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標題: 11/25 DVD Forum Asia Conference 2008 & Verification Seminar Taipei [打印本頁]

作者: jiming    時間: 2008-11-20 11:02 AM
標題: 11/25 DVD Forum Asia Conference 2008 & Verification Seminar Taipei
時間: 20081125(), 900 AM – 525 PM 地點: 台北國賓大飯店 二樓 國際廳 主辦單位:DVD Forum、工業技術研究院(ITRI         協辦單位:經濟部技術處(MOEA/DOIT)、台灣資訊儲存技術協會(TISA  *活動宗旨DVD Forum Asia Conference 2008 & Verification Seminar Taipei」,訂於今年1125日假台北國賓飯店盛大舉行。此為國際DVD Forum委託工研院所舉辦的國際性活動,在台灣已持續舉辦到第十三屆,是全球光碟產業中重要的研討會之一。會中將邀請DVD Forum多位專家,以及相關業界廠商蒞臨,針對Network Download of Contents做專題探討。以及邀請大陸中國藍光高清光碟(CBHD)領域專家,來台介紹CBHD相關技術規格及推動現況,並進行交流。同時,今年會議結合Taiwan Verification Seminar一同舉辦,整天的研討會內容豐富,精采可期。歡迎各界人士把握機會,踴躍報名參加。誠摯邀請您一同蒞臨現場、參與盛會。

Time [td]Topic [td]Speaker
09:00-09:10 [td]Welcome Speech/Opening Remark of Asia Conference 2008 [td] Dr. Der-Ray HuangITRI
09:10-09:30 [td]DVD Forum Report [td] Dr. Hiroshi Kano (PCC Chair/Sanyo)
09:30-10:15 [td]TCG Report [td] Mr. Hisashi Yamada
(TCG  Chair/Toshiba)
10:15-10:30 [td]Tea/Coffee Break [td]
10:30-12:00 [td]
Panel Discussion Network Download of Contents [td] Coordinator:
Dr. Jau Huang (President /CyberLink)
Mr. Hisashi Yamada (TCG Chair/Toshiba)
Dr. C. Stone Shih (CEO/CMC GROUP DAWN TV  Technology Corp.)
Mr. Nan-Hung Lin (General Manager/CTV Infotech  Co., Ltd )
Mr. Ti-Fong Huang (Director/CHT)
Mr. Shoji Taniguchi (WG-6 Chair/Pioneer)
Dr. Taku Kato (Toshiba)
12:00-13:00 [td]Lunch and Demonstration [td]
13:00-13:25 [td]History of China HD DVD (CBHD) and Organization of CHDA, BOC [td] Prof. Lu Da (OMNERC)
13:25-13:50 [td]China HD DVD (CBHD) Specification [td] Ms. Tian Yujing
(Third Research Institute)
13:50-14:15 [td]CBHD Authoring System and Movie Disc Production [td] Mr. Hideki Ono (General Manager/ UOD Shanghai)
14:15-14:40 [td]CBHD Titles in China [td] Mr. Yan Hua
(China Record Corporation)
14:40-15:05 [td]Market status of CBHD and Introduction CBHD Product [td] Prof. Longfa Pan
15:05-15:15 [td]Q&A [td] All Speakers
15:15-15:30 [td]Break and Preparation to Verification Seminar [td]
15:30-15:35 [td]Opening Remark of Verification Seminar Taipei [td] Dr. Jon S. HsuITRI
15:35-16:00 [td]Introduction of VPC Activity (including TS development Overview ) [td] Mr. Sugaya
(VPC Co-Chair/Toshiba)
16:00-16:20 [td]DVD-Download Disc/Drive Verification and Introduction of Guideline [td] Mr. Chin-Sen Chen (SG6 Member/ITRI)
16:20-16:35 [td]DVD Format/Logo License [td] Mr. Inabayashi
16:35-17:00 [td]Organization and Verification of CHDA /BOC [td] Ms. Tian Yujing (Third Research Institute)
17:00-17:10 [td]Q&A [td] All speakers
17:10-17:25 [td]Closing Remarks [td] Mr. Sugaya (VPC Co-Chair/Toshiba)
Dr. Hiroshi  Kano (PCC Chair/Sanyo)
Dr. Jon S. Hsu (ITRI)

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