經理”,對產品的市場成功負責,各個部門應圍繞產品經理來開展工作。產品經理的這種定位,彌補了傳統的以職能形式的行銷使各職能部門都競相爭取預算,而又不對產品的市場成功負責任所存在的缺陷。這也是產品經理制管理模式競爭力所在。* N2 j# l4 m# q8 Y2 m" @

+ U5 t% M* M0 L+ c產品經理既然要對產品的市場成功負責,所以他就要負責從產品開發到產品上市以及上市後的產品生命週期管理。具體來說產品經理的職責主要有:產品規劃、新產品開發組織與協調管理、產品的生命週期管理。工作內容會涉及到市場、研發、生產、財務、專案管理等。產品經理經常要與公司高層、市場部、開發部等職能部門打交道,需要取得他們的支援與配合,但是產品經理又沒有指揮各職能部門的權利,所以產品經理需要有高超的溝通藝術和影響能力。+ C& y: m/ G  m- B8 j( ]  J9 d2 k
8 l; m. P  Z3 o! {; M- A* j; l
9 F" a/ g: d* |& {! p' b* O: B+ N8 c6 j% u. `

: f( j# B8 Q# T' o7 u
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發表於 2017-2-10 10:09:38 | 只看該作者
吸收 ! 吸收 ! 吸收 !
4 L8 n3 x1 ?  c* B4 x3 y& n8 LPM真的很難作得面面俱到4 m7 A- y" x4 c
發表於 2016-3-30 10:52:39 | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-11-4 15:57:12 | 只看該作者
  J1 A4 f+ \, K. k; N
發表於 2015-8-17 23:03:33 | 只看該作者

* A# Z/ d# O9 f/ j8 Y5 u. j0 F: v' B

, W9 y9 s, }/ w+ j; F/ ~+ b% o5 v" Y3 E. x1 n# Q: J
# J" f/ F" ^' t/ p" s& Z
發表於 2014-10-20 11:32:40 | 只看該作者
产品总监/经理5 N6 k' B3 q0 D# |
公      司:A simulated chip design manufacturers& a; G: K4 Q% R( d
工作地点:深圳7 ]1 B( u# y) S% ]
2 B) c7 H  \3 b9 g, D' Q1 t
9 }. J( s) `( n  + B9 I+ J1 e0 r- g3 [
9 h9 @8 t" U  l8 }% y* l2、通过市场调研,对新产品进行定位、规划、设计,并与研发、市场各部门进行论证、实施;
) A% J' ^% i& m0 v/ i5 o3、针对产品进行技术改良和产品概念细分,丰富产品品种,提升新产品市场竞争力; " I7 W+ Z3 j% a( e" B
4、带领和协调产品、设计、推动产品的开发进程,仔细体验产品并找出相关细节优化点,包含但不限于视觉、性能、功能、交互等方面; # }* @0 }: ?" Z
0 E- ]' A" d* \( n: F- X* W6、根据企业发展、市场环境、产品的生命周期等因素,进而调整产品水平;   X& t: s' r* o+ v  ]

