本會議提供了一個專業多元的學術-產業交流平台,聚集了各界頂尖學者與工程師,包含材料科學家、電子工程師、物理學者等,描繪未來『奈米能源科技』所在的跨領域之世界舞台。希望藉由這研討會將最新科技更快推向商業市場。無論是在學術界的莘莘學子或是產業界的科技先驅、或甚至是投資者,在此都能創造彼此的機會,並對產業與學術領域的研究與啟發有莫大的幫助。本研討會邀請 專題演講(Plenary Talk)講者包括Chennupati Jagadish教授(澳大利亞科學研究院副院長暨院士)與Paul Yu教授(前任加州大學聖地牙哥分校副校長與IEEE electron device society president),都是學術成就卓越的先鋒,同時都是從事與產業互動數十年的專業學會會士(澳洲科學院院士、APS, IEEE, OSA, SPIE等等)等。可讓奈米能源產業做出更多的碰撞。
The world’s top scientists and engineers will gather on May 13 to discuss the cutting-edge researches with broad reaching applications in Nano Energy, from LEDs, nanomaterials, energy storage, to photovoltaics, at National Taiwan University’s 2014 International Conference on Trend, Challenges, and Opportunities in Nano Energy.
In this workshop, we provide the forum to catalyze the world-class interdiciplinary nano energy by bringing together materials scientists, electrical engineers and physicists and facilitate translation of new technologies to the marketplace. No mater you are an engineer or a student, you may identify industries whose R&D align with and could benefit from the university’s research.
*The themes in the workshop all make that the attendees can become a world player in nano energy by understanding the recent technological progress and widespread market penetration of potential products. The themes that have been selected are fully in line with global megatrends. They are1) Nano Technology2) Energy Technology.