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[經驗交流] FAE 四力?最需要哪一力?新人適合幹麼?

發表於 2012-2-20 18:06:40 | 顯示全部樓層
作者: lotywin (Jim) 看板: Tech_Job$ T+ r1 A, a3 k. F& K7 P
標題: [心得] IC Design House FAE2 D" _, w$ P2 x% h4 _4 n0 V
時間: Thu Feb 16 17:32:32 2012
' A7 q, R/ s# F" e) S3 @, d1 ^" U
分享一下工作正準備邁入第4年的 FAE工作心得
: E/ H% n; Z% f( F" X; q; q當初怎麼進來的? 我自己也很納悶 也感到很幸運3 O0 f& L9 s" j7 y

/ O1 T9 ~# n, k+ b+ n那時大學4年肄業 對於本科電子沒興趣 所以毅然決然的就去當兵了# H- T3 c2 N: b5 P) M
% J% ]6 u, p+ G3 Z1 ]; ?5 E
當兵前等到入伍的前兩個月 去家父任職的建築公司打工/ X7 h8 W! d% B1 A: ]) S1 }

1 s# L6 ^7 e; {每天8點前到工地 然後就是帶客戶看屋 驗屋 然後記錄需要改進
- Q! ^0 g0 z% s6 [4 O0 G$ E7 c# [
; {, K4 L* p) w  A3 T或是客戶要求的事項 總之就像是工頭啦: S; t2 F& j, \3 P" A
- |' d4 c; S, f+ m7 ^: C6 m
雖然日曬雨林的 有時候中飯時間還會被屋主Call回去看屋
/ P1 p) i! P0 T/ T4 `2 |" H" c4 U6 o. w: A# C
但是由於會接觸到各式各樣的人 其實也算收穫頗多" d0 \3 `, f# X4 H0 u/ ]- W$ {% t

' `, A. _+ d+ Y* k4 t然後時間到了就國軍Online了

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發表於 2012-2-20 18:07:21 | 顯示全部樓層
. k- e0 c% @* [6 Z$ \* G) G" z. Z3 z2 M2 [. J" H
當初有兩間公司開了Offer給我 一個是某認證實驗室 另一個就是這間House/ T5 U) F8 {5 T  \0 G% x/ W

3 w2 O) H; w1 V0 }& H2 k/ m0 h% u# C: i在面試這間公司的時候 沒考試 就只是跟主管聊天而已$ |( w* b8 b# \3 M; b: @* ^
5 j9 Q+ l( P' a# |$ j
聊的內容不外乎 學歷啦 動機啦 家庭背景 和一些基本專業知識9 g4 e3 R7 r! M) v  g
5 B* y9 \9 M8 P% J/ c% I; L
專業知識也只問了一個Reset的問題 大概是我答的很快吧
2 D* y7 ]' G& d% w7 \6 K+ M* U( X5 ]/ i, `/ ~
大頭很快的就給了口頭Offer 也就結束這個愉快的面試
; X+ Q6 J% a+ Z+ y$ \
; L) |( d! k, ?2 Q  H接下來就是回家等通知嚕!!!!
3 \; C" e% @# F1 G/ r$ w) ?  u" i
# z8 f# r' y6 P, V% n1 E; M過了約兩個星期錄取通知寄來了 我就這樣開始了工程師的職涯

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發表於 2012-2-20 18:08:18 | 顯示全部樓層
FAE做什麼? 我公司大概就是對內 畫電路 對電路 Layout 焊接 和軟韌體溝通及測試
+ L  N2 l7 l( ^  A8 E9 V6 R* S7 l5 g
( P2 W: f' u& k4 W# M0 B; h對外的話就是去客戶那邊協助Debug 規畫硬體設計 以及通過相關認證" g* \  [5 r8 {' S6 g% Q
; ?: F2 ~9 q8 N! w/ _) ]8 w4 z3 m
還有就是個人負責項目 主要就這3大類 總之就是打雜的9 F# i7 @2 N: @
; Z& i! r( X# _
我剛進公司的第一年真的就是打雜的 前輩做什麼就跟著做# g8 ~. f; l; I$ D9 g0 N
) x" i1 v5 {7 u5 m- N& X, r7 _  C
在旁邊多看多問 或是幫忙做 這樣會上手的很快# E/ X7 g  c' ?# [6 C
  C) T* v, T& N& ?
* x* K$ E5 L& p7 t9 F- \
FAE不比一般RD只要把Code寫出來就好 會說話會溝通很重要# X  z- J4 K! k/ @9 ~