$ a5 E3 C- \5 o' h; B; |职位要求9 l9 q: C7 r- ?3 d
% z2 |  Y6 }# _& q% F1、理工科及相关专业,本科或硕士学历;
( c. ^/ a/ H, _$ @  p8 z% A6 c" g2、熟悉消费电子行业产品经验; 1 e+ b2 C5 B, P6 p5 ?; U8 [
3、有责任感,有韧性,抗压能力强; 6 D0 j+ R! _% R" J0 C# z# Q
4、有8年以上团队管理经验,35-40岁以上;   _/ ^* J* |0 `" P! a+ r* x. i/ Y
發表於 2013-12-19 13:42:57 | 只看該作者
Product Marketing Manager智能卡与芯片安全市场经理
/ q7 j" z* O" D2 G0 s公      司:A famous IC company
7 r# q; Y! X  u1 X+ g) r( G工作地点:上海
/ s1 b* B5 L% g/ K8 L
+ N3 O9 Q- N0 M4 ?" sJob Description: + v4 d7 a6 x7 w. S$ C& _
1. China Product Marketing for Business line PFS ( focusing on eSE, GAD, PayTV and TPM) 4 z# ]/ b9 Q3 q9 e2 {
2. Responsible for achieving business line revenue and design-win targets
  i4 z/ y8 {* \8 p6 H9 ?6 x3. Define product requirements and promotion packages for China PFS market, working with Business Line and AP Regional Marketing
  X5 e# c9 v5 m6 Z& M4. Business creation for new application segment under GAD - K3 F$ e$ l" e  j7 d
5. Define eSE product strategy for China market, explore opportunities with mobile phone manufacturors
# W% ]: P: ]; r2 {$ ?$ A8 l! _6. Local TPM product support to key PC companies, promote TPM2.0 in China market
0 Y, |# F0 [- ^" Y# P2 p7. Design In/Design Win PFS projects
! P1 t) f; W. }9 z2 ^- I- J, Q' ?' A, Y# r
Job Requirements: 4 O, k9 y3 o6 U
- Bachelor / Master of Electrical & Electronic degree
# i/ i3 O$ z5 s- Good in spoken and written English 3 x0 l/ f* \2 `1 A
- Minimum 8 years of relevant product marketing experience with proven track records % ^9 Y- P+ T  m/ f
- Experience in product specifications, requirement definition and application segmentation " \5 H, p+ n) @/ Y6 o
- Product marketing experience in working with mobile phone company or mobile phone design house on adding in new components and features
/ ^7 B# w- H1 M  Y! `7 k3 z& Y- Product marketing Experience in PC industry and consumer industry ! r" H2 {+ r. @" s/ o
- Interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, business development skills 2 k* E7 v) \/ l8 g
- Good analytical skills and able to work independently.
發表於 2013-11-28 22:40:58 | 只看該作者
pm最需要的能力是整合協商溝通能力7 }" q0 O- P$ V0 n
發表於 2013-10-16 14:22:05 | 只看該作者
9 N1 F0 k7 g) c" R  I  R: h8 C0 n* ?* v2 Y
公      司:A mobile chipset semiconductor company
4 D, F) W% P% m. g! q# H6 j工作地点:上海
+ Z; o/ N/ T5 C8 j4 Y) v# ?/ ]7 g$ w' G
Job Description  
4 U+ K& ^/ @3 V+ a1. TD产品定义,完成TD产品芯片及手机参考方案定义;
" J, ^/ h; U0 \) S2 f( L% z2 [2. 定期与客户(包括运营商)沟通,将交流过程中收集到的需求整理、汇总,以产品需求的形式输出,指导产品线进行产品开发; : @: g6 P7 X% i8 F) N. l4 z4 a6 h; h
3. 竞争情报分析,剖析竞争对手产品特点,分析产业状况及发展,形成分析报告,为产品定义和决策提供依据; * V0 k* e* Z* Z
4. 提供产品推广及商务策划的业务支持,协助销售部门实现其销售目标;
* r. p; O/ q* ^! C. z
0 X* y7 L+ @1 o& s: q8 `Qualification 8 n' W# c( e& T# B3 t
1、本科以上学历,通信、电子工程、计算机、微电子相关专业;  ' L# t* V0 L1 b$ z. ~
2、8年以上工作经验,其中至少5年以上TD行业相关研发经历以及3年以上产品定义或推广工作经历; # E2 e# p6 r2 `) G1 B/ }
- V7 }( k$ p4 u( }' N& R+ r# t3 l4、具备良好的沟通能力、表达能力,敏锐的理解和判断能力;  $ O* F6 S  |( `4 ^
發表於 2013-8-29 10:05:26 | 只看該作者
Product Engineer1 J  ~, c! g7 X- @6 t

0 L. X0 `+ L1 D( q1 d, y  J! p4 Q公      司:A famous IC company/ [5 [4 n% T+ K8 N; ^$ f) k7 t
工作地点:上海* j. r; a0 s# v. u

7 w# K. O# z1 B# q; m: m职位描述) ^; a# q" V/ C  W" W: A
• Ideal candidate will have completed BSEE , with 5 to 10 years experience in Semiconductor field.
3 B2 c* W& Z: q* @) P- w
( f8 G1 G  l9 T6 `• Candidate should have strong oral and written communication skills -must be english speaking. 3 Q8 y- W6 I' i( r' f. `5 o2 E4 ~

