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[創新研發] New Type of TV

發表於 2007-4-27 11:58:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
YouTube已經過時了/ [' R& z2 i2 B* t6 Z* o# g
9 I# ?/ r, t  b# o( e# Z+ ?與工研院的[口袋頻道]概念一樣, 是英雄所見略同? 還是誰抄誰?
3 g* B) d6 v1 d+ g$ G& m# p(INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY工業技術與資訊 182 民國95年12月號)
2 Y. p) f# g: B7 G" n& f
( u# r9 G, l+ Z1 P7 k3 i" ?' C6 @  ]) ?
" T+ O9 i# o& A. n+ x! [
[ 本帖最後由 Jim_Lin 於 2007-4-27 12:00 PM 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-4-27 14:06:07 | 只看該作者
[以下摘自工研院 INDUTRIAL TECHNOLOGY [工業技術與資訊] 中華民國95年12月號 (182)]
; C* ^0 s8 d. p8 w . c- y9 a" N2 R: U
口袋頻道的應用, 是利用[智慧型影音串流平台], 透過這項多媒體影音串流技術的應用, 讓3G手機搖身一變成為SNG轉播車. 使用者透過3G手機, 可立即將現場聲音和影像, 以[即時一對多]方式傳送給收看群族, 建立專屬的[口袋頻道]...2 ~7 m; ?3 z4 D3 D
/ V0 E& l! G2 N! ~
[口袋頻道]計畫主持人工研院游人諭指出, 手機輕便可攜,同時具備攝影裝置宇連網功能, 相當適合分享生活中發生的有趣事件.........一般影片必須錄好儲存於手機, 不是透過傳輸線或藍牙傳到電腦再上傳, 就是以MMS簡訊發送, 上傳程序不便且不能隨拍隨傳, 大大降低使用者上網分享或生活記錄的意願, 且MMS為非即時性的傳輸, 並無法彰顯3G/WiFi的價值........
2 r& {7 Z: A# N0 y$ M/ H1 h
* |! E/ x8 B4 Z: t1 ~1 z- y% D由於行動SNG不會24小時都在拍, 所以通知的機制相當重要...........5 h0 b! Y1 @) k9 e; o

# T, S1 I6 _8 K" m[口袋頻道]豐富即時影音頻道的內容.........例如: 追星族在路上或逛夜店, 看到心儀的大明星出現, 可透過[口袋頻道]的[即時影音]功能來呼朋引伴, 隨時掌握偶像的行蹤. 另外, 舉凡比賽得獎, 新生命誕生的感動時刻, 畢業典禮, 結婚等活動慶典, 雖然親友無法親臨現場, 但透過[口袋頻道]中, [即時影音]功能, 遠方的親友們也可以在手機的另一端, 與你分享此刻的榮耀.......
發表於 2007-4-28 11:32:26 | 只看該作者
+ [" W0 G6 U2 {) K- P- A恩 很有趣的應用 蠻吸引人的!
0 @' h4 V( @: u- p; B: ~( X5 I看來 M.I.V.(不可能的任務5) 要配備這個才夠力
 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-21 11:13:57 | 只看該作者

; W& q: \% g2 N! W# G: T# h! UAT&T Inc. has announced the launch of AT&T Video Share, the first-ever service in the U.S. that allows users to share live video over their wireless devices while participating in a voice call. AT&T Chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson highlighted the service during the opening keynote of the NXTcomm industry event.) Z/ B4 d. q- r9 F, p6 l
Video Share allows users to communicate special or everyday experiences in ways never before possible [see usage videos]. Consumers can now share moments with family and friends while the moments are happening — everything from weddings and a baby's first steps to a Little League at-bat or a clearance-sale find. The service also enables a range of innovative, time-saving business applications, from viewing real estate or retail displays to facilitating insurance claims or troubleshooting efforts.9 r1 [7 F9 u! x% }
"Even in today's fast-changing environment, it's rare to see a new service that truly redefines the possibilities of communication," Stephenson said. "AT&T Video Share is just that sort of service. Users now have the ability to show others exactly what they see, when they're seeing it, and to share that experience across town or across the country."
* W* ]6 q& F5 U: l, n/ o9 BVideo Share is now available in three initial U.S. markets: Atlanta, Dallas and San Antonio. Service availability will then expand in late July throughout the company's 3G wireless network footprint, which covers more than 160 U.S. markets today. The service works exclusively over the AT&T 3G wireless network.
( Z* E- n; N, C& q8 u- R% _A Video Share-capable handset is required and two Video Share service packages will be available, with prices of $4.99 each month for 25 minutes of Video Share usage, or $9.99 each month for 60 minutes of usage. Users may also choose to pay as they go and pay 35 cents a minute each time they use the service. (See AT&T Video Share fact sheet for additional details on specific market availability, compatible handsets and service package details.)% h& ?5 z# [. m- [" B+ t
Video Share enables one-way, live streaming video feeds, which can be seen by both users while they are participating in a two-way voice conversation. Once users have initiated a Video Share call, either party can be the one generating the video stream for the other to see.* y: C! p2 U- f, b
AT&T research has shown strong customer interest in Video Share for a range of uses, including:
4 ?6 I/ C( }! ?. u4 M' s
  • Sharing. Consumers can share moments with family and friends as the moments happen.
  • Providing a Sense of "Being There." Consumers or business contacts can be in one place while seeing and hearing what is happening in another.
  • Getting/Giving Advice. Consumers or business contacts can seek advice or quick decisions by sharing a video and audio of a given scenario.

6 ~" k0 F1 v$ t* O- K0 H6 CPowered by New-Generation IMS Network Technology0 ^6 u# B( p& x, X6 t9 J& L
Video Share is the first AT&T service to be delivered on the company's new-generation network platform, which is based on Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) technology. This new platform will be used to deliver a range of new Internet Protocol (IP)-based services and applications and will increasingly enable AT&T customers to seamlessly access services and content over both wireless and wireline network connections.
( m1 t) f- N, w0 v2 p0 gUltimately, services such as Video Share will be accessible over any of the three primary screens that customers use most frequently — the wireless device, the PC and the television. Today AT&T Labs researchers are perfecting service enhancements that eventually will enable wireless video feeds to be shared over IPTV or PC screens.' j! ~/ i. X! p( B7 R
"Video Share is groundbreaking today as a wireless-to-wireless service, but the potential for the service will expand even further in the near future," Stephenson said. "Imagine watching television when a notice pops on the screen that a daughter or granddaughter would like to initiate a Video Share call, then immediately switching the television screen to accept the video and audio. With our powerful IP-based network and flexible IMS platform, these scenarios will eventually be reality."9 q4 L! E% |; e0 g" b4 w: V
Customers can order Video Share when it is available in their area at AT&T retail stores and through select national retailers. To view an interactive demonstration or find out more information, customers can go to
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