u時 間:96年6月16日(星期六)9:00至16:15
u線上報名: http://comm-center.ntu.edu.tw/
隨著通訊技術快速發展,行動和寬頻網路正在整合,從前一些只有在固網才能推出的服務,現在都能夠在最先進的網路上提供。Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB)便是這一波演進中最新的無限系統,也正處於這股整合趨勢中心。UMB採用OFDM技術以及其他尖端接收技術,包括MIMO、SDMA和波束形成。UMB從設計上針對在行動環境上支援高速數據、多媒體傳輸,以及VoIP服務,使用戶得以享受極速體驗。在20MHz頻寬內,UMB最高下傳和下傳速率可達288Mbps 和75Mbps,實體層網路為IP-based,並支援QoS。由於UMB優異的性能、頻譜利用的彈性、既存之供應商,以及良好的上市時機,可預期UMB將成為下一代通訊網路的領導標準。台大電信工程學研究所、台灣大學電信研究中心為使國內各界對UMB有深入的瞭解,特舉辦本研討會,邀請Qualcomm對UMB做深入的介紹與探討,歡迎各界踴躍報名參加!
With the rapid advancement of communication systems, the convergence between mobile and broadband networks is emerging as the latest trend. Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB) is one of the newest broadband wireless systems. Using an OFDM air interface and advanced technologies such as MIMO, SDMA, and beamforming, UMB supports ultra high speed data, rich multimedia, and latency-sensitive VoIP in a mobile cellular environment with an unprecedented user experience. It is capable of a downlink data rate of 288 Mbps and uplink data rate of 75 Mbps in 20 MHz spectrum. The capability in the physical layer is superbly utilized by an IP-based, QoS-supporting network. Due to its substantial performance advantage, evolutionary nature, spectrum flexibility, existing supplier base and time-to-market advantage, UMB is expected to leapfrog other wireless broadband technologies to become the leading standard adopted for next generation mobile telecommunications. In this one-day seminar, representatives from Qualcomm Inc. will not only provide general training of UMB but also elucidate the technical concepts behind the design of UMB.
「UMB Seminar」議 程 表
時 間
| 活 動 內 容
| 預定邀請主持人/講師
| 09:00~09:30
| Gathering, Registration and Refreshment
| 09:30~10:15
| UMB Introduction
| Qualcomm--
Jean Au
Sr. Mgr, Technical Marketing
(Conducted in Chinese)
| 10:15~10:30
| Break
| 10:30~12:00
| UMB Airlink Overview I
| Qualcomm--
Aamod Khandekar
Sr. Staff Engineer & Manager
(Conducted in English)
| 12:00~13:30
| Lunch
| 13:30~15:00
| UMB Airlink Overview II
| Qualcomm--
Aamod Khandekar
Sr. Staff Engineer & Manager
(Conducted in English)
| 15:00~15:15
| Break
| 15:15~16:15
| UMB and WiMAX
| Qualcomm--
Jean Au
Sr. Mgr, Technical Marketing
(Conducted in Chinese)
| 16:15~
| | ※
1. 報名方式:請於6月14日(星期四)中午前上網報名(**因座位有限,額滿為止**)。
2. 本活動一律採線上報名
[ 本帖最後由 jiming 於 2007-6-4 08:39 PM 編輯 ] |