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[好康相報] 10/17 高速短距離無線通訊研討會

發表於 2011-10-7 15:20:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Next Generation Multi-Gbps Short Range Wireless Communications! y1 F5 w5 M" m$ h; ^& K

  n) T. c+ K* `" S- ]指導單位:經濟部工業局、經濟部通訊產業發展推動小組# q* \, F1 X1 t' B' L5 J; o: X
主辦單位:工業技術研究院、資通訊產業聯盟、Wi-Fi Alliance8 b1 g) l3 R" R# ^
協辦單位:Anritsu、Azurewave、Mediatek、NTHU、WiGig Alliance9 d' t/ k& j! P; m2 E1 l, u
時  間:2011年10月17日(一)13:00(開始報到)至17:10
- _, R* F6 j) |2 J: C地  點:台大醫院國際會議中心301會議室(台北市中正區徐州路2號)
' u' V8 B* R3 {; {) s費  用:免費參加,共120位名額,需先完成報名,額滿為止
; x! |' P+ x: z+ L! B0 m$ F6 K" A報名網址: ... nepp.php?n_unit=112, Q" ~0 U* y% e4 Z8 y: ^5 k1 U

$ q+ ^) A; y$ c( {7 p2 K& }Wi-Fi聯盟自1999年成立後,即積極推展小區域無線網路的傳輸技術,從2000年的802.11b、2002年的802.11a、2003年的802.11g、2007年的802.11n draft,2009年完成Wi-Fi Certified n,接著提出,2010年底已開始進行Wi-Fi Direct的新認證標準的認證,今年度更將Wi-Fi標準推向802.11ad的訂定,並結合WiGig Alliance,共同在60GHz的領域中爭取一片天。而由國內清華大學潘犀靈教授所帶領的研究團隊,在100GHz頻段上,領先全球開發出超高速的無線通信技術,傳輸速率高達20Gbps。
: j- n5 v0 j3 d) |/ {5 n( G1 H1 {5 f. @  X4 i& }2 A
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-17 16:54:22 | 只看該作者


高速短距離無線通訊技術,在今年可以說有了重大的突破,不論是802.11ac, ad、Super Wi-Fi、或是透過60GHz之技術傳輸,都是為了提供使用者更好更穩定的服務,若結合現行智慧型手持終端包括平板電腦、手機、電子書、相機等,相信會引爆出更多元有趣的服務,甚至是生活習慣也可能跟著改變。舉例來說,新的高速短距無線通訊技術,讓使用者能即時傳輸高畫質的影片或是進行高畫質視訊對話,隨時隨地將生活的精采時刻分享給親朋好友;家電也跟智慧化與網路化,讓家中的線纜數量大幅減少,無線居家環境不再是夢想。眾多便利的應用因應而生,開啟了真正的無線行動化生活。
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' [* T) G7 ~! G5 m$ I" [6 w據市場分析機構Strategy AnalyTIcs預測,到2013年Wi-Fi晶片出貨量將達到40億美元規模,而且大多數用於手機、電信設備、家庭娛樂系統和無線遊戲機。由於新一代的高速短距無線通訊技術,對於上述的相關產業來說,提供更快更大的傳輸的質與量,因此我們相信不論是那一種千兆標準制定完成,都會進一步帶動相關通訊產業的發展與產值規模。; f6 u5 D; v6 Y5 n9 }/ f4 h2 e! X
! V8 `1 ~8 X5 m# M/ K5 m
因應產業趨勢,特別規劃探討這項未來性的技術發展。包括標準制定、技術走向、研發成果與可能應用的領域,其中清華大學物理系潘犀靈教授將分享最新的研究成果- 開發超高速無線通訊技術,即每秒20Gbit(200億位元)的關鍵技術和系統,只要1 秒就能傳送10部片長 2小時的高畫質DVD影片,可以說是領先全球。
 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-17 16:53:38 | 只看該作者
“Multi-gigabit wireless is no longer a dream. AzureWave has been working with Wilocity, world’s leading developer of 60 GHz multi-gigabit wireless chipsets, to jointly build the world’s first WiGig compliant wireless HMC module as well as the DockingZoneTM solution. By collaborating with Wilocity in product integration and optimization, we look forward to provide our ecosystem partners and customers with the best possible product offering for a wide range of computing and networking applications,” said Ted Lee, CEO of AzureWave.0 v+ `5 z$ w# C# J. n& X/ }

& E3 X& Q) a3 s+ [0 z, V5 J$ @7 rFor more information on the “Next Generation Multi-Gbps Short Range Wireless Communications” Seminar, please visit: ... _unit=14&menu=1
 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-17 16:53:29 | 只看該作者
A multi-university team led by Prof. Ci-Ling Pan of National Tsing Hua Universtiy will review recent work on Photonic Wireless communication Link at 100 GHz or 0.1 THz.  Keytechnologies are photonic MMW sources and photonic MMW transmitters. Wireless data transmission at a data rate exceeding 20-Gb/s has been successfully demonstrated to date.
6 h' F* Y* x% y. \! D& i# T1 j1 Y( V# Z3 j
"I have either interacted or collaborated with ITRI teams for over two decades. We are looking forward to working closely with ITRI and the industry on bring our scientific expertise and technology to the wireless market,” Said Prof. Ci-Ling Pan, Chair of the Physics Department and Director of Center for Photonic Research, National Tsing Hua University.
7 b$ C/ m% |6 |' g( Z1 ~
: i3 Z, a5 R# y: ^“This seminar is an excellent forum to hear directly from industry participants who are working on the standardization and development of gigabit wireless technologies”, said James Yee of Mediatek. Yee is a member of the Board of Directors of WiGig Alliance and vice-chair of IEEE 802.11 TGad.
 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-17 16:53:18 | 只看該作者
The “Next Generation Multi-Gbps Short Range Wireless Communications” Seminar, consists of heavyweight speakers representing international wireless associations Wi-Fi Alliance, WiGig Alliance, and key industry players include Anritsu, AzureWave and MediaTek, as well as NTHU with aims to deliver the most comprehensive talks about the high speed wireless technologies, with emphasis on the nature of technical specifications, product development and integration, and vision on the product applications.) u. `* h9 Z; J7 K& o9 A

8 j, o; k  `9 M2 v: T! A"Wi-Fi Allianceand ITRI have steady relationship since 2002 with a shared interest in promoting industrial technology. It is our pleasure to endorse ITRI’s activities,” Said Kelly Davis-Felner, Marketing Director, Wi-Fi Alliance.
" R- }8 s5 h' U. e, Q3 z& t+ p  l. }* M8 Z  @7 f  r; }+ h
“Multi Gigabit connectivity is essential in the future of communications.  WiGig alliance is exited to be part of the next generation short range Multigigabit conference where many of the world’s top technology innovators and hardware providers are based in,” said Dr. Ali Sadri, WiGig Alliance president and chairman.
 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-17 16:52:46 | 只看該作者
Taiwan CIA to Host Seminar Focused on the Next Generation Multi-Gbps Short Range Wireless Communications
. @# K5 ]0 `7 c4 e2 G6 c! x
. U( v4 g/ m7 @8 G. }Dr. Ali Sadri, WiGig Alliance president and chairman. n. u) e: T" s, h: i
5 D/ U, t+ N1 H% z5 L+ K
Wireless Associations and Industry Leaders to Provide Visions and Perspectives on the New Generation Wireless Technology for the Computing and Networking Segments 7 |# X9 n8 I5 y0 H

2 m+ p' Z! v1 z8 m5 g1 f, kTaipei, Taiwan – October, 17, 2011 – International wireless associations including the Wi-Fi Alliance®, WiGig Alliance, and leading technology, hardware providers and testing related in Taiwan today present at the “Next Generation Multi-Gbps Short Range Wireless Communications” Seminar held by Taiwan’s Communications Industry Association (CIA) in Taipei.


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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-7 15:21:04 | 只看該作者







Opening Remarks

Mr. Pu-San9 s0 B/ _, x2 {# C& l# j
Weng, Chairman, CIA, TEEMA


Wi-Fi’s Next Chapter: Certified Interoperable Gigabit Connectivity

(Speech in English)

Kelly Davis-Felner,

Marketing Director, WFA


WiGig Alliance enables the multi Gigabit Wireless communications

(Speech in English)

Dr. Ali Sadri, President & Chairman, WiGig Alliance


Photonic approaches to W-band (100 GHz) Wireless Communication with Data Rate up to 20 Gbit/s

Prof. Pan,Ci-Ling, NTHU




60GHz Protocol Enhancements over Legacy 802.11

Dr. James Yee, Mediatek


802.11 AC applications

Mr. Magic Lin, Anritsu


Enabling High Speed Wireless Computing & Media Streaming with WiGig Technology

Mr. Ray Lee, Director

Product Marketing, Azurewave



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