& v- D( }6 a& s4 J8 h1 M' `由於有時候要幫忙Handle RD寫不出來時去跟客戶協調4 d4 R6 K9 E1 z3 L! l. R
8 b; ?7 R, z0 t& m
總要想個光明正大的理由讓客戶覺得有在做只是因為...而拖延了- j8 S) o$ P1 [; Y" ]: m
' R, R2 Q( `( h) O) ]- \
有時候又要在Sales和RD中間取得平衡 讓雙方都可以接受
3 k, M# S  ]; y  {% v! y6 C! g: w
因此會交際和實力一樣重要! A' v- E; ^+ l1 }7 Z  g' r8 i
$ W. }3 ^* y3 n' y9 E) J) [! S
有實力不會交際的FAE 只會被交付一些不重要的打雜工作
: o& j# B5 |5 C. d" l. p/ F; x8 }/ l! _: A
或是很賽客戶很刁的案子 要不就是負責的全是一些不重要的產品
( t0 |8 H2 H1 X7 ?+ m+ \; R3 s" l8 o
因此想步入FAE的 先想想自己的交際能力如何 喇賽功力強不強1 U' E& _! s; |! J( x" h6 j

+ m! B. H6 m' X6 P) Z3 Q# G5 N再來才是考慮自己的專業能力夠不夠

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發表於 2012-2-20 18:09:22 | 顯示全部樓層
FAE需要的專業?" C; g. ]6 d! s5 W! {( K
- V. V# F9 t4 A4 V/ X) {/ r8 T' o
$ @4 I: C# i0 O* R" A. M. c6 C
9 i3 h* ~$ |" j零件的工作原理! 如何用最小最便宜的料件去兜成你所需要的電路1 A2 \3 ]( H# F7 I8 W) c. x* ]
' C. ~  S$ X  r+ G% Z+ `# U% L
看的懂SPEC 可以減少很多設計和Debug的時間
4 |  ?& s7 U# J8 b
* k  q8 e. Y; M) g8 A專業知識夠的 可以用最少的時間用最適合的料件# R* c. b3 W5 K) v; T7 B( @

5 A/ V6 w" o$ e) B' }8 u專業不夠的用以前的電路去兜 或是用最常見的也都是可以! Q0 Z. y3 r# h: m- i; Y
3 O! U2 D9 v8 @* ^9 U; w
差別只是在時間和成本 你的老闆重不重視就要看命了!!!
) j6 A. c8 ?. ^4 m! `1 Y6 [, X3 U1 P# o3 w1 {3 `
嘴砲技能點滿的 只要東西會動都是可以交差的
" w7 p  e9 i7 Q4 _4 u) b2 y' g( U5 n" m0 y8 N, S- E
所以最需要的專業 應該是嘴砲技能...XD

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發表於 2012-2-20 18:09:56 | 顯示全部樓層
FAE的發展; s3 q$ _$ i9 g( y
5 d4 t3 e$ ]7 W
由於 FAE接觸的層面很廣 能學到的東西相對的非常多. O8 f4 u0 `0 N: L

4 p$ C  G6 _: A$ E看自己要不要去更精進 英文能力好的 看的懂Code的( G5 c5 b4 c: D, C' M6 ^

( L; ?. ~% M- Z3 s. S- \1 X加上人面廣要Sample時能很快的入手需求料件
4 ^* k' F  A. a& {3 H2 a' C* Z" [; d3 v" n' O0 l8 o
以上三點是最主要的發展方向  I0 T5 d- j" U- N$ {

  Y% j' Q% @& m! s若是腦經靈活 常常能想出不一樣的方法來解決問題 這點更是重要
: ?1 z  W* X) Q. j, n5 A9 A# G" j+ H1 z6 z3 s% B+ E
因為有時候RD寫Code只會照著原本Rule來寫/ s$ N& z& k) t( `6 e$ ?

4 P" I1 T0 ^/ N" {若是能適時的提點RD 或是在硬體上Cover RD8 T4 Z& G$ m5 Q: C  D

, n2 D4 \' L! E0 f8 m對於整體的工作效率會有很大的幫助 一點小小的淺見

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發表於 2012-3-26 15:24:57 | 顯示全部樓層
招聘公司:A famous IC company; A7 r  b2 |; v8 J
招聘岗位:RF-FAE8 e. i2 g& j+ ]& P
工作地点:Beijing  V, v# O' ^$ e% D/ C5 ^
" y7 c* `3 Y$ \8 }. f* w
# J7 U% s, E  D0 ODelivers technical expertise, application support and design services to customer based on XXX RF products for mobile terminal and infrastructure area. Understands customer’s requirements & problems, recommends components solutions to meet their needs, and ensures customer satisfaction. Able to provide circuits debugging, simulation and EVAL boards modification for the customer Integrates XXX products into customer’s environment. Ensures the product functions per specifications. Deliver training classes and consultant services to customers and channel partners. Work with division marketing team to implement market strategy in China, collect/analyze market info and involve in new product definition.
- n. b* m2 A$ `4 K6 |2 ~! l3 X; l. g6 p, G0 I  }0 A) g. [
1 z' {* J3 S3 D( U6 b; u% ?7 ]Bachelors or Master Degree or University Degree or equivalent, major in Electronics Engineering or relevant. A minimum of 5 years of experience in RF circuits design /debug or relevant experience. Expertise and experience for (EVDO/UMTS/TD handsets design) is the plus. Excellent interpersonal skills and teamwork. Excellent command of English. Available for both oversea and domestic travel.

