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[市場探討] 工研院安全輔助模組技轉川銘精密科技

發表於 2007-1-5 20:07:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
根據市調機構Strategy Analytics預估,未來5年內車輛電子領域中的安全應用成長快速,長期致力於智慧車輛技術研發與創新應用的工研院表示,工研院首創「行車偏移警示及安全管理模組」係將「偏移車道警示系統」(Lane Departure Warning System, LDWS)與現有的數位行車紀錄器結合,完成一具造就社會福祉的創新車輛安全輔助產品。其主要功能在於能詳細偵測與記載行車偏移車道的次數、車速、煞車等狀況,特別是當發現行車異常偏移時,如未打方向燈而行車過於靠近道路中線或兩側標線偏擺,便會適時對駕駛人主動發出警示燈號與響聲,以避免因車輛不當偏移而可能造成的潛在危險。此外,此模組還能將車輛異常駕駛的情形透過GPRS系統回傳給行控中心,再由車隊管理人員迅速妥善處理,預期將來運用於客貨運業者後,可大幅改善大眾運輸的行車安全。/ m( A+ K% ~& @, Y) U
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行車偏移警示及安全管理模組不但能適時輔助駕駛者安全行車外,也能讓車隊管理公司更了解與分析車輛平日的行駛狀況,能夠即時主動地提醒駕駛人保持正常行車狀態,促使駕駛員培養優質的行車習慣,進而有助於間接降低車禍發生率,最重要的是維護車輛與乘客生命財產安全。% W$ d# k3 O9 S  Q, H' ^  A5 h! L

# L0 Z1 }2 I6 y/ U% o% M2 |* `3 M工研院機械所所長吳東權強調,智慧車輛是工研院近幾年重要的技術發展主軸,此項創新應用不只將經濟部科專成果真正落實於產業發展,更在公共運輸方面造福社會大眾。未來工研院將會再精進車輛主動安全技術研發,包括發展多方障礙物偵測,並再結合工研院已開發的車載資訊系統(Telematics)與車內其他安全控制系統相連結,藉由無線傳輸與車輛管理系統溝通,展現即時雙向安全資訊管控與全方位行車警示功能,進一步擴大對車輛使用者與交通產業之安全價值,為行車安全做更嚴格的把關,期以智慧車輛技術引領更多國內車用電子發展與應用的前景與商機。& d% t6 H+ B8 A& j& w

4 }2 |. q) O! P! L- `' W工研院機械所智慧車輛組組長王漢英說,車輛安全輔助系統可幫助駕駛減少行車負荷,「行車偏移警示及安全管理模組」尤其對經常行駛於國道而容易導致注意力不集中的大客貨車所提供的協助最為顯著。對於車輛與電子產業而言,此安全輔助模組的開發是一項創新與智慧化的應用與技術加值。其中,偏移車道警示系統為工研院執行經濟部技術處科專計畫的成果,工研院已與川銘精密科技公司進行LDWS的技術移轉,並預計明年第二季量產。川銘精密科技跨入車輛安全領域,積極將該模組首先試運行客運及貨運等大型車輛,之後也會推廣至各型式車輛。


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發表於 2007-1-24 13:51:09 | 只看該作者


小弟為川銘精密科技營業部行銷企劃組擔當(Jamie Huang),負責公司汽車電子相關安全系統之規劃及銷售事宜,後續若對俾公司產品有興趣或可提供其他技術指導的部分還請各位先進指教!! u. ]$ g# i4 }  d. @
LDWS產品預計於今年六月上市,初期將由AM(AFTER MARKET)市場切入,目前已陸續有客貨運業者及大小車廠加入試裝及測試行列,預計可如期推出市場!  d$ e  A- _$ X* Y! f& T
提供公司網址,請指教!6 L8 T3 \* n  G% o* P' |  f
發表於 2007-4-10 09:39:46 | 只看該作者


為了降低駕駛因不專心所造成的事故,目前許多車款已裝置有車道偏離警示系統(LaneDepartureWarningSystem;LDWS)。LDWS利用裝置在車輛前方的攝影機,以偵測車輛前方的車道線,然後根據當時的車速、行進方向、車身與車道線的距離等資訊,預估車子偏離車道的時間,再依據事先設定的警告模式透由聲音或震動等方式提醒駕駛者。7 E' j/ T3 e0 H' I
1 L* l9 e' P# X
1 X# N# G# L: K4 p9 s' x. k& V
發表於 2007-6-13 09:06:04 | 只看該作者

ITRI announced LDWS module technology to Transmint Precision

MSL transfers LDWS module tech to private maker
4 X6 a2 e: d" ?12/21/2006  (CENS) 4 Y- s/ _( i7 \- A- u$ ]; n9 F; l
" J! Q& w, S& g8 e/ B% R
The Mechanical & System Research Laboratories (MSL, formerly Mechanical Industry Research Laboratories) under the government-funded Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) recently announced its transfer Taiwan's first homegrown lane departure warning system (LDWS) module technology to a local private maker Transmint Precision Co., Ltd.- |! `; f+ F, m* I1 m) l6 E! t+ i

* e  _( X0 G! e7 j! D) dTransmint, already a major precision-mold/die developer in Taiwan, has been actively trying to diversify product lines into automotive-parts fields./ T6 H: r6 @) }$ o
1 _/ |: c3 ^) a. {1 o
The LDWS, according to MSL, is a new driving aid that detects unintentional lane departures on motorways and dual carriageways at speeds of 80 kilometer-per-hour (kph) and above. The system is triggered automatically when the driver mistakenly allows the vehicle to stray out of lane. 2 }* }$ \( p" R! i5 n5 X

5 P5 ^! F$ b, \0 E! X0 @The LDWS works as follows: when the vehicle moves across road markings (white line lane markers) without the indicator being used, infrared sensors behind the front bumper detect the movement and trigger the electronic control unit (ECU) which warns the driver by various means (of a vibrating signal on the left or right side of the driver's seat, for example) depending which way the vehicle is drifting. This allows the driver to take immediate action to get back in lane.
0 b/ b* y& e, p  A! x8 S1 }9 r4 ~4 j
8 G" o  }# z. m/ D7 LThe Strategic Analysis, a leading global market survey and consulting firm, forecasted that safety devices would enjoy the highest growth among all automotive-electronic counterparts.
# K# i" U$ b' a' E+ y
# b+ D, z! k( I, y$ oWu Tung-chuan, ITRI vice president and director general of MSL, pointed out that his laboratory would continue to strengthen technical partnerships with the industries to create more business opportunities for the auto electronics sector.
2 Y5 g1 C& R, F, Z
% G, r1 J) G/ \! Q# m* nMSL officials said that the LDWS could also be integrated with the digital tachograph to create a new and innovative safety-assist device for modern automobile industry.( q, Z& i% ~, C) D
  N% D; W( K$ \8 q: B
Transmint claimed that it would first try to make LDWS products for trucks and buses in the first phase, and then for other vehicle types. The company pointed out that the LDWS can also assist the driver in consistently keeping a vehicle in the lane, thereby reducing lane-departure crashes; encourage the driver to use turn signals when changing lanes (otherwise, a lane-departure warning sounds); reinforce driver awareness of vehicle position in the lane to maintain a more central lane position and improve the driver's attention to the driving task.
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