0 y' h( P0 k  i: ?7 ?• Candidate must have demonstrated strength with analog circuits, and familiarity with typical lab equipment such as scopes, DVM’s, curve tracers, and function generators. Strong bench skills are mandatory.
+ [6 ?( j0 ?/ p! m6 T1 Q* ?. R7 n' d1 l) [8 h
• Ideal candidate will also have ability to debug IC’s to component level from design schematics and plots. . ]: M: g4 y& D- n
6 {2 S9 V4 `+ \
• Failure analysis background is a plus. 5 P# l7 V0 F3 w, Z4 M

4 K0 l# @- j5 L; c% V• Candidate must also have ability to follow documented procedures, and must be able to work independently. Individual will report to management team in US.
1 }4 ]5 U6 I2 I1 K6 Q+ L, }
. A* ]5 ~" N) ^, y• Job function to cover all aspects of New Product Development and Yield management,including bench-to-tester correlation, tri-temp characterization using ATE equipment, trouble shooting and yield management
發表於 2013-7-23 14:26:53 | 只看該作者
Sr Product Engineer0 z% y8 Q7 j# z6 l+ m! m

) j3 g' C6 Q" L% i% O公      司:famous flash memory company: _5 N% G  H5 |/ X8 d7 t  Y4 ]
工作地点:上海/ U1 c1 h1 _# ~0 D* {8 M0 L8 i
8 _  ^( L% B! G. K7 r
职位描述+ }# w7 P2 b- X  _& O
In this position, the individual will be responsible for NAND Product Engineer and Package Qual/Rel tests setup/FA/Action Plan. The individual will also be responsible for Product Evaluation DOE for Rel/DPPM improvement and D/S and KGD Sort Yield improvement.
6 L8 O- P* e* Y+ q; q, v  ! r5 Z1 {$ i! y" W- v  F* u8 J6 x
职位要求" ]) t2 D" _0 K8 n7 F0 `
The position requires a Bachelors degree or equivalent. Masters degree preferred. The ideal individual must have proven ability to achieve results in a fast moving, dynamic environment. Self-motivated and self-directed, however, must have demonstrated ability to work well with people. A proven desire to work as a team member, both on the same team and outside of the team. Ability to troubleshoot and analyze complex problems. Ability to multi-task and meet deadlines. Excellent communication (written and verbal) and interpersonal skills.
發表於 2013-6-14 15:16:19 | 只看該作者
1 z" |8 k3 t. w, Q& P公      司:NO.277-A mobile chipset semiconductor company
3 ?  u. I1 G1 _/ K& o/ ?3 Q工作地点:上海, R2 ]/ c" s% _, }

" _; [( E1 C6 d  O职位描述
5 K0 Q+ h- l) z4 S 2 s& k* I8 G0 n! @1 N7 L
1. TD产品定义,完成TD产品芯片及手机参考方案定义;
* n4 }& X2 ^* g! [* ^2. 定期与客户(包括运营商)沟通,将交流过程中收集到的需求整理、汇总,以产品需求的形式输出,指导产品线进行产品开发;
- i' x, g( b+ v8 a) ~2 L3. 竞争情报分析,剖析竞争对手产品特点,分析产业状况及发展,形成分析报告,为产品定义和决策提供依据;
8 v& ^* o  B5 s7 h- n4. 提供产品推广及商务策划的业务支持,协助销售部门实现其销售目标;! q$ ~/ C9 N% ]0 E8 g7 S! I3 t% N
( J6 q9 {* M, u8 T( P- K
  }5 ]4 }: Y4 x+ V; p; x1 ?$ i7 M' B( ?3 z1 y  `
1、本科以上学历,通信、电子工程、计算机、微电子相关专业;  , e4 R' _9 q( r0 Q) A2 u# f
2、8年以上工作经验,其中至少5年以上TD行业相关研发经历以及3年以上产品定义或推广工作经历; 9 O' X& k7 v* j  y
3、英语听说书写熟练,能跟海外客户进行正常的产品交流; ( r- Z# h3 T! J) S+ a" A; A' O
9 h. h% y1 G. d7 k* a8 W- d3 }5、责任心强、工作态度认真、有较强的团队合作意识;
發表於 2013-4-24 13:58:16 | 只看該作者

