% u D4 h3 p, Y. W$ {+ ~, B網誌裸跑( Blog Streaking) 把自己私隱公諸於世,那怕是最羞於齒的東西,在網上也可以公開展示,所以《新科學家》稱這種行為「網誌裸跑」,因為對於大部份人來說,這些私隱應永遠收藏心中,絕不應公開。 ( M N- o& L- ^$ |& o
' B" ^4 [, ]- Z: r1 |" r% V) N9 ?. \
網誌是一個跟其他人分享感受的平台,網客多用日記或散文形式,將生活中的點滴展示在網上,此舉原本無傷大雅,但在一些徵友網站中,部份「熱切」渴望交友的網客,不惜袒胸露乳,公布自己三圍數字,也有網客喜歡炫耀自己艷遇,在網上跟他人大談獵艷之路,圖文並茂,令人咋舌。 8 f3 \( X& k4 b R' n; ]* _# I: W
; }2 C4 A5 y7 V: o1 s* B
Google窺探( Google Stalking) 利用搜尋器Google,查閱一些早已失去聯絡的故友舊愛,這情況也適用於明星,追星者希望搜尋出偶像們的聯絡方法,甚至住址,故稱之為「 Google窺探」。 2 M- g5 P: W) I; o. r' S" ?
# v' h3 ^" b, j, r4 z7 U「 Google窺探」出於刺探人家底細的需要,對象可能是同行競爭對手,或者情敵,起初是基於知己知彼的需要,但久而久之,對一些無關痛癢人士也要進行「起底」,反映窺探心理愈來愈強,已到了一發不可收拾地步。 $ [7 a7 n- H+ ^3 o ) [ i7 Z% ?8 g; [6 S* ^4 L( q9 H! G狂熱BlackBerry迷( Crackberry) 現代人重視資訊和講求速度,一部BlackBerry在手,不出戶可知天下事,但用得多卻會上癮。《新科學家》貼切地形容這些狂熱BlackBerry迷,指他們「即使出席至親葬禮,也埋首用BlackBerry,不能自拔」,正是 BlackBerry上癮者最佳寫照。 . {" A' ~! Z2 H' f8 @$ r
$ w! X! A g1 L% Q: j( r http://www.newscientisttech.com/ ... ant-get-enough.html5 u) ^2 j8 g" F* _
M( p! Q7 X6 P3 Y. z
Modern maladies- F% l) Z" D. j: d
* _1 Y" m N7 Z+ k0 } L6 T
Blog streaking Revealing secrets or personal information online, which for everybody's sake would be best kept private / ~; t2 \9 M- P: S+ W1 X* j# X / M; O, T/ h! v: k4 v5 L% a9 a4 CCrackberry The curse of the modern executive, not being able to stop checking your BlackBerry even at you grandmother's funeral ! {8 l. Q0 F& i* `0 k" h1 `! C, v* T' t
Cyberchondria A headache and a particular rash at the same time? Extensive online research tells you it must be cancer % F; Z2 v$ V* h1 e5 U2 M" T; }( U3 l
Egosurfing When "just checking" gets out of control ; S" `! O. K8 y5 x! Z( l" Y0 u6 ?- }! \ h, C [
Infornography You're beyond being a healthy "infovore": acquiring and sharing information has become an addiction for you 7 c+ L8 E' B8 H- v0 r' X * k9 M, O7 M3 u# G2 Q0 H8 OYou Tube narcissism Not even your closest family want to see hours of your holiday videos2 z4 i! Y: ^& d% d5 L2 O
% p& U2 [0 |9 B& p" YGoogle-stalking Snooping online on old friends, colleagues or first dates J n' |$ F7 b- M
& p& R4 ]) E* \" d- L0 mMySpace impersonation Many of us pretend to be someone we're not when we are online, but some will pretend to be a well-known figure + u; o! a8 }* B' i/ ]9 f o9 x' \/ U/ o' K8 p0 RPowerpointlessness One too many flashy slides5 c9 V" X: ?. }% R
* `; a9 S# @8 F X
Photolurking Flicking through a photo album of someone you've never met 9 \) W* i! L/ l1 j6 ` @! r( x- {6 f4 J: e/ j
Wikipediholism Excessive devotion to a certain online collaborative encyclopedia. You can test whether you're an addict at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wik ... _Wikipediholic_Test