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發表於 2013-11-19 09:01:56 | 顯示全部樓層
7 Q7 R; W- o% a% R9 P. ]公      司:62-A famous IC company, n, X! W5 W! O' T" V, j
工作地点:深圳+ `# v9 [* z+ ]/ d  k5 n

! W" Q3 ?/ s- E8 w4 @# K% |  iJob Description
7 S: X& d1 e  Z" qThe Field Applications Engineer (FAE) is an integral part of the China Sales force, reporting to the Manager of Field Applications Engineer.
; E+ X  v& R$ R# B& N+ H1 N! d; z8 `
The FAE works closely with Regional Sales Managers by providing technical pre-sales support to develop and win new licensing at his/her assigned region accounts and product line. Acting as a technical account manager, the FAE is also responsible for monitoring and coordinating the post-sales support to his/her customers as directed by FAE Manager.
6 B& w- H  ^" T" R% a6 b! F
$ R' m  \( t8 w; tIt is important that the FAE develops sound professional relationships with the key engineers, architects, and decision-makers at his/her customers both internally and externally. It is also important that the FAE can create, report, and execute on key account strategies aimed at growing the business within these customers.
# u. U( g$ j* M7 X3 R2 O5 X+ ?0 d5 v9 B9 Z7 z/ _: Q6 ]6 J; i
The FAE will also participate in developing solution or services for local market. The FAE is expected to maintain a high standard of technical knowledge in relation to our products, services, and competitors. FAE will be involved in supporting  China and partner events/ b; o5 p1 y8 \2 b* \5 s3 m
7 t3 d# h$ t1 T8 \: d% l. G
Key Responsibilities 9 G/ s( V1 x! u- O# Z, u  |
Scope prospected and qualified IP opportunities develop strategies and processes to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities.
5 A2 `! H& b3 k$ y- p4 nRemove technical obstacles and provide a path to increase IP licensing and design wins opportunities. 2 K6 Z9 g* J  K% H+ k
Present and demonstrate technical details of products to customers.  
# p4 l; ~5 A8 r$ K7 q- uProvide technical support in pre-sales opportunities as well as ownership of customer support process.  + r7 W6 r8 Z/ p
Provide appropriate product recommendations to meet customer requirements ! @2 }  ?8 I' L: Q6 `
Provide system design expertise and first pass architectural planning for products in early design stages
- u0 H: ]( b5 y4 R2 y
: q( f1 K. I; @# CEducation & Qualifications
5 |# N# a! J4 U2 Y# S) ?Qualified candidates will have a good university degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science. Master degree is a plus.

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發表於 2013-11-19 09:02:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Professional Skills and Personal Requirements   O# E4 i! F9 F: \" r
/ V+ {' {6 m" @' N7 e% p  g  W1 Z
Excellent communication skills
2 g0 @, V8 A2 @8 v. q! H; oHighly self-motivated with the ability to effectively work alone as well as in a team ' z) e' D7 E4 r: {+ R2 S5 v9 d
Must have the desire and ability to solve problems quickly.
) ^& b: P# K( V5 q: V2 aDemonstrate a positive attitude and respect for all members of the team 4 S- D  x( i* x4 C, t# b  @
Be motivated to continuously develop skills and accept a variety of responsibilities as part of contributing to the team’s success
+ Z* z8 A' z+ l7 A6 `' |Willing to travel both domestically and internationally, approximately 30% of time, spending significant periods of time on customer sites and for learning trips.
5 Z0 [+ C3 \6 M# V2 X# ?Good spoken and written English 5 H% |% }/ F0 V$ o2 W
Customer related experience is a plus, but 5+ R&D experience is must-have. 6 [" {5 r( f4 s, F# y
$ |6 y9 p0 y1 t3 I" I
Essential Technical requirements
7 P) y# l0 T0 ?# p- r# m(For Hardware Candidate)
; E7 E$ O+ D; f4 A' ]4 p, Z7+ years experience in IC hardware design.  SoC tape out experience is a plus. ) N) L" a' V" A9 ?$ T% J
Working knowledge of ASIC Implementation (Verilog, Synthesis, P&R, and Timing analysis), including relevant EDA tools and methodologies.
& ]& m' W: O+ E! R  H: BExperience at the system architect level with intimate knowledge of bandwidth analysis, low power design, performance optimization etc
- \+ J( K" n6 w) Q1 N: PGPU experience is a plus.
% ]5 Z4 X& e$ I  }
4 ~' j( \3 M1 q(For Software Candidate)
. p# U( {3 M, ~! e  |4 p' b  c% {7+ years experience in software development is a MUST.  
5 {. V; y  Q- e$ ]* l! V& h& V# W1 aStrong knowledge and working experience on OS and BSP, for example Linux and/or Android ; r. |$ g4 z, C1 X. _& b+ w
Working experience on consumer electronic products is a plus.
7 V. Z3 }* T8 a- l! t, O- P! ^Good at  DS-5 or RVDS and ESL tools is a plus.

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