产品经理(Ultrabook 触控IC PM)

客户 IC设计公司* W, r  N" ]8 H6 ]& e
地点 Shenzhen
1 G3 g+ t# `$ k& h1 M' L
- r; W' Q; k4 M& J) x% ^1 p; k. ^& r职位描述 主要职责: & Y: h7 Q( }+ p; a5 `1 c& Q) ~' a
7 }: Q9 R9 ~* Z2 U8 Y; r7 E2、对产品市场环境与竞争对手进行充分调研、分析,针对出现的市场机会及时制定市场目标、策略和实施方案;5 _  j8 b$ z0 c! H5 Q; g
3、针对各类客户需求以及行业发展,及时调整市场推广策略,对产品线的产品改进以及发展提出建议和要求。# g7 k7 t$ G' F$ z$ d1 C. ~! A
$ G7 p9 g! s# N6 I
4 ~  N% W3 K0 ]4 y* b1 c; I- b) _' f$ \1、具有产品开发管理经验和芯片导入经验;
+ P/ t" b# L+ e5 Q2、最好有笔电工作经历,熟悉触摸屏或平板电脑行业,并对此行业的发展有深刻理解;
) e$ |- m+ k* \' [1 D3、较强产品、市场信息搜集、整理、分析能力; 4 h! E: Q) v" ^7 T
- H9 D& [0 V: C/ o( P# P5、具有敏感的商业和市场意识,分析问题及解决问题能力强。
發表於 2012-11-13 11:51:13 | 只看該作者
PM = Party Manager- ^8 C* }7 t& @# s  \( R
發表於 2012-6-15 11:25:34 | 只看該作者
职位要求:5 K" v: x# K3 J& @) A

  ]! i4 {! G) y& YRequirements: 1. BS/MS EE or related with 8+ years experience in semiconductor. 2. Verigy 93000, Teradyne J750 and Flex experiences as a plus. 3. Familiar with Wafer probe, Final test and Post test process as plus. 4. Foundry process experience as a plus. 5. Good test methodology knowledge such as DFT (scan stuck at and transition delay) for high speed digital, mixed signal or RF as a plus. 6. Quality & Reliability study experience (HTOL, ESD, and Latch-up) as a plus. 7. Good Failure Analysis knowledge with generic knowledge of assembly 8. Good computer skills required and knowledge of Dataconductor Syntricity, YDI , Genesis ,Galaxy or Data power as a plus for test data management. 9. Rich Experience in relevant product test development, hardware engineering and product characterization. 10. Strong C, C++ , VB and Perl program experience in windows and unix base as plus. 11. Good Sense on Quality Control 12. Good communication skills on both fluent oral and written English are must.
發表於 2012-6-15 11:25:05 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company
1 l4 u( j3 Y1 M+ {  L  H0 U# ]招聘岗位:Senior Product Engineer! Z% R" H) w4 Y) ]4 H. u
6 Y; V" j( i  g$ q& Y6 J" q& d% q# B/ I- M$ }7 P$ b- b6 B8 q
4 _: T7 [3 C; B8 z" _: H" LResponsibilities: 1. Review technical product requirements in order to develop a comprehensive manufacturing plan. 2. Define Characterization plan and perform Characterization for the products on the design expectations until production relese. 3. Support test development and Characterize new products with Test Engineering Team on major test plateforms like Verigy 93K, Teradyne J750, Teradyne Flex testers for high speed digitial, mixed signal or RF products testing and become the general technical expert on the product. 4. Support the implementation of prototypes by colabroatively working with design & manufactuirng partners in the execution of the manufacturing plan. 5. Act as the technical liaisons between design, assembly, test and operations on new product introductions. 6. Support the transfer of new prototype products to volume manufacturing. 7. Reduce product cost through continuous improvements in yield & throughput of the foundry, assembly & test areas. Troubleshoot production failures and perform root cause analysis. 8. Support manfuacturing to resolve low yield and testing issue with strong testing and debuging experience with gloable offsore test house. 9. Work with Fab process technical engineer to fix issue on foundry. 10. Handle RMA material and update team on the results and determine root cause of failure. 11. Maintain Yield data and perform correlations to improve yield. 12. Manage changes through Engineering change Notices (ECS's) and customer acknowledgements.
發表於 2012-5-14 17:51:46 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A famous IC company0 ~0 o4 G9 x+ w: q$ `
招聘岗位:Product engineer
% u  `" s. @; }4 \/ Y- V5 |5 Q& `工作地点:Shanghai' n/ t0 S% J- b' D

7 Z. ]' X7 w" I6 H) q岗位描述:% {! J2 g0 f$ Q0 _$ G
-Lead the efforts to understand root causes and execute on corrective actions for products not meeting expectations in performance, quality or reliability -Perform data and failure analysis for new process yield learning, production cost reduction and discrepant material disposition -Engage and establish close relationship with Test engineer/ process engineer / package engineer / designer for the new -product development. -Evaluate and characterize the new products. -Following up the product verification and testing schedule and drive the project move ahead.' \2 A- h7 V% s7 o
! E: \* n, U2 u
$ Q, }/ B0 y! j  v1 |- ?( o3 c0 o  g-Strong semiconductor device physics and testing background.. -Excellent spoken and written English competence. -Good understanding on foundry processes, package forms & testing procedures -Experience in developing test program, Knowledge of Flash Memory & process, Experience in silicon debug is preferred.
發表於 2012-5-9 17:25:23 | 只看該作者
Good point!! want to know more
發表於 2012-3-15 08:12:47 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:Top 3 internal internet website and portals
8 p3 c! E5 I" n3 @招聘岗位:产品经理. k( O8 E$ e0 B* c0 M4 Q/ B
8 a& C/ c* |# p+ o7 Y+ q
( A9 D2 X" \8 k! e岗位描述:! f) l- t% D0 p0 ?  \
1.客户端产品(pad/phone及其他)的整体规划,设计,需求文档的撰写; 2.驱动各端产品线的版本迭代,从设计到研发到测试跟进,并配合推广; 3.服务端接口.后台的规划,设计,研发跟进; 4.跨部门需求的沟通,跟进。 + a2 V& @, f9 d  V3 ]/ x( X. D( R

* ]% u8 k5 N# R: g& l职位要求:$ i! s9 [. _, K9 q) R1 R/ B
1.从事无线互联网\客户端产品行业工作5年以上,有研发背景优先; 2.清晰的产品思路,熟悉国内外行业动态,对行业发展有自己的见解; 3.高度的责任心,超强的抗压力,开朗的性格,积极的工作态度; 4.对研发流程,技术实现以及服务器后台接口等能有一定的理解; 5.过人的文档能力,PRD、PPT等能写得熟练写得美丽写得条理清晰; 6.知名大学计算机软件或相关专业毕业,本科及以上学历。 7.充满创业激情,能够在压力下,以一个创业者的态度,出色的完成工作; 8.优秀的沟通,协调和执行力,3年以上有跨部门沟通协调经验者优先。
發表於 2012-2-7 15:48:46 | 只看該作者
招聘公司:A clasical CPU MNC.
8 t, I  }& D0 g2 U  Q2 i3 M" |招聘岗位:Product Manager
% [  D8 s+ ?( ?; I工作地点:Shanghai
# W  \2 B- C- `9 E8 o8 \4 j7 f4 y. p' J
9 v9 z* i* I5 k$ o岗位描述:
* S# W% V* O5 f5 H) q' y, c' w【Responsibilities】 -Summarizing product specifications according to the newest update from R&D department. -Marketing analysis and find out the potential in digital signage companies or marketing directions. -Keeping good relationship with partners and looking for opportunities. -Good team work with R&D team & Sales team to promote company's development in China.# U- h/ i3 ~- i& k# h! z6 e

7 m  |! e: c% h6 U9 J职位要求:
0 Z: }# d7 A; S# [9 A! h3 o, l【Requirements】 -3 years+ working experience. -Product planning or marketing experience in digital signage application and security surveillance systems. -Familiar in Multimedia solutions, such as video codec/audio codec/framework/players. -Sensitive in marketing analysis -Good oral and written communication